"This Old Haunted House" Volume 0 - Commentary [% I'm haphazard about maintaining my source code. I don't keep backups or use version control, and I've lost more than one computer that had irreplaceable files on it. As such, I only really had two games to contribute to the Source Code Amnesty event, and under the hood, they're almost identical: to make "This Old Haunted House", I took the source code from "THE EXIGENT SEASONS" and modified the text that the player sees. Other than a couple of minor structural changes, the two games use the same basic blueprints. I'm borrowing a convention from Ryan Veeder's published source code: comments I have added specifically for this public release will be prefixed with the '%' sign. Unless otherwise noted, remarks that do not start with % are original to either THE EXIGENT SEASONS or This Old Haunted House.] Volume I - The Game Source Book 1 - Metagame Management Part 1 - Bibliographic Data The story author is "Count Fibula". [% I used "C. Fibula" as my ID for laser tag. My spouse Julie sneered about what a useless bone the fibula is compared to the femur, ensuring I would continue using that ID every time we played from then on.] The story headline is "It's a Halloween extravaganza with special guests, the Property Boo-thers!". The story genre is "Fiction". The release number is 2. The story description is "Your show's normally a solo act, but co-ghosting's a nice change of pace." The story creation year is 2022. Use American dialect and the serial comma. Use scoring. Release along with cover art ("A pair of black and white ghosts with the game title overlaid."), an interpreter, and the source text. To say header style: (- glk_set_style( style_Header ); -). Rule for printing the banner text while the player is uneducated: say "[header style][story title][roman type][line break][fake headline]Created by [fake author][line break]Release [release number] / Serial number 221030 / Inform 7 build 6M62 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD[line break][first time]And here's our host: Bone Vila![line break][only]". To say fake headline: say "It's a Halloween extravaganza with special guests, the Property Boo-thers!". To say fake author: say "[one of]Russell Monster-Mash, with writing and programming by [or][stopping]Count Fibula[one of].[line break][italic type]A ghoul reads additional programming details almost too fast to follow:[roman type][or][stopping]". [% Not sure why, but I keep messing with the default banner and banner behavior in my games. At least glossing it to resemble TV credits like this is better than holding it until the end of the game. That seems like a real jerk move.] Part 2 - Extensions and Effects Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. Include Unicode Character Names by Graham Nelson. Rule for constructing the status line: center "[location]" at row 1; rule succeeds. The you-can-also-see rule does nothing. Part 3 - New Actions Fullscoring is an action out of world. Understand "full" and "fullscore" and "full score" as fullscoring. Report fullscoring: say "You've considered [score in words] total house configuration[s] out of a possible [maximum score in words] before finishing the episode."; carry out the Reciting Endings activity. Abouting is an action out of world. Understand "about" and "info" as abouting. Report abouting: say "Just to set your expectations, [italic type]This Old Haunted House[roman type] requires only a limited subset of commands to be completed. As host, it's your job to [bold type]WAIT[roman type] (or type [bold type]Z[roman type]) until Han describes the proposals that Hoary and Terry are presenting to you. Once they do, [bold type]TAKE[roman type] one of those proposals[one of][or] (or [bold type]TAKE NEITHER[roman type] to leave the room with minimal decoration, if you'd prefer for some reason)[stopping]. Finally, you can [bold type]LEAVE[roman type] whenever your producer has captured a satisfying outcome during the day's taping. (If you want your producer to recap the options for the current room, just [bold type]TALK[roman type] to him.) To track your progress, you can use [bold type]SCORE[roman type] for a simple count of the configurations you've discovered, or [bold type]FULLSCORE[roman type] for a more detailed list[one of].[or]. You may also prefer to obtain [bold type]HELP[roman type], get a [bold type]HINT[roman type], or if all else fails, you can [bold type]SUMMON[roman type] a Marketing analyst zombie: you can skip the grunt-work, and they'll always get you a configuration you haven't found yet, though there's no guarantee it's a good one.[stopping][line break]Please send me any feedback, bug reports, or transcripts to [bold type]count.fibula@gmail.com[roman type]. This is version 2 of the game, which was updated with new source remarks and public source code.". [% The smart thing to do would be to refer to the version number from within the ABOUT text. I didn't do that.] Crediting is an action out of world. Understand "credits" and "testers" as crediting. Report crediting: say "This game makes use of the following extensions:[line break][bold type][the complete list of extension credits][roman type][line break]I'd like to thank the [bold type]ECTOCOMP ORGANIZERS[roman type] for putting together the 2022 competition.[if the score is greater than 0] The bathroom set-piece was invented by [bold type]Chris Jones[roman type] for [italic type]Cragne Manor[roman type].[otherwise] One particular set-piece was borrowed from [bold type]another author[roman type] who I will not name at this moment.[end if] [paragraph break]Additional thanks go to [bold type]nettle[roman type], [bold type]Gate88[roman type], and [bold type]Zaratustra[roman type] for testing the original game from which this game was adapted.Similarly, if you find any bugs or would like to send me a transcript of your play session, please email [bold type]count.fibula@gmail.com[roman type].[paragraph break](You may also wish to read the [bold type]DEDICATION[roman type].)". Dedication is an action out of world. Understand "dedication" as dedication. Report dedication: say "[italic type][Story title][roman type] is dedicated to [bold type]you[roman type], since you decided to play it! Thank you!" Controversion is an action out of world. Understand "controversion" as controversion. Report controversion: say "[italic type][Story title][roman type] is controverted to [bold type]the developers of Final Fantasy XIV[roman type], whose work ensured this game was released much later than it might otherwise have been." Helping is an action out of world. Understand "help" and "walkthrough" and "walkthru" as helping. Report helping: say "Han's plan for the episode is that, for each room in the house, the boo-thers will present you with two proposals. While they're not opposites, they are mutually[one of] exclusive. Regardless[or] exclusive. (However, you're not [italic type]required[roman type] to choose one of the described proposals; you could instead select neither. This is necessary to obtain every potential house configuration result, but that's not necessarily optimal.) Regardless[stopping] of your selection, you'll proceed to the next room, and another pair of proposals. The selections you make will determine the overall tone of the house, and Han will conclude with an assessment of its appeal to [italic type]This Old Haunted House[roman type]'s audience. Obviously, you need to find the best overall assessment, but there are multiple ways of achieving that result.[paragraph break]Frequent players may prefer to abbreviate commands; for example, shorten 'TAKE HOARY'S PROPOSAL' to simply 'HOARY'.[paragraph break]If you're stuck getting the same assessments repeatedly, you can ask for a HINT[one of][or] or just SUMMON an analyst zombie to skip the proposals and obtain a random assessment instead[stopping]. You can TALK TO HAN to have him recap the options for the current room." [% In "THE EXIGENT SEASONS", I wanted the order of crises the player encountered to be presented in a random order, but this made less sense for the geographic concerns presented by "This Old Haunted House". XYZZY lets the player switch between these behaviors. I'm not sure why I thought it was important to prevent the toggle from occurring until every room had been seen once, though.] A person can be ordered, chaotic, or indeterminate. A person is usually indeterminate. Xyzzying is an action out of world. Understand "xyzzy" as xyzzying. Understand "plugh" as xyzzying. Understand "plover" as xyzzying. Carry out xyzzying: if the score is 0: say "[one of]Oh ho, you've thought of a frightful magical word! I bet signing something so unexpected will give Han a real jump, but you'll need to find the right time to deploy it. Better get some more filming done before you try it again[or]Soon, but not yet[stopping]."; otherwise: if the player is ordered: now the player is chaotic; say "Han [one of]jumps, dropping[or]drops[stopping] his notes in a big pile. '[one of]Look what you made me do! Now the scenes are going to be all out of order. It's fine, but editing this thing's going to be a real beast, you j[or]J[stopping]erk.'"; otherwise: now the player is ordered; say "The ghosts seem perplexed by your wiggling phalanges, but Han just ignores you, taking the time to get his scene notes back in order.". [% As I've documented elsewhere, these games originally started life as a "Which Magic: the Gathering color(s) are you?" quiz I'd designed around 2007. I found testing the endings a lot easier if could cross-reference choices and outcomes with the original color quiz, so I added magic words to accomplish that, and I left the command in the final version of the games as something to mention in the AMUSING text.] A person can be drowsy or undrowsy. When play begins, now the player is drowsy. Invoking is an action out of world. Understand "presto" as invoking. Understand "presto changeo" as invoking. Understand "abracadabra" as invoking. Understand "yzzyx" as invoking. Understand "hgulp" as invoking. Understand "revolp" as invoking. Understand "invoke name" as invoking. Understand "alakazam" as invoking. Understand "abra cadabra" as invoking. Understand "hocus pocus" as invoking. Understand "hey presto" as invoking. Understand "please" as invoking. Understand "thank you" as invoking. Carry out invoking: if the player is mundane: now the player is magical; say "Han [one of]startles you with a shout:[or]shouts:[stopping] 'Okay, folks, time to turn on our color-coding!'"; otherwise: now the player is mundane; say "Han shouts again: 'Color-coding is over!'[one of][or] With no other crew present, it's not clear who he's addressing.[or][stopping]". Check invoking while the player is drowsy: now the player is undrowsy; say "Han stops you. 'You've just signed the magic word. We have this unofficial color-coding process we can use that will simplify your job, but it might also ruin the magic a little bit? Once you see how this is all put together, it's kind of hard to un-see that.'[paragraph break]'Say the magic word again, and I'll augment the text with these added color-words. Say it a third time, and I'll remove the sheet and go back to normal. And so on.'"; stop the action. Understand "select [something]" as taking. Understand "choose [something]" as taking. Understand "pick [something]" as taking. Understand "accept [something]" as taking. Understand "confirm [something]" as taking. Understand "affirm [something]" as taking. Understand "lick [something]" as tasting. Instead of attacking something: say "You don't need to attack anything here; after all, you're already a skeleton." Instead of waking up: say "You don't sleep much anymore; after all, you're just a skeleton." Instead of entering something (called the chair): say "You're the presenter of this show! You can't project that kind of authority while slumped on [the chair]."; stop the action. Pacing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "pace" as pacing. Understand "walk" as pacing. Understand "stroll" as pacing. Understand "pace thoughtfully" as pacing. Understand "skip" as pacing. Understand "pace about" as pacing. Understand "pace around" as pacing. Understand "pace about the room" as pacing. Understand "pace around the room" as pacing. Understand "walk around" as pacing. Carry out pacing: say "You pace[one of][or] thoughtfully[or] ponderously[or] meaningfully[or] cautiously[or] carefully[or] studiously[or] vigorously[or] fiercely[or] valiantly[or] precariously[or] implacably[or][then purely at random]."; silently try waiting. Talking is an action applying to nothing. Understand "talk" as talking. Understand "sign" as talking. Understand "mime" as talking. Understand "pantomime" as talking. Accosting is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [something]" as accosting. Understand "sign to [something]" as accosting. Understand "mime to [something]" as accosting. Instead of accosting: try talking. Carry out talking: if the player is in the Present: if the printed name of the Present is not "On the set of THIS OLD HAUNTED HOUSE": say "Han restarts the scene. '[crisis summary of the Present]'[line break]"; stop the action; else: say "Han's fiddling with his notes, so he doesn't notice that you're trying to talk to him."; stop the action; else: say "Han's fiddling with his notes, so he doesn't notice that you're trying to talk to him."; stop the action. [% I made the player a skeleton just to get out of implementing conversation. It had additional benefits, though I think I forgot to provide actual detail for the player's body and equipment...] Instead of sleeping: say "You don't sleep much anymore; after all, you're just a skeleton." Instead of eating something: say "You don't sleep much anymore; after all, you're just a skeleton." Instead of taking inventory: say "You're just a skeleton wearing a toolbelt, a hard hat, and protective earphones." Instead of pushing something: say "You don't do any actual [italic type]work[roman type]-work on this program; you don't need to push anything." Instead of pulling something: say "You don't do any actual [italic type]work[roman type]-work on this program; you don't need to pull anything." Instead of turning something: say "You don't do any actual [italic type]work[roman type]-work on this program; you don't need to turn anything." Instead of cutting something: say "Contractors do all the actual cutting work before you arrive, so you don't need to cut anything." Instead of rubbing something: say "[one of]While the need to clean is understandable, y[or]Y[stopping]ou don't need to rub that." Instead of searching something: say "You don't need to search anything here." Instead of kissing something: say "[one of]You don't have that kind of relationship with anyone or anything in this room.[or]You don't need to kiss anything here.[stopping]" Instead of looking under something: say "You don't need to look under anything here." Instead of smelling: say "[one of]Without a respiratory system to inhale with, you'd think smelling to be impossible, but you do pick up a general aroma from any space you occupy. At the moment: notes of old wood.[or]An aroma of old wood.[or]An aroma of old wood.[or]An aroma of old wood.[or]Sorry, but it's always old wood around here.[or]An aroma of old wood.[stopping]" Instead of tasting something: say "Hard to do that without a tongue." Instead of jumping: say "[one of]The ceiling isn't so low that you'd risk hitting your head, but still: b[or]B[stopping]etter not." [% Here we get to the actions that comprise 90% of the player's activities! The verbs are again color-coded, and in "THE EXIGENT SEASONS", there are five separate actions, each of which is used in four of the ten crisis events. For "This Old Haunted House", we cut this down to two actions instead, but I left the old verbs in for some reason. In general, Hoary actions tend to be Blue, Black, and White, while Terry actions tend to be Red and Green.] Hoarying is an action applying to nothing. Understand "hoary" as hoarying. Understand "h" as hoarying. Terrying is an action applying to nothing. Understand "terry" as terrying. Understand "t" as terrying. Carry out hoarying: say "That's not one of the options currently available." Carry out terrying: say "That's not one of the options currently available." Whiting is an action applying to nothing. Understand "white" as whiting. Understand "justice" as whiting. Understand "democratic" as whiting. Understand "nobility" as whiting. Understand "coin purse" as whiting. Understand "coin" as whiting. Understand "purse" as whiting. Carry out whiting: say "That's not one of the options currently available." Bluing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "blue" as bluing. Understand "discovery" as bluing. Understand "literacy" as bluing. Understand "truth" as bluing. Understand "the lab" as bluing. Understand "lab" as bluing. Carry out bluing: say "That's not one of the options currently available." Blacking is an action applying to nothing. Understand "black" as blacking. Understand "autocratic" as blacking. Understand "ignorance" as blacking. Understand "surveillance" as blacking. Understand "demonstrative" as blacking. Understand "strict" as blacking. Understand "vision" as blacking. Carry out blacking: say "That's not one of the options currently available." Redding is an action applying to nothing. Understand "red" as redding. Understand "beauty" as redding. Understand "blindness" as redding. Understand "danger" as redding. Understand "peasantry" as redding. Carry out redding: say "That's not one of the options currently available." Greening is an action applying to nothing. Understand "green" as greening. Understand "conciliatory" as greening. Understand "safety" as greening. Understand "bread box" as greening. Understand "bread" as greening. Understand "box" as greening. Understand "the pyre" as greening. Understand "pyre" as greening. Understand "merciful" as greening. Understand "mercy" as greening. Carry out greening: say "That's not one of the options currently available." Pathing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "path" as pathing. Understand "final" as pathing. Carry out pathing: say "You consider the proposals you've seen so far." Neithering is an action applying to nothing. Understand "neither" as neithering. Understand "none" as neithering. Carry out neithering: say "That was a rhetorical question." Understand the command "no" as something new. Understand "no" as neithering. Observing is an action applying to nothing. [% For reasons that now escape me, I set the game up to shift the player to cycle back and forth between a couple of rooms, so it was important to create the illusion that they remain in one place. As such, I've replaced the default LOOK command.] Understand the command "look" as something new. Understand "look" as observing. Carry out observing: say "Physically, you're on the [italic type]This Old Haunted House[roman type] set. It's little more than a green screen. The Property Boo-thers and your producer Han are here[one of].[or]. (To have Han describe the current crisis again, you'll need to talk to him.)[stopping]" [% While building "THE EXIGENT SEASONS", I thought the player should try to intuit the behavior of the quiz and demonstrate mastery by getting specific outcomes. I didn't want them to just take the quiz once or twice, shrug, and put the game down. Rather than give the player motivation to do that, though, I tried to force the issue by making the victorious ending one in which the player got ALL possible outcomes. I must have realized that this was an absurd thing to demand, because I added a command to cheat... and then had the game chide the player for resorting to such measures. Unfortunate.] Cheating is an action applying to nothing. Understand "summon" or "summon an accountant" or "summon a zombie" or "cheat" or "ask Han about ending" or "ask for an ending" or "ask for ending" or "tell Han to read an ending" or "read an ending" or "ask Han about an ending" or "ask Han about layout" or "aks for a layout" or "ask for layout" or "tell Han to read a layout" or "read a layout" or "ask han about a configuration" or "read a configuration" or "ask for configuration" as cheating. A person can be blameless or befouled. When play begins, now the player is blameless. FootageCounter is a number that varies. EndingCounter is a number that varies. TCounter is a number that varies. HCounter is a number that varies. SoloCounter is a number that varies. DuoCounter is a number that varies. TripleCounter is a number that varies. QuadCounter is a number that varies. QuintCounter is a number that varies. TCounter is 0. HCounter is 0. SoloCounter is 0. DuoCounter is 0. TripleCounter is 0. QuadCounter is 0. QuintCounter is 0. To say SoloFound: now SoloCounter is 1. To say DuoFound: now DuoCounter is 1. To say TripleFound: now TripleCounter is 1. To say QuadFound: now QuadCounter is 1. To say QuintFound: now QuintCounter is 1. To say TFound: now TCounter is 1. To say HFound: now HCounter is 1. Every turn: let L2 be the list of paths; now FootageCounter is 0; now EndingCounter is TCounter + HCounter + SoloCounter + DuoCounter + TripleCounter + QuadCounter + QuintCounter; repeat with path-in-question running through L2: now FootageCounter is FootageCounter plus selectedness of path-in-question; if FootageCounter is 22: say "[first time]Han calls out from behind the camera. 'You guys are doing great, and don't let me interrupt you, but we've gotten all the footage we need for the majority of the episode. We just need to record your final reactions to different house configurations, and Marketing has prepped every configuration we haven't recorded yet. We can keep filming sequentially the way we've been doing so far, or at any point you can summon a Marketing zombie to skip straight to one possible final house configuration, and I can assemble a coherent narrative in editing. I don't love giving Marketing the satisfaction, but it may be faster to get configurations this way, if we can't find the outcome you want organically.'[only]". [% This is another symptom of my need for the player to develop a level of mastery before resorting to cheating. To do so, the player has to first ensure they've taken all ten of Hoary's paths and all ten of Terry's paths, and they also need to take neither path at least once. Or at least, that was my initial intent. I can't remember all the last-minute changes and adjustments I threw in before my first release.] Carry out cheating: let L1 be the list of unwitnessed endings; if the number of entries in L1 is 1 and Echeat is unwitnessed: say "[one of]The Marketing zombies won't answer your summons: you've captured every configuration possible.[or]The only thing left to do is leave.[stopping][line break]"; else: if the number of entries in L1 is 0: say "[one of]The Marketing zombies won't answer your summons: you've captured every configuration possible.[or]The only thing left to do is leave.[stopping][line break]"; else: if FootageCounter is less than 22: if FootageCounter is 21 and the selectedness of NEITHER is 0: say "[one of]Han stops you. 'We've got almost all the footage we need, but I haven't recorded you choosing to take NEITHER proposal yet. I only need to record this once, though, so once you do that, we can call on Marketing.' He signals for you to resume[or]Han shakes his head. 'Still need you to take neither proposal at least once!' Oh, right[stopping]."; otherwise: say "'We need more footage, man. You need to accept all of Hoary's proposals and all of Terry's proposals before we can just skip to the final reaction recordings.'[line break]"; else: now the player is befouled; say "[one of]In answer to your summons, a zombie analyst from Marketing trudges in with a clipboard for Han, who takes it with a nod. The zombie trudges back out without a word.[paragraph break]It [italic type]looks[roman type] like Han is studying the clipboard; it's hard to follow the line of sight for a guy with no head. [or]Another zombie, another clipboard. [stopping]Han reads the analysis[one of], which describes one possible configuration of the house you haven't encountered yet. He summarizes the vibes.[paragraph break][or] and gives an assessment.[paragraph break][stopping]"; sort L1 in random order; say "[bold type][entry 1 of L1][roman type][line break][initial appearance of entry 1 of L1][line break]"; now entry 1 of L1 is witnessed; now entry 1 of L1 is hinted; increase the score by 1; choose a blank row in the Table of Witnessed Endings; now the Ending Name entry is entry 1 of L1; now the Ending Score entry is the current rank of entry 1 of L1; now the Row Number entry is the score. [% Here's the hint system. Because I had to write so many sentences to fill out the hint system, the quality of those individual sentences suffered. At the same time, though, I put so much effort into writing all those sentences, I felt like I had to make sure they were seen! This is why "THE EXIGENT SEASONS" has Trev start giving you hints whether you've asked for them or not. If Han does the same thing, that's because he works almost exactly the way Trev did.] Hinting is an action applying to nothing. Understand "hint" or "clue" or "ask for a hint" or "ask for hint" or "ask for a clue" or "ask for clue" or "tell Han to give a hint" or "take hint" or "pray" or "say prayer" as hinting. Carry out hinting: Let L2 be the list of unwitnessed endings; if the number of entries in L2 is 0: say "[one of]Han is confused. 'We've exhausted the house configurations, Bone. There's no more need for hints.'[line break][or]Han sighs. '[first time]I don't know about you, but I'm done for the day. [only]It's time to leave.'[line break][stopping]"; else: let L3 be the list of unhinted endings; if the number of entries in L3 is greater than 0: sort L3 in random order; say "Han considers the house configurations[one of] you haven't yet achieved to provide you with an appropriate hint[or][stopping]. '[relevant hint of entry 1 of L3]'[line break]"; now entry 1 of L3 is hinted; else: sort L2 in random order; say "Han considers the house configurations[one of] you haven't yet achieved to provide you with an appropriate hint[or][stopping]. '[relevant hint of entry 1 of L2]'[line break]". [% This is the action to bring about the end of the game!] Disembarking is an action applying to nothing. Understand the command "leave" as something new. Understand "leave" as disembarking. A person can be sharp or unsharp. When play begins, now the player is unsharp. Carry out disembarking: Let L2 be the list of unwitnessed endings; if FootageCounter is less than 22: if the player is unsharp: say "Whether you've found the optimal configuration for the house or not, the fact remains that they gave you [italic type]unlimited studio time[roman type] for this episode. You shouldn't squander this opportunity by leaving the set before you've gone through a fair number of possible house configurations."; now the player is sharp; stop the action; else: say "You call it quits and leave the set. To heck with the editors['] need for enough shots to assemble the episode! To heck with the generosity of the shrouds upstairs! You've got places to be that aren't here!"; end the story saying "You are replaced by a conventionally-attractive spokesghoul the next season"; else: if the number of entries in L2 is greater than 1: if EndingCounter is less than 6: if the player is unsharp: say "Wait a moment. Are you sure you're ready to leave? You've recorded a few different configurations, but you still haven't found that perfect layout that true haunt-heads will rave about for years to come. Might want to think this through before you commit to leaving."; now the player is sharp; stop the action; else: say "Seeing you start to leave, Han dismisses the Property Boo-thers. 'That's a wrap. Great work today, everybody! Not sure whether we got there in the end, but the editors can figure something out.'"; end the story saying "The Halloween episode is BOOed by all the critics"; else: if the player is blameless: say "Seeing you start to leave, Han dismisses the Property Boo-thers. 'That's a wrap. Great work today, everybody! We've got great options for a through-line for our episode, and even better, Marketing never had to get involved!'"; end the story finally saying "They'll replay this episode each Halloween for years to come"; else: say "Seeing you start to leave, Han dismisses the Property Boo-thers. 'That's a wrap. Great work today, everybody! I had hoped we could avoid involving Marketing, but we got there in the end. Go get some rest, and have a great Halloween!'"; end the story finally saying "The show's a success, but rotting flesh triumphed over bone this day"; else: if the number of entries in L2 is greater than 0: say "[one of]Han stops you. 'I had hoped we could avoid involving Marketing. I had hoped we wouldn't need the details of every single possible configuration.' He sighs. 'We were not so lucky, and we now have every home configuration except for one. Since we're this close, they won't let me go until we get that last one. We'll probably just have to summon them.'[paragraph break][or]Han won't let you leave until you get the final configuration. You should summon a zombie.[stopping]"; stop the action; else: say "'Cut, wrap, that's it!' Han sounds exasperated. 'Good work. We got it all. [italic type]We got it all.[roman type] Try to think about anything else for the next couple of days.' He and the boo-thers make their way out, not waiting for you.[paragraph break]You try to follow, but you can't. Your bones won't move. You are a skeleton no longer: through your obsessive dedication to your craft, you have transmigrated your essence into that of a poltergeist, haunting [italic type]this very episode of television[roman type]."; end the story finally saying "You're trapped in a prison of your dedication to your craft". Book 2 - The Raw Materials Part 1 - Paths [So the way the game works is that there are ten randomized scenes representing the various crises the player must confront. In each of these crises, the player is given two paths to choose between. By taking one of these paths, we modify the score of the various potential endings the player will encounter after the last crisis is resolved. A note on scoring, because I'm pretty proud of how carefully I've balanced this: I got the numbers below by trying to decide how many questions are "meaningful" for any of the 32 possible outcomes. Since these are based on Magic color combinations, there are five single-color outcomes, ten two-color outcomes, ten three-color outcomes, five four-color outcomes, and one five-color outcome, as well as the colorless outcome. The ten questions are just a randomized presentation of each two-color pair (out of five colors total) and a request to confirm which the player prefers. As such, I determined the following: Of the five one-color outcomes, each outcome cares about four questions. (That color vs each of the other four.) Of the ten two-color outcomes, each outcome cares about six questions. (Color one vs the three colors not in the pair, and color two vs the same three colors.) Of the ten three-color outcomes, each outcome cares about six questions. (Color one vs the two colors not in the triad, color two vs the same two, and color three vs the same two.) Of the five four-color outcomes, each outcome cares about four questions. (Each of the four colors in the quad vs the one color not in the quad.) The five-color and colorless outcomes are special cases to be addressed momentarily. Based on those conclusions, I set the "target" for a perfect score at 24 points, which I then scaled up to 2400 to allow a little bit of probably-meaningless weighting; given a hypothetical tie, which a better mathematician could prove or disprove is even possible, I wanted the game to favor two-color outcomes over single-color outomes, which are themselves favored over three-color outcomes (arcs slightly over wedges, in Magic parlance), over four- and five-color outcomes. That's why the scoring isn't a uniform 400 or 600 points assigned to each ending. 7/25/21 UPDATE: I just gave the endings a default priority order so I could revert back to uniform scoring. For the colorless ending, I created a special "neither" path to give players the option to just not engage with a particular crisis. Using this too many times will get you the colorless ending, How many times is too many times? That will vary based on how focused the player is; haphazard and inconsistent answers will "neither" responses more likely to result in a colorless ending. The five-color ending, then, is somewhat the opposite. Using "neither" makes it nearly impossible to get the five-color ending, but you need to be deliberately balanced and avoid favoring one philosophy over another. I tried to adjust the scoring such that it's not necessary to be PERFECTLY balanced to get the ending, but it's still relatively rare unless you know what you're doing.] [% Paths are obects that correspond with the actions created in 1.1.3: "whiting", "bluing", "hoarying", "terrying". Those actions. During each decision scene, the three relevant actions cause the player to take one of three paths, which in turn increases the rank of a subset of outcomes (which I refer to as "endings" elsewhere). "Take Hoary's proposal" is a figurative expression, but here it works quite literally.] A path is a kind of thing with description "The proposal is exactly as Han described it[first time], so consider it well. (If you want Han to recap the proposals, try talking to him directly[only].". A path has a number called the selectedness. The selectedness of a path is usually 0. Rule for deciding whether all includes a path: it does not. [% After all ten decisions have been made, a few end-of-cycle operations need to occur, and I was having some trouble getting the timing to work out. I wound up just having the player stick around an extra turn before moving to the room to see their outcome. I suspect the mechanism I created to accomplish this was more cumbersome than needed, but basically, there's an intermediate room before the outcome is displayed with a path called FINAL in it, and waiting or taking FINAL moves you to the room with the outcome. I guess the code below supports that somehow.] Before taking a path (called the distantRoad) while the location of the player is not the Present: if the distantRoad is FINAL: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not one of the options currently available. (Please just wait for a moment.)" instead. [% The paths are color coded to list which two-color decision they're present within. The uppercase color is the path the player chose, while the lowercase color is the path the player declined. That selectedness number described above allows us to track to make sure every path is chosen before cheating is enabled.] WHITEblue is a path with printed name "Terry's proposal". Understand "terry" and "proposal" and "terry's proposal" and "terry's" and "terrys" and "t" and "the" and "path" and "white" and "justice" and "of" as WHITEblue. Instead of terrying while the location of WHITEblue is the Present: try taking WHITEblue. Instead of whiting while the location of WHITEblue is the Present: try taking WHITEblue. After taking WHITEblue: now the selectedness of WHITEblue is 1; increase the current rank of EW by 600; [590] [% I tried a few different score breakdowns to weight the likelihood of different outcomes, but I wound up switching back and forth between two different configurations. The comments here are for the unchosen configuration.] increase the current rank of EWB by 400; [400] increase the current rank of ERW by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EGW by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EWBR by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EBGW by 400; [380] increase the current rank of ERGW by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EBRGW by 560; [560] increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170] BLUEwhite is a path with printed name "Hoary's proposal". Understand "hoary" and "proposal" and "hoary's proposal" and "hoary's" and "hoarys" and "h" and "the" and "path" and "blue" and "of" and "discovery" as BLUEwhite. Instead of hoarying while the location of BLUEwhite is the Present: try taking BLUEwhite. Instead of bluing while the location of BLUEwhite is the Present: try taking BLUEwhite. After taking BLUEwhite: now the selectedness of BLUEwhite is 1; increase the current rank of EU by 600; [590] increase the current rank of EUB by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EUR by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EGU by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EUBR by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EURG by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EGUB by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EUBRG by 560; [560] increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170] WHITEblack is a path with printed name "Terry's proposal". Understand "terry" and "proposal" and "terry's proposal" and "terry's" and "terrys" and "t" and "the" and "path" and "white" and "democratic" as WHITEblack. Instead of terrying while the location of WHITEblack is the Present: try taking WHITEblack. Instead of whiting while the location of WHITEblack is the Present: try taking WHITEblack. After taking WHITEblack: now the selectedness of WHITEblack is 1; increase the current rank of EW by 600; [590] increase the current rank of EWU by 400; [400] increase the current rank of ERW by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EGW by 400; [400] increase the current rank of ERWU by 400; [380] increase the current rank of ERGW by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EGWU by 400; [385] increase the current rank of ERGWU by 560; [560] increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170] BLACKwhite is a path with printed name "Hoary's proposal". Understand "hoary" and "proposal" and "hoary's proposal" and "hoary's" and "hoarys" and "h" and "the" and "path" and "black" and "autocratic" as BLACKwhite. Instead of hoarying while the location of BLACKwhite is the Present: try taking BLACKwhite. Instead of blacking while the location of BLACKwhite is the Present: try taking BLACKwhite. After taking BLACKwhite: now the selectedness of BLACKwhite is 1; increase the current rank of EB by 600; [590] increase the current rank of EUB by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EBR by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EBG by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EUBR by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EBRG by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EGUB by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EUBRG by 560; [560] increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170] BLUEblack is a path with printed name "Hoary's proposal". Understand "hoary" and "proposal" and "hoary's proposal" and "hoary's" and "hoarys" and "h" and "the" and "path" and "blue" and "of" and "literacy" as BLUEblack. Instead of hoarying while the location of BLUEblack is the Present: try taking BLUEblack. Instead of bluing while the location of BLUEblack is the Present: try taking BLUEblack. After taking BLUEblack: now the selectedness of BLUEblack is 1; increase the current rank of EU by 600; [590] increase the current rank of EWU by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EUR by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EGU by 400; [400] increase the current rank of ERWU by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EURG by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EGWU by 400; [385] increase the current rank of ERGWU by 560; [560] increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170] BLACKblue is a path with printed name "Terry's proposal". Understand "terry" and "proposal" and "terry's proposal" and "terry's" and "terrys" and "t" and "the" and "path" and "black" and "of" and "ignorance" as BLACKblue. Instead of terrying while the location of BLACKblue is the Present: try taking BLACKblue. Instead of blacking while the location of BLACKblue is the Present: try taking BLACKblue. After taking BLACKblue: now the selectedness of BLACKblue is 1; increase the current rank of EB by 600; [590] increase the current rank of EWB by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EBR by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EBG by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EWBR by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EBRG by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EBGW by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EBRGW by 560; [560] increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170] BLUEred is a path with printed name "Hoary's proposal". Understand "hoary" and "proposal" and "hoary's proposal" and "hoary's" and "hoarys" and "h" and "the" and "path" and "blue" and "of" and "truth" as BLUEred. Instead of hoarying while the location of BLUEred is the Present: try taking BLUEred. Instead of bluing while the location of BLUEred is the Present: try taking BLUEred. After taking BLUEred: now the selectedness of BLUEred is 1; increase the current rank of EU by 600; [590] increase the current rank of EWU by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EUB by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EGU by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EWUB by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EGUB by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EGWU by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EGWUB by 560; [560] increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170] REDblue is a path with printed name "Terry's proposal". Understand "terry" and "proposal" and "terry's proposal" and "terry's" and "terrys" and "t" and "the" and "path" and "red" and "of" and "beauty" as REDblue. Instead of terrying while the location of REDblue is the Present: try taking REDblue. Instead of redding while the location of REDblue is the Present: try taking REDblue. After taking REDblue: now the selectedness of REDblue is 1; increase the current rank of ER by 600; [590] increase the current rank of ERW by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EBR by 400; [400] increase the current rank of ERG by 400; [400] increase the current rank of ERGW by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EWBR by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EBRG by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EBRGW by 560; [560] increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170] BLACKred is a path with printed name "Hoary's proposal". Understand "hoary" and "proposal" and "hoary's proposal" and "hoary's" and "hoarys" and "h" and "the" and "path" and "black" and "of" and "vision" as BLACKred. Instead of hoarying while the location of BLACKred is the Present: try taking BLACKred. Instead of blacking while the location of BLACKred is the Present: try taking BLACKred. After taking BLACKred: now the selectedness of BLACKred is 1; increase the current rank of EB by 600; [590] increase the current rank of EWB by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EUB by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EBG by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EBGW by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EWUB by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EGUB by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EGWUB by 560; [560] increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170] REDblack is a path with printed name "Terry's proposal". Understand "terry" and "proposal" and "terry's proposal" and "terry's" and "terrys" and "t" and "the" and "path" and "red" and "of" and "blindness" as REDblack. Instead of terrying while the location of REDblack is the Present: try taking REDblack. Instead of redding while the location of REDblack is the Present: try taking REDblack. After taking REDblack: now the selectedness of REDblack is 1; increase the current rank of ER by 600; [590] increase the current rank of ERW by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EUR by 400; [400] increase the current rank of ERG by 400; [400] increase the current rank of ERGW by 400; [385] increase the current rank of ERWU by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EURG by 400; [380] increase the current rank of ERGWU by 560; [560] increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170] BLACKgreen is a path with printed name "Hoary's proposal". Understand "hoary" and "proposal" and "hoary's proposal" and "hoary's" and "hoarys" and "h" and "the" and "strict" and "path" and "black" as BLACKgreen. Instead of hoarying while the location of BLACKgreen is the Present: try taking BLACKgreen. Instead of blacking while the location of BLACKgreen is the Present: try taking BLACKgreen. After taking BLACKgreen: now the selectedness of BLACKgreen is 1; increase the current rank of EB by 600; [590] increase the current rank of EWB by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EUB by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EBR by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EWUB by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EUBR by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EWBR by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EWUBR by 560; [560] increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170] GREENblack is a path with printed name "Terry's proposal". Understand "terry" and "proposal" and "terry's proposal" and "terry's" and "terrys" and "t" and "the" and "merciful" and "path" and "green" as GREENblack. Instead of terrying while the location of GREENblack is the Present: try taking GREENblack. Instead of greening while the location of GREENblack is the Present: try taking GREENblack. After taking GREENblack: now the selectedness of GREENblack is 1; increase the current rank of EG by 600; [590] increase the current rank of EGW by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EGU by 400; [400] increase the current rank of ERG by 400; [400] increase the current rank of ERGW by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EGWU by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EURG by 400; [380] increase the current rank of ERGWU by 560; [560] increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170] REDgreen is a path with printed name "Terry's proposal". Understand "terry" and "proposal" and "terry's proposal" and "terry's" and "terrys" and "t" and "the" and "path" and "of" and "danger" and "red" as REDgreen. Instead of terrying while the location of REDgreen is the Present: try taking REDgreen. Instead of redding while the location of REDgreen is the Present: try taking REDgreen. After taking REDgreen: now the selectedness of REDgreen is 1; increase the current rank of ER by 600; [590] increase the current rank of ERW by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EUR by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EBR by 400; [400] increase the current rank of ERWU by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EWBR by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EUBR by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EWUBR by 560; [560] increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170] GREENred is a path with printed name "Hoary's proposal". Understand "hoary" and "proposal" and "hoary's proposal" and "hoary's" and "hoarys" and "h" and "the" and "path" and "of" and "safety" and "green" as GREENred. Instead of hoarying while the location of GREENred is the Present: try taking GREENred. Instead of greening while the location of GREENred is the Present: try taking GREENred. After taking GREENred: now the selectedness of GREENred is 1; increase the current rank of EG by 600; [590] increase the current rank of EGW by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EGU by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EBG by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EGWU by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EGUB by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EBGW by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EGWUB by 560; [560] increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170] REDwhite is a path with printed name "Terry's proposal". Understand "terry" and "proposal" and "terry's proposal" and "terry's" and "terrys" and "t" and "the" and "path" and "of" and "peasantry" and "red" as REDwhite. Instead of terrying while the location of REDwhite is the Present: try taking REDwhite. Instead of redding while the location of REDwhite is the Present: try taking REDwhite. After taking REDwhite: now the selectedness of REDwhite is 1; increase the current rank of ER by 600; [590] increase the current rank of EUR by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EBR by 400; [400] increase the current rank of ERG by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EBRG by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EUBR by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EURG by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EUBRG by 560; [560] increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170] WHITEred is a path with printed name "Hoary's proposal". Understand "hoary" and "proposal" and "hoary's proposal" and "hoary's" and "hoarys" and "h" and "the" and "path" and "of" and "nobility" and "white" as WHITEred. Instead of hoarying while the location of WHITEred is the Present: try taking WHITEred. Instead of whiting while the location of WHITEred is the Present: try taking WHITEred. After taking WHITEred: now the selectedness of WHITEred is 1; increase the current rank of EW by 600; [590] increase the current rank of EWU by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EWB by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EGW by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EGWU by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EWUB by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EBGW by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EGWUB by 560; [560] increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170] GREENwhite is a path with printed name "Terry's proposal". Understand "terry" and "proposal" and "terry's proposal" and "terry's" and "terrys" and "t" and "the" and "path" and "of" and "bread" and "box" and "green" as GREENwhite. Instead of terrying while the location of GREENwhite is the Present: try taking GREENwhite. Instead of greening while the location of GREENwhite is the Present: try taking GREENwhite. After taking GREENwhite: now the selectedness of GREENwhite is 1; increase the current rank of EG by 600; [590] increase the current rank of EGU by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EBG by 400; [400] increase the current rank of ERG by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EBRG by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EGUB by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EURG by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EUBRG by 560; [560] increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170] WHITEgreen is a path with printed name "Hoary's proposal". Understand "hoary" and "proposal" and "hoary's proposal" and "hoary's" and "hoarys" and "h" and "the" and "path" and "of" and "coin" and "purse" and "white" as WHITEgreen. Instead of hoarying while the location of WHITEgreen is the Present: try taking WHITEgreen. Instead of whiting while the location of WHITEgreen is the Present: try taking WHITEgreen. After taking WHITEgreen: now the selectedness of WHITEgreen is 1; increase the current rank of EW by 600; [590] increase the current rank of EWU by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EWB by 400; [400] increase the current rank of ERW by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EWUB by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EWBR by 400; [380] increase the current rank of ERWU by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EWUBR by 560; [560] increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170] GREENblue is a path with printed name "Terry's proposal". Understand "terry" and "proposal" and "terry's proposal" and "terry's" and "terrys" and "t" and "the" and "path" and "of" and "pyre" and "green" as GREENblue. Instead of terrying while the location of GREENblue is the Present: try taking GREENblue. Instead of greening while the location of GREENblue is the Present: try taking GREENblue. After taking GREENblue: now the selectedness of GREENblue is 1; increase the current rank of EG by 600; [590] increase the current rank of EGW by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EBG by 400; [400] increase the current rank of ERG by 400; [400] increase the current rank of ERGW by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EBRG by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EBGW by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EBRGW by 560; [560] increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170] BLUEgreen is a path with printed name "Hoary's proposal". Understand "hoary" and "proposal" and "hoary's proposal" and "hoary's" and "hoarys" and "h" and "the" and "path" and "of" and "lab" and "blue" as BLUEgreen. Instead of hoarying while the location of BLUEgreen is the Present: try taking BLUEgreen. Instead of bluing while the location of BLUEgreen is the Present: try taking BLUEgreen. After taking BLUEgreen: now the selectedness of BLUEgreen is 1; increase the current rank of EU by 600; [590] increase the current rank of EWU by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EUB by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EUR by 400; [400] increase the current rank of EWUB by 400; [385] increase the current rank of EUBR by 400; [385] increase the current rank of ERWU by 400; [380] increase the current rank of EWUBR by 560; [560] increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170] NEITHER is a path with printed name "neither path". Understand "neither" and "path" and "both" and "all" as NEITHER. After taking NEITHER: now the selectedness of NEITHER is 1; increase the current rank of Enone by 250. [250] Instead of neithering while the location of NEITHER is the Present: try taking NEITHER. Carry out taking a path (called the route): say "You [one of]signal that[or]indicate that[or]sign that[or]indicate to the camera that[or]confirm that[or]pantomime that[as decreasingly likely outcomes] you'll accept [the route][one of] with a nod[or][or]. The ghosts circle each other in affirmation[or][or][or] with a nod[or]. The boo-thers bob their acknowledgment of your choice[or][or][or], without question[or][or], and everyone seems satisfied[or]. Confirmed[or][or], and the other boo-ther wilts dramatically[or] by pointing with both fingers before clapping once[as decreasingly likely outcomes]." Part 2 - Endings Chapter 1 - The List [% Again, these are the outcomes obtained after making ten decisions, not true "game" endings. Writing up these outcomes was the second-hardest part of each game. The hardest part was writing commentary from Trev/Hal, which is why neither guy has unique dialogue that will last for the entire game when a player obtains all 33 outcomes. Just like the paths above, the endings here are all objects that get shuffled between rooms.] An ending is a kind of thing with description "This (old) haunted house might [italic type]seem[roman type] to be capable of anything. This is an illusion. In truth, there are only thirty-three vibes it could exhibit, and this is one of them.". An ending has a number called the current rank. The current rank of an ending is usually 0. An ending has some text called the relevant hint. An ending can be witnessed or unwitnessed. An ending is usually unwitnessed. An ending can be hinted or unhinted. An ending is usually unhinted. A person can be magical or mundane. A person is usually mundane. EW is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]White: [end if]HOARY'S HOUSE OF HAUNTED AIRS". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[SoloFound][HFound][Hoary-finding]. This layout falls under category number one with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EW is "[one of]We could try avoiding all specific theming in favor of only providing creepy audiovisual effects, I guess? See if that's a thing?[or]We still need to go big on pure atmospherics with no other theming or costly effects.[stopping]". EU is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Blue: [end if]HOARY'S HOUSE OF COSMIC HORROR". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[SoloFound][HFound][Hoary-finding]. This layout falls under category number two with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EU is "[one of]Pretty sure Hoary goes for those cosmic, unknowable nightmares beyond space and time. You could just indulge him.[or]Pick only the supernatural horror stuff. Try taking neither proposal if there isn't such a proposal available.[stopping]". EB is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Black: [end if]AN EXPENSIVE HOUSE, IF NOTHING ELSE". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[SoloFound]So I admit that this is flashy, but it's a bit of a problem. [italic type]This Old Haunted House[roman type] was based on the idea that these were techniques anybody could use: yes, a setup this expensive will start conversations, but we're not really being true to our roots if we don't balance this out in a broader, more thematic context. Good footage, though. This layout falls under category number three with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EB is "[one of]We haven't done the one that's all set-piece, no actual theme yet, have we?[or]Try only picking the most expensive proposals. If no such option exists, take neither.[stopping]". ER is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Red: [end if]TERRY'S HOUSE OF BLOODY TERROR". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[SoloFound][TFound][Terry-finding]. This layout falls under category number four with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of ER is "[one of]Some of Terry's ideas can be a little bloodthirsty, but have you tried just picking those options yet?[or]Ignore any proposal that won't go big on the fake blood and guts.[stopping]". EG is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Green: [end if]TERRY'S HOUSE OF TRADITIONAL HALLOWEEN". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[SoloFound][TFound][Terry-finding]. This layout falls under category number five with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EG is "[one of]We still haven't come up with a configuration that screams [']classic Halloween tropes['] yet.[or]Try only picking Terry's traditionalist suggestions. There are just four of them.[stopping]". EWU is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]White-Blue: [end if]HOARY'S HOUSE OF HORRIFIC VIBES". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[DuoFound][HFound][Hoary-finding]. This layout falls under category number six with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EWU is "[one of]Hoary's two preferences are [']supernatural horror['] and [']raw atmospherics[']. See if you can maximize those two elements.[or]Just don't pick gory scenes, expensive set-pieces, or anything Hoary might consider clichéd.[stopping]". EWB is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]White-Black: [end if]A PREMIUM HOUSE OF HAUNTED AIRS". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[DuoFound]Atmospheric, yet expensive. Interesting! Not really my thing, though. We need more variety than this for the kind of audiences we attract. This layout falls under category number seven with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EWB is "[one of]We haven't done a premium atmospheric house yet! Spend big, but spend subtly.[or]You have to balance the high-cost setpieces with subtle atmospherics.[stopping]". EUB is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Blue-Black: [end if]A PREMIUM HOUSE OF COSMIC HORROR". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[DuoFound]Another classic Hoary approach with just a dash of expensive effects. This is alright, but we prefer the project to result in a house with a bit more broad appeal than this. This layout falls under category number eight with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EUB is "[one of]We could do a more expensive house with just cosmic horror theming, I guess.[or]Have you thought about just taking each of Hoary's proposals?[stopping]". EUR is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Blue-Red: [end if]A HOUSE OF ALIENATED ANATOMISTS". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[DuoFound]I love the story here: driven mad by knowledge beyond mankind's reckoning, the homeowners can now only express themselves through murders! I like how both of the boo-thers['] tastes are represented here. Still, this needs... something. Something more. This layout falls under category number nine with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EUR is "[one of]Try combining Hoary and Terry's favorite themes.[or]Ignore options which are neither blood-and-gore nor horrors-beyond-comprehension.[stopping]". EBR is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Black-Red: [end if]A PREMIUM HOUSE OF BLOODY TERROR". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[DuoFound]Splatterhouse-style horror has a [']cheap['] reputation, so it's not a bad idea to pair it up with fancy setpieces like you've done here. This is the kind of haunted house I used to design when I was first starting out, but these days, I feel like maybe we need something a bit deeper? This layout falls under category number ten with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EBR is "[one of]We could combine Terry's knack for scenes with bloodshed with a focus on more expensive features, and really focus on those two elements.[or]Ignore any of Hoary's proposals that aren't expensive. Always take Terry's gory suggestions, unless there's an expensive option available.[stopping]". EBG is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Black-Green: [end if]A PREMIUM HOUSE OF TRADITIONAL HALLOWEEN". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[DuoFound]Some of Terry's biggest critics call his work [']bland['] and [']clichéd['], but is it enough to overawe them with major effects investments like this? It can be impressive, I grant, but I just don't think this is broad enough. This layout falls under category number eleven with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EBG is "[one of]Try combining traditionalist elements with fancier stuff like that piano or the spooky space bathroom.[or]Just don't accept any gory proposals, or comic horror proposals, or proposals that are little more than sound effects and creepy lighting.[stopping]". ERG is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Red-Green: [end if]TERRY'S HOUSE OF CLASSICAL CARNAGE". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[DuoFound][TFound][Terry-finding]. This layout falls under category number twelve with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of ERG is "[one of]See if you can balance Terry's two primary tastes while excluding everything else![or]Maximize bloodstains. Maximize vampires. Maximize graveyards. Maximize zombies. Maximize cannibals. Maximize weird dolls and stuff like that.[stopping]". ERW is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Red-White: [end if]A HOUSE OF BEAUTIFUL BLOODSHED". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[DuoFound]Ooh, I like how this one builds up tension with anticipatory creepiness, and then the sharp punctuation of cannibals! Murder! Blood! Gore! It's a reliable pairing, if admittedly a little pedestrian in the haunted house game. We could use something a bit more sophisticated. This layout falls under category number thirteen with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of ERW is "[one of]If we can pair simple atmospheric effects with the more concrete viscera of your typical horror movie, and if we can do it without spending a lot on costly special effects, I think we'll have something really special.[or]Just pick Terry's four bloodiest proposals, three proposals that are purely atmospheric, and take neither option in the three remaining choices containing neither of these elements.[stopping]". EGW is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Green-White: [end if]A HOUSE OF FAMILIAR FRIGHTS". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[DuoFound]Gotta admit, this one kind of stumps me. I guess it's [']familiar['] because of Terry's tropes, which means the [']frights['] are Hoary's spooky music? This isn't really my thing, but I bet we can still make use of this footage. Somehow. This layout falls under category number fourteen with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EGW is "[one of]See if you can pick out just the atmospheric choices and those with a more classical Halloween approach.[or]No psychohorror, no blood-terror, no spectacular showstoppers.[stopping]". EGU is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Green-Blue: [end if]A HOUSE OF OLD-WORLD MADNESS". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[DuoFound]Now this one I like. Terry's bringing his old-school Halloween tropes, and Hoary goes [italic type]ancient[roman type]-school monstrosities forgotten by time. Wouldn't mind if it had a bit more bite, though. This layout falls under category number fifteen with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EGU is "[one of]You can marry Hoary's cosmic frights with the icons of Halloweens past and obtain a layout we haven't achieved yet.[or]Favor tradition as well as psychological horror, and ignore everything else. Remember that the space bathroom is too costly and esoteric to help with this: you should take neither proposal in the bathroom.[stopping]". EWUB is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]White-Blue-Black: [end if]A PREMIUM HOUSE OF HORRIFIC VIBES". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[TripleFound]This is almost a Hoary special, but the effects are getting fancier! Kind of one-sided, but we're on the right track. This layout falls under category number sixteen with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EWUB is "[one of]There are four rooms that include an option to increase atmospherics: the front lawn, the hallway, the guest bedroom, and the bathroom. You may want to keep this in mind.[or]For one of these layouts, you need to avoid picking options that could be seen as [']cliché['] or [']biologically explicit['] and instead pick a variety of other elements.[or]Choose the opposite proposal whenever one of Terry's slasher options or traditionalist options appears.[stopping]". EUBR is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Blue-Black-Red: [end if]A PREMIUM HOUSE OF ALIENATED ANATOMISTS". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[TripleFound]Fantastic set-pieces complement the tale of brutal bloodshed and the madness brought about thereby. Sorry, I'm getting carried away, but I like what we're doing here. We need more. This layout falls under category number seventeen with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EUBR is "[one of]See if you can get both cosmic horror and bloody terror in the mix, but don't sacrifice major attractions to do so.[or]Try choosing the opposite choice when atmospheric or classic Halloween proposals appear.[or]Take the opposite proposal whenever you see one that would make it more atmospheric or traditional, and if neither of those options appear, take neither option instead.[stopping]". EBRG is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Black-Red-Green: [end if]A PREMIUM HOUSE OF CLASSICAL CARNAGE". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[TripleFound]Here we have Terry's topics du jour, rendered lovingly with the assistance of some truly top-knotch technical wizardry. Extremely solid stuff, but we can't just leave Hoary hanging like this. This layout falls under category number eighteen with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EBRG is "[one of]If you haven't already realized, we have four really expensive effects available to us. These effects are Terry's full haunting in the entryway, Hoary's grand piano in the dining room, Hoary's name-brand animatronic in the child's room, and Hoary's space bathroom overhaul, which was already plenty pricy even without the boneless horse-demon he wanted to include.[or]I think you need to maximize Terry's preferred themes while still investing in those premium effects that will get people talking.[or]When provided with a supernatural horror or simple sound-effects package, take the opposite proposal. Ignore all choices that don't have one of those options in the mix.[stopping]". ERGW is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Red-Green-White: [end if]A HOUSE OF MONSTERS". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[TripleFound]This is a TRULY classical setup, ghosts and ghouls, blood and guts, the works. Seems like all the haunted houses I visited as a kid were just like this one. We're not kids anymore, though, are we?' It is unclear if the boo-thers were ever kids in the first place. Han doesn't stop. 'No, we're not kids, so we need a little more sophistication. Great stuff, though. This layout falls under category number nineteen with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of ERGW is "[one of]Terry's bloodthirst is expressed in four rooms: the parlor, the dining room, the kitchen, and the guest room[or]One configuration we have yet to achieve involves avoiding anything psychological or expensive.[or]Avoid taking proposals that could be seen as cosmic horror or expensive set-pieces, and balance your use of options that are atmospheric, traditional, or excessively visceral.[stopping]". EGWU is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Green-White-Blue: [end if]A HOUSE OF NIGHTMARES". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[TripleFound]We've got visions of beasts and dreams of evil. It's all a little esoteric; sort of a thinking-man's haunted house, if that thinking man doesn't feel any particular need to be wowed. It's not bad; it's just not really my wheelhouse, y'know? This layout falls under category number twenty with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EGWU is "[one of]Some of these proposals are intended in a spirit of classical traditionalism. These include the graveyard on the lawn, the chainsaw/zombie dyad in the parlor, the marrionettes and dolls in the child's room, and the vampire's den in the master bedroom.[or]I kind of like the approach where we take Terry's traditionalism and gird it with both atmospherics and otherworldly horror.[or]Gotta balance your choices while voting against bloodshed and expensive effects.[stopping]". EWBR is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]White-Black-Red: [end if]A PREMIUM HOUSE OF BEAUTIFUL BLOODSHED". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[TripleFound]Hoary and Terry have composed magnificent music, and we're supplying one heck of a sound-stage! That's what I'd like to say, but this feels a little thin. Yeah, Terry's timpany of travesty is at its bloodiest best, and Hoary's harpsichord of Hitchcockian melodrama mandates a maudlin mood, and we've accompanied with expensive aplomb. It's not enough. It needs [bold type]more.[roman type] This layout falls under category number twenty-one with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EWBR is "[one of]Get atmospheric, get bloodthirsty, and get paid. Er, I mean you need to pick expensive effects and balance out the boo-thers preferences I just mentioned.[or]Avoid taking proposals for unfathomable nightmares or predictable tropes; balance the rest of your efforts.[stopping]". EURG is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Blue-Red-Green: [end if]A HOUSE OF VISCERA". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[TripleFound]It breaks my heart to say a bad word about this house design. If it were solely up to me, it would be perfect: you've got the esoteric nightmares of supernatural horror balanced against the raw violence of your classical Halloween threats. You shouldn't need costly gadgets and mood-setting intermissions when the invidual elements play off one another so well. Sadly, this doesn't quite use Hoary to his full potential, and it just doesn't play as well on television. Still: it's a winner to me. This layout falls under category number twenty-two with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EURG is "[one of]My own taste in terror runs closer to Terry's: I love both slasher flicks and the classics, but I can definitely get into Hoary's otherworldly horror stuff. Could we put together a configuration that balances all three elements?[or]Choose the opposite proposal rather than something expensive or purely atmospheric.[stopping]". EBGW is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Black-Green-White: [end if]A PREMIUM HOUSE OF FAMILIAR FRIGHTS". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[TripleFound]This one's kind of a dud in my book, but houses like this have won some success in the market: you've got the expected Halloween monsters, plenty of special effects and moody sights and sounds... it's all very main-stream. It lacks the heady appeal of cosmic horror or the hearty goodness of guts and blood. I'll use the material regardless. This layout falls under category number twenty-three with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EBGW is "[one of]For one of the styles we need to capture, we should balance both boo-thers['] second-favorite themes, and we should also add some fancy set-pieces.[or]Take the opposite choice when presented with the option to go with gross-out body horror or anything paranatural.[stopping]". ERWU is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Red-White-Blue: [end if]A HOUSE OF ABOMINATIONS". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[TripleFound]It's a Hoary-heavy house with both frightful vibes and supernatural scares, but Terry's cut-up bodies make for a nice complement. We're on the right track here, but don't be afraid to spend money: we're in the big leagues. We don't have to prove anything by shying away from familiar tropes. This layout falls under category number twenty-four with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of ERWU is "[one of]One outcome requires us to minimize both traditionalism and the price of of our tickets.[or]Avoid proposals for classic tropes or the expensive set pieces. Balance your picks otherwise.[stopping]". EGUB is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Green-Blue-Black: [end if]A PREMIUM HOUSE OF OLD-WORLD MADNESS". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[TripleFound]You've got the menace of mean ol' monsters on one hand, and the existential terror of inimical alien intelligences on the other, but our high budget for badassery should smooth over any thematic whiplash the house inflicts, I guess. This layout falls under category number twenty-five with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EGUB is "[one of]We need cosmic horror, and we need it to be accompanied by reliable Halloween standbys and the fanciest tricks money can buy.[or]Maintain low values of vibes and violence by choosing the opposite proposal whenever you can and skipping the rest.[stopping]". EWUBR is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]White-Blue-Black-Red: [end if]AN AVANT-GARDE HAUNTED HOUSE". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[QuadFound]This is a very comprehensive house, though I should point out the relative absence of any expected Halloween figures can make it feel like it's trying too hard. We can pull it off, though it's not quite what I'd consider perfect. This layout falls under category number twenty-six with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EWUBR is "[one of]We're missing a layout in which we abandon anything predictable or traditional and instead max out all other options.[or]When given the option to depict traditional Halloween elements, take the opposite choice; otherwise, take neither.[stopping]". EUBRG is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Blue-Black-Red-Green: [end if]AN IN-YOUR-FACE HAUNTED HOUSE". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[QuadFound]It looks like we're going for a-scare-a-minute with this one, fellas. There's no mood lighting, no vibe-setting, just fright, shriek, thrill, scream, one after another after another after another. This can work with the right touch, but the middlebrow critic will sneer at what he considers to be a novice-level haunted house flaw. We may want to reconsider. This layout falls under category number twenty-seven with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EUBRG is "[one of]For this one, you need to always vote against pure atmosphere. You should evenly distribute your other selections between elements.[or]Always vote against the atmospheric options. Skip the rest[stopping]". EBRGW is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Black-Red-Green-White: [end if]A DOWN-TO-EARTH HAUNTED HOUSE". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[QuadFound]Look, I know that cosmic horror is kind of played out these days. It's not a coincidence that we strictly avoid certain names on this program! You don't have to sell me on this! But in the haunted house context, it is (if anything) under-utilized, and this house is a perfect illustration of how that happens. I know it's not for everyone, but I think we're gonna need a little bit of that astral nightmare energy if we want the perfect house. This layout falls under category number twenty-eight with a score of [current rank] points.'". The relevant hint of EBRGW is "[one of]Have you tried just minimizing supernatural horror yet and letting everything else have some space? It looks like you haven't.[or]Take the opposite proposal when you have the opportunity to include one of Hoary's cosmic frights, but note that the bathroom doesn't count. Take neither proposal there, and anywhere else the cosmic horror stuff doesn't show up.[stopping]". ERGWU is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Red-Green-White-Blue: [end if]AN ENTRY-LEVEL HAUNTED HOUSE". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[QuadFound]Look at this: Hoary's hateful hobbies are in the house, and Terry's troubling tastes tower at every turn. It's just a shame there are no show-stoppers to really wow the viewers at home! It's like we barely spent any money; a pack of kids could make this! We've gotta make something more astonishing than this, Bone. This layout falls under category number twenty-nine with a score of [current rank] points.'". The relevant hint of ERGWU is "[one of]Hoary and Terry each have two themes they love. That's a total of four themes: if you balance them without letting any expensive props or fancy effects getting in the way, you can put together a perfectly serviceable haunted house.[or]You've got to minimize the expensive effects while balancing everything else.[stopping]". EGWUB is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Green-White-Blue-Black: [end if]A SAFE-FOR-THE-SQUEAMISH HAUNTED HOUSE". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[QuadFound]Lots of houses are going this way lately, I think. They've got the slow build-ups, the wind-downs, the jump scares and the lingering dreads, but they're laying off the splatter effects. Great places to take your kids or your grandparents, I suppose. That's fine for the haunted houses in our viewers neighborhoods, but they're not [bold type]visiting[roman type] the house we're making, they're [bold type]seeing how we make it[roman type]. Do people tune in to cooking shows to watch chefs prepare vegan meals? No! They want meat! And that meat's what we need to give them! This layout falls under category number thirty with a score of [current rank] points.'[paragraph break]'(Actually, I don't know a thing about cooking shows. I just said that to be dramatic.)'". The relevant hint of EGWUB is "[one of]Think we could make a house that explores every theme without getting blood and guts everywhere?[or]Always vote against Terry's slaughterhouse suggestions. You can ignore any room in which it isn't a factor by just picking neither.[stopping]". EWUBRG is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]White-Blue-Black-Red-Green: [end if]A HAUNTED HOUSE WITH SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. [victory flag]'[QuintFound]This is the one.' Han's tone is solemn, and he pauses for emphasis. 'This is [bold type]the one.[roman type] This layout falls under category number thirty-one with a score of [current rank] points.'". The relevant hint of EWUBRG is "[one of]There may be a house configuration that has something for everyone. How do you think we might obtain that?[or]You need to pick two of Terry's blood-soaked proposals, two of Hoary's astral-nightmare proposals, two atmospheric proposals, two traditional proposals, and two proposals to install an incredibly expensive showstopper.[stopping]". Enone is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Colorless: [end if]A COMPLETELY PEDESTRIAN HOUSE". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. '[SoloFound]Thanks for the reminder: I need to ensure we get some shots of the house before any of our contractors start installing our updates. That said, we probably didn't need to record Bone rejecting everything so that we're left with a house that basically isn't haunted. This layout falls under category number thirty-two with a score of [current rank] points.'". The relevant hint of Enone is "[one of]You should probably try taking neither proposal more often.[or]Just take neither proposal for every room.[stopping]". Echeat is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Cheater: [end if]A HOUSE BUILT FROM IMPOSSIBLE DREAMS". "Han [one of]reviews the configuration[or]considers the house[or]assesses the selections[or]thinks aloud[or]thinks[or]hesitates before speaking up[or]consults the materials[or]gives you his thoughts[or]makes his position known[as decreasingly likely outcomes]. 'These Marketing zombies are brainless! Their ideal house is apparently one [']with plenty of atmosphere, horrifying revelations, high-tech set-pieces, lots of blood to secure interest from 18- to 24-year-old males, pays respect to Halloween traditions, doesn't have any wasteful down-time, keeps things down-to-earth, comes in with plenty of budget to spare, won't gross out the little ones, and somehow avoids feeling predictable or clichéd.['] This is literally a contradiction in terms; there was no way we were going to achieve this outcome on our own, so I'm reassigning this to category number zero with a score of [current rank] points.'". The relevant hint of Echeat is "[one of]Since you have three options in each part of the house, and there are ten parts in which to make choices, I count a total of 59,049 different configurations. The number of configuration categories we actually care about is only 32 or 33, so I wouldn't recommend trying to brute-force this; we'll be here for weeks.[or]That's odd.' Hal has no expression to read, but he scratches in the air where his head would be to indicate confusion. 'These figures are contradictory. I don't see any way to bring about this combination of characteristics with the options we have available.[or]Did I already mention you can cheat by summoning a zombie? They'll bring us a specification for a house with a different feel than any we've obtained yet.[or]There's definitely one layout we'll only obtain by cheating.[or]You still need to cheat to get one layout.[stopping]". To say Hoary-finding: say "[one of]Hoary's got these two themes he loves: supernatural or cosmic horror, and the subtle creepy vibes achievable with effective lighting and sound design. Any house that focuses on one or both of those themes is going to be a great showcase for his talents, and this one we've just designed definitely qualifies. Great work[or]This looks like another one of those Hoary specialties. We didn't really need to do this again, but I can always use more footage. Not bad[or]With that, we should have every Hoary-house configuration in the bag! A veritable Hoary hatrick! Let's please do something else[stopping]". To say Terry-finding: say "[one of]Terry has a real knack for putting together just the grisliest scenes you've ever seen, which can be a bit surprising if you're more familiar with the heavily traditional Halloween displays that made him famous. Whether you focus on the former, the latter, or a bit of both, you've got a classic Terry property on your hands, and that's what we've put together here. Very good[or]Never a bad idea to get more footage of Terry doin['] his thang, although this is a bit lopsided for where I want us to end up. Shall we try again? That was rhetorical; I'm going to have us go again, unless you walk out for some reason[or]That's the Terry Triumviracy, triumphant at last! Sorry, getting carried away. Moving on[stopping]". A person can be seeking or finding. The player is seeking. To say victory flag: now the player is finding. Chapter 2 - The Scoring The maximum score is 33. [% The activity stuff and rule stuff below is all way outside my comfort zone, even though it's pretty straightforward.] The ending behavior rule is listed before the room description paragraphs about objects rule in the carry out looking rules. This is the ending behavior rule: if the player is in The Future and an ending (called the target) is in The Future, carry out the declaiming at activity with the target. Table of Witnessed Endings Ending Name (an ending) Ending Score (a number) Row Number (a number) with 33 blank rows Reciting endings is an activity. Rule for reciting endings: if score is greater than 0: say "Those configurations include:[line break]"; repeat with N running from 1 to the score: choose row N in the Table of Witnessed Endings; say "[Row Number entry]. [Ending Name entry]: [Ending Score entry] points[line break]". Declaiming at something is an activity. Rule for declaiming at an unwitnessed ending (called the outcome): now the outcome is witnessed; now the outcome is hinted; increase the score by 1; choose a blank row in the Table of Witnessed Endings; now the Ending Name entry is the outcome; now the Ending Score entry is the current rank of the outcome; now the Row Number entry is the score. [ say "Han [one of]reads[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: '[initial appearance of the outcome]'" ] Rule for declaiming at a witnessed ending (called the outcome): say "'Looks like this configuration just gives off ['][the outcome]['] vibes again.'" Part 3 - The World Chapter 1 - Engine Rooms [% These room names are all artifacts of the early design for "THE EXIGENT SEASONS". The room names themselves never come up in play, though, so even though they didn't fit what the game was becoming, I never bothered changing them.] The Present is a room with printed name "On the set of THIS OLD HAUNTED HOUSE". "Or at least, that's how you picture the opening credits once the episode is finished, but you have to record the thing first. You're already in position across from the Property Boo-thers themselves, Hoary and Terry.[paragraph break]Your producer Han has been gushing about them all day. He calls out from behind the camera: 'I just love the [italic type]Property Boo-thers[roman type] formula so much, the competing choices, the RIVALRY of it all, so we had to have you do the same when visiting our show, right? Wouldn't be much of a cameo otherwise, right?? Don't want the Halloween Foreign Press Association saying we just got you for your gorgeous faces!!'[paragraph break]The boo-thers do not respond to this.[paragraph break][italic type](For more information about the game, please type ABOUT at any time; CREDITS are also available.)[roman type]". The Present has some text called the crisis summary. The crisis summary of the Present is "Something's about to happen." The Present has some text called the crisis term. The crisis term of the Present is "ONCOMING STORM". The Present has some text called the weather. The weather of the Present is "It's mild." [% The weather is also a leftover from a much earlier mechanical design of these games that I never got around to deleting, apparently. The crisis term and crisis summary are values that update during the crisis scenes, so these default values should never come into play.] The Future is a room with printed name "THE HOUSE IS COMPLETE...?". The reset button is a device in the Future. ["If this future is not satisfactory, a figurative reset button here will revert your decisions over the last two years. Events will play out in a different sequence, and if you make different choices, you will most likely bring about a different future."] It is fixed in place. The reset button is scenery. Report switching on the reset button: say "[one of]'Let's take it from the top!' Han calls from behind the camera. 'We're still rolling.'[or]Han calls out, 'Let's run it again from the top!'[stopping]" instead. Understand "press [something switched off]" as switching on. Understand "activate [something switched off]" as switching on. Understand "push [something switched off]" as switching on. The End of Exigencies is a room with printed name "A FINISHED HOUSE". "[one of]'Cut!' Han calls out. 'Let me see how this is looking.' He reviews the footage you've just recorded.[or]'Cut!' Han signals a pause in taping while he reviews again. Nothing to do now but wait.[stopping]" Instead of waiting in the End of Exigencies: say "Han finishes his review of the footage."; now the player is in the Future. FINAL is a path in the End of Exigencies. Understand "the" and "final" and "path" as FINAL. The selectedness of FINAL is 1. Instead of taking FINAL: If the player is in the End of Exigencies: try waiting. Instead of pathing while the location of the player is the End of Exigencies: try waiting. Every turn when FINAL is not in the End of Exigencies: if the location of the player is not the Future: now FINAL is in the End of Exigencies; otherwise: now FINAL is in the Future. The Rest of the House is a room with description "Whoops, that's a bug! Send your transcript to count.fibula@gmail.com for a tester credit!". The Rest of the House is up from Present. The Rest of the House is up from Future. The Rest of the House is up from End of Exigencies. [% "The Rest of the House" makes more sense in "THE EXIGENT SEASONS", which takes place in a basement.] Before going to the Rest of the House: try disembarking instead. Chapter 2 - Scenery [% Ran out of time and focus when it came to implementing the environment. Filling this section out correctly would probably be my first objective if I were to make a significant revision to the game.] The description of the player is "[one of]You can't really see yourself, but you're wearing your toolbelt, your hard hat, and your headset. Oh, and you're a skeleton, obviously. 'Bone Vila', star of [italic type]This Old Haunted House[roman type], second only to the haunted houses themselves.[or]You've got your toolbelt, your hard hat, and your headset on.[stopping]" Han is a man with description "[one of]You may be the star in front of the camera, but behind the camera it's all Han, who would wear the hats of producer and director (among others)... if he only had a head. That never stopped him from being a great cameraman[unicode 8212]or from talking constantly, which seems a little unfair since you've got more of a head than he does, yet you can't speak yourself.[or]Han is still here, observing the progress of your taping session however he's able to.[stopping]". Han is in the Present. Instead of asking Han about something: say "[conversational collapse]". Instead of telling Han about something: say "[conversational collapse]". To say conversational collapse: say "[first time]You can't really speak with Han, lacking both a respiratory system and the soft tissues necessary to shape sounds, but he's picked up just enough Skeletal Sign Language for your working relationship, so you can indicate when you need him to recap the current proposals, which he does. [only][chat]". To say chat: silently try talking. Every turn: if the location of Han is not the location of the player: now Han is in the location of the player; if the location of the ghosts is not the location of the player: now the ghosts are in the location of the player. The ghosts are a person with description "Hoary and Terry are a pair of ghosts. They're identical, except in coloration. You otherwise cannot tell them apart.[first time][paragraph break]Hoary is the lighter ghost, and he has a penchant for supernatural horror and for atmospheric subtlety. His brother... excuse me, [italic type]boo-ther[roman type]... Terry favors splatter flicks and the traditional trappings of Halloween.[only]". Understand "hoary" and "terry" and "hoary and terry" and "terry and hoary" and "ghost" and "ghosts" and "the property boo-thers" and "the property boothers" and "boo-thers" and "boothers" and "brothers" and "property brothers" as the ghosts. The ghosts are in the Present. Does the player mean examining the ghosts: it is very likely. Does the player mean doing something other than examining the ghosts: it is very unlikely. [Han's gaming table is a backdrop with description "Scratched and grimy, but it serves your purposes.". Han's gaming table is everywhere. The magazine is a backdrop with printed name "[italic type]Parapet Monthly[roman type]" and description "A monthly magazine full of roleplaying resources.[first time] Han shields the article from your view when he notices you looking too closely.[only]". The magazine is everywhere. Instead of taking the magazine, say "Han won't let you get your hands on his copy." Han's mechanical pencil is a backdrop with description "Han refuses to write on character sheets with anything other than a mechanical pencil. This one is cheap plastic with a black coating that fades under your grip after several hours of use.". Han's mechanical pencil is everywhere. Han's notebook is a backdrop with description "Han's habits as a game-master are on full display here, because his notebook is somehow always tipped so that you can't see any of the text he's written.". Han's notebook is everywhere. Instead of taking the notebook, say "Han is too possessive to let you examine his notes in any detail." Han's ten-sided die is a backdrop with description "Han usually prefers twelve-siders, but this ten-sider is better suited to your current exercise.". Han's ten-sided die is everywhere. Instead of doing anything to the die, say "[one of]Han senses your attention turning to his die, and he grips it in his fist before you can move[or]Han snatches his die before you can even look at it[stopping]." Han's sofa is a backdrop with description "Han's couches are fake leather, and the cushions are cracked. What they lack in sophistication, they make up in affordability." Understand "couch" and "couches" and "sofa" and "sofas" and "Han's sofa" as Han's sofa. Han's sofa is everywhere. The vents are a backdrop with description "A trio of vents near the ceiling. Sometimes air blows from them." The vents are everywhere. The fly is a backdrop with description "It's just a fly." Understand "the" or "bug" or "fly" or "insect" as the fly. The fly is everywhere. Instead of doing anything to the fly, say "It's just a fly in the other area[one of][or]. Don't worry about it[stopping]." The stairwell is a backdrop with description "The stairs up to the rest of the house occupy a nook in the opposite wall. Occasionally you catch a glimpse of a fly landing on the bannister." Understand "stairwell" or "staircase" or "stairs" or "wall" or "walls" or "bannister" or "railing" or "steps" as the stairwell.] A vision is a kind of backdrop with description "[one of]Since you film on green-screen, you can't actually see the haunted house you're renovating, so there's nothing here for you to examine[or]You'll have to imagine it, since it's not here[stopping].". Before taking a vision, say "You might as well try to take [one of]gravity[or]the sun[or]light itself[or]Han's name away from him[or]yesterday[or]the number twelve[or]Newton's first law[or]the color green[or]the sound a fly makes[or]back the last hour you've spent here[or]your own marrow[or]Hoary or Terry, who you should remember are intangible[or]some of your nonexistent props home with you[or]the aurora borealis[purely at random]." instead. [Valdara is a vision. Valdara is everywhere. Understand "city" as Valdara. Understand "the city" as Valdara. Understand "state" as Valdara. Understand "the state" as Valdara. Understand "city-state" as Valdara. Understand "city state" as Valdara. Understand "the city-state" as Valdara. Understand "difficult" or "era" or "two" or "avenues" or "crisis" or "calamity" or "advisors" or "ministers" or "coastal" or "frontier" as Valdara.] This old haunted house is a vision. This old haunted house is everywhere. Book 3 - Organization of Time Part 1 - The Crises [% The player's decisions are presented as ten sequential scenes, once again named with color-coding to describe which two colors the player must choose between.] A scene can be exigent or calm. A scene is usually calm. A scene has a number called the progression. The progression of a scene is usually 11. A scene can be unresolved or resolved. A scene is usually unresolved. A scene can be imminent or distant. A scene is usually distant. [% Each scene works the same, and will often only be one turn long. When it's time for a particular scene to begin, the scene is changed from distant to imminent, which starts the scene. The following events occur: we set a variable to cause Han to say something instead of playing the radio, although we'll see later that if Han doesn't have anything to say, the radio plays instead. We bring the imaginary room and its contents into scope. We update the crisis summary of the present with text that will be presented as part of Han's dialogue to introduce which room the player has to make a decision about, which gets simpler as it's repeated, PLUS we present the two choices in a random order. If the magic words have been said, we include my color-code testing text. A note about Han's room introductions: I thought players would feel that the choices and their resulting endings would be arbitrary, so I wanted to provide additional visibility to the underlying agendas that each choice represented. In "THE EXIGENT SEASONS", this comes across as Trev starting to figure things out and pointing them out to you after you've done a few rounds questions, but I probably present these a little too late for most players to see them. These details are contained in the "explainer" substitution. Reading through these now, it's obvious I should have put each one in its own chapter or section. Maybe next time.] White Blue is a recurring exigent scene. White Blue begins when White Blue is imminent. White Blue ends when the player carries a path. The main hallway is a vision. Understand "the" or "main" or "hallway" or "room" or "rooms" or "hall" or "cultist" or "cultists" or "instruments" or "music" or "flickering" or "lights" or "alien" or "speech" or "sinister" or "cackling" as the main hallway. [The workshop is a vision. Understand "the" or "forbidden" or "workshop" or "secret" or "illegal" or "laboratory" or "shop" as the workshop. The alchemists are a vision. Understand "the" or "chemists" or "alchemists" or "chemist" or "alchemist" or "cabal" as the alchemists.] When White Blue begins: now HanTemp is 0; now the main hallway is everywhere; [now the workshop is everywhere; now the alchemists are everywhere;] now the crisis summary of the Present is "[the forbidden workshop][if the player is magical][azorius summary][end if]"; now the crisis term of the Present is "THE MAIN HALLWAY[if White Blue has ended] REVISITED[end if][if the player is magical] [one of](white/blue)[or](blue/white)[purely at random][end if]". To say the forbidden workshop: say "[one of]Almost every room in the house connects back to this hallway, so guests will return here both to get deeper into the house as well as on their way back out. That means it's ill-suited for set-pieces, but it can go a long way toward setting a mood, and this is the moment in which we'll determine what that mood is.'[paragraph break]'[forbidden workshop choices][or]The hallway could use another look.[run paragraph on][WU explainer][forbidden workshop choices][stopping]" To say forbidden workshop choices: say "[one of]If you take [bold type]Hoary's proposal[roman type], we're going full cosmic horror: the sounds of chanting cultists, blasphemous instruments, and alien speech will fill the hall, with lighting and décor to match. If you take [bold type]Terry's proposal[roman type] instead, we'll stick to flickering lights, groans and screams, ominous calliope music, and sinister cackling.[no line break][or]If you take [bold type]Terry's proposal[roman type], we'll stick to flickering lights, groans and screams, ominous calliope music, and sinister cackling. If you take [bold type]Hoary's proposal[roman type] instead, we're going full cosmic horror: the sounds of chanting cultists, blasphemous instruments, and alien speech will fill the hall, with lighting and décor to match.[no line break][purely at random]" To say azorius summary: say " (Or to put it another way, which path will you take: [one of]white or blue[or]blue or white[at random]?)[no line break]" [% These odd names (Azorius, Simic, Rakdos, etc.) are taken directly from the Magic: the Gathering guilds that first made me want to make a color quiz. Each one corresponds to the color pair that it appears next to. I can't remember why I used guild names here, when I used color words in so many other places. I just wanted some variety, I guess...?] To say WU explainer: if the score is greater than a random number from 4 to 5: say "[one of] Terry's proposal here isn't quite specific enough to count for nostalgia purposes, so the question comes down to this: would you rather embrace Hoary's cosmic horror theming, or Terry's more general creepy atmosphere?'[paragraph break]'[or] [stopping]"; else: say " ". White Black is a recurring exigent scene. White Black begins when White Black is imminent. White Black ends when the player carries a path. [The poor are a vision. Understand "the" or "rest" or "room" or "restroom" or "bath" or "bathroom" or "valdaran" or "poor" or "vagabonds" or "citizens" or "pauper" or "commoners" or "paupers" or "people" or "populace" or "population" as the poor. The lesser nobles are a vision. Understand "the" or "lesser" or "nobles" or "rivals" as the lesser nobles. The titles are a vision. Understand "noble" or "titles" or "title" or "regalia" or "office" or "judges" or "judge" as the titles. The riots are a vision. Understand "riot" or "riots" or "trouble" or "frenzy" as the riots.] When White Black begins: now HanTemp is 0; [now the lesser nobles are everywhere; now the titles are everywhere; now the riots are everywhere; now the poor are everywhere;] now the crisis term of the Present is "THE RESTROOM[if White Black has ended] REVISITED[end if][if the player is magical] [one of](white/black)[or](black/white)[purely at random][end if]"; now the crisis summary of the Present is "[the pauper riots][if the player is magical][orzhov summary][end if]". To say the pauper riots: say "[one of]There's a restroom off of the main hallway, and it's positioned such that exiting the house takes visitors right by, in case they need to make use of it. Its fixtures are already adequate, but a little decorating can help it fit the overall theme so much better. Terry thought this should be a gentle wind-down experience using wind and weather atmospherics and the sounds of quiet haunting. Hoary has something more ambitious in mind: it's some kind of astral-horror set-piece with special effects that make the bathroom seem like it's floating in orbit around a blasphemous, alien planet.'[paragraph break]'[pauper riots choices][or]Shall we revisit the bathroom proposals once more?[run paragraph on][WB explainer][pauper riots choices][stopping]" To say pauper riots choices: say "[one of]If you take [bold type]Hoary's proposal[roman type], we'll cram the bathroom with special effects to make it seem like it's floating in space. If you instead take [bold type]Terry's proposal[roman type], we'll adjust the lighting in the bathroom and pipe in sporadic thuderstorm effects and the occasional ghostly wail.[no line break][or]If you take [bold type]Terry's proposal[roman type], we'll adjust the lighting in the bathroom and pipe in sporadic thuderstorm effects and the occasional ghostly wail. If you instead take [bold type]Hoary's proposal[roman type], we'll cram the bathroom with special effects to make it seem like it's floating in space.[no line break][purely at random]" To say orzhov summary: say " (Or to put it another way, which path will you take: [one of]white or black[or]black or white[at random]?)[no line break]" To say WB explainer: if the score is greater than a random number from 5 to 6: say "[one of] Hoary's space nightmare scenario might be the most expensive set of special effects we've ever put together on an episode of [italic type]This Old Haunted House[roman type], which puts it in a category above simple cosmic horror, whereas Terry is going for the opposite with subtle atmospherics.'[paragraph break]'[or] [stopping]"; else: say " ". Blue Black is a recurring exigent scene. Blue Black begins when Blue Black is imminent. Blue Black ends when the player carries a path. The entryway is a vision. Understand "the" or "entryway" or "windows" or "walls" or "tickets" or "people" or "graffiti" or "poltergeist" or "set-piece" or "set piece" or "set" or "piece" or "environmental" or "storytelling" or "spectral" or "manifestation" as the entryway. [The pamphleteers are a vision. Understand "the" or "pamphleteers" or "pamphleteer" or "anarchists" or "anarchist" or "cult" or "educators" or "teachers" or "teacher" as the pamphleteers. The populace is a vision. Understand "citizens" or "converts" or "potential" or "uneducated" or "populace" or "people" or "fools" as the populace. The pamphlets are a vision. Understand "the" or "pamphlets" or "pamphlet" as the pamphlets.] When Blue Black begins: now HanTemp is 0; now the entryway is everywhere; [now the pamphleteers are everywhere; now the populace is everywhere; now the pamphlets are everywhere;] now the crisis term of the Present is "THE ENTRYWAY[if Blue Black has ended] REVISITED[end if][if the player is magical] [one of](blue/black)[or](black/blue)[purely at random][end if]"; now the crisis summary of the Present is "[the pamphleteers][if the player is magical][dimir summary][end if]". To say the pamphleteers: say "[one of]Next, we need to move into the entryway. This is where people will buy their tickets, but that means that if they get cold feet here, they might chicken out before committing to the house! It presents a philosophical question: do you go minimalist, based on the fact that the people here haven't paid to see the good stuff yet, or do you go maximalist in a last-ditch effort to secure the sale? Our ghostly guests have a proposal to cover either possibility.'[paragraph break]'[pamphleteers choices][or]I want to record your entryway choice again. [run paragraph on][UB explainer][pamphleteers choices][stopping]" To say pamphleteers choices: say "[one of][bold type]Hoary's proposal[roman type] is to cover the walls and windows with newspapers and use graffiti to depict some terrified or desperate [']environmental storytelling.['] Or you could instead take [bold type]Terry's proposal[roman type] to spare no expense with a complex poltergeist set-piece he's calling [']the full haunting[']: a 40-minute effects program that culminates in floating furniture and a spectral manifestation.[no line break][or][bold type]Terry's proposal[roman type] is to spare no expense with a complex poltergeist set-piece he's calling [']the full haunting[']: a 40-minute effects program that culminates in floating furniture and a spectral manifestation. Or you could instead take [bold type]Hoary's proposal[roman type] to cover the walls and windows with newspapers and use graffiti to depict some terrified or desperate [']environmental storytelling.['][no line break][purely at random]" To say dimir summary: say " (Or to put it another way, which path will you take: [one of]blue or black[or]black or blue[at random]?)[no line break]" To say UB explainer: if the score is greater than a random number from 4 to 6: say "[one of] This one's a little oblique, but Hoary's newspaper plan builds towards the psychological/cosmic horror angle he's going for in other parts of the house, while Terry's just looking to blow a big part of our budget on spectacle. Impressive, but I'm not sure we can afford to do this too many times.'[paragraph break]'[or] [stopping]"; else: say " ". Blue Red is a recurring exigent scene. Blue Red begins when Blue Red is imminent. Blue Red ends when the player carries a path. The kitchen is a vision. Understand "counter" or "counters" or "table" or "tables" or "cabinet" or "cabinets" or "fridge" or "refrigerator" or "the" or "cannibal" or "cryptid" or "organ" or "organs" or "blood" or "bloody" or "butcher" as the kitchen. [The noble is a vision. Understand "the" or "wealthy" or "noble" or "decedent" or "patron" as the noble. The estate is a vision. Understand "the" or "gold" or "coins" or "inheritance" or "treasure" or "funding" as the estate. A vision called the Valdaran Conservatory of Learning and the Arts is nowhere. Understand "valdaran" or "conservatory" or "of" or "learning" or "the" or "arts" or "and" or "institution" or "school" or "college" or "academy" or "beneficiary" or "heir" as the Valdaran Conservatory of Learning and the Arts. Art is a vision. Understand "cultural" or "enrichment" or "new" or "works" or "performances" or "art" as art. Science is a vision. Understand "practical" or "matters" or "new" or "tools" or "techniques"as science.] When Blue Red begins: now HanTemp is 0; now the kitchen is everywhere; [now the noble is everywhere; now the estate is everywhere; now the Valdaran Conservatory of Learning and the Arts is everywhere; now art is everywhere; now science is everywhere;] now the crisis term of the Present is "THE KITCHEN[if Blue Red has ended] REVISITED[end if][if the player is magical] [one of](blue/red)[or](red/blue)[purely at random][end if]"; now the crisis summary of the Present is "[the disputed patronage][if the player is magical][izzet summary][end if]". To say the disputed patronage: say "[one of]The kitchen follows the dining room, which runs a risk of feeling like [']more of the same['], so think about whether you'd prefer to double up on an earlier theme, or introduce a change of pace.'[paragraph break]'Terry's continuing his cannibal approach here, introducing a bloody butcher character to show off all his wares: intestines, eyeballs, things like that. Hoary's design focuses more on the fear of the unknown, stocking the kitchen with alien ingredients, cryptid components, and the food man was not meant to know of.'[paragraph break]'[disputed patronage choices][or]Let's consider the cannibal or cosmic-horror kitchen.[run paragraph on][UR explainer][disputed patronage choices][stopping]" To say disputed patronage choices: say "[one of]If you accept [bold type]Hoary's proposal[roman type], your kitchen will overflow with strange and supernatural substances. If you instead accept [bold type]Terry's proposal[roman type], the butcher will set up his organ-trade here.[no line break][or]If you accept [bold type]Terry's proposal[roman type], the butcher will set up his organ-trade here. If you instead accept [bold type]Hoary's proposal[roman type], your kitchen will overflow with strange and supernatural substances.[no line break][purely at random]" To say izzet summary: say " (Or to put it another way, which path will you take: [one of]blue or red[or]red or blue[at random]?)[no line break]" To say UR explainer: if the score is greater than a random number from 6 to 8: say "[one of] So this one's pretty obvious: Terry's most powerful works capitalize on his skill with the gory aesthetic, while Hoary's a master of supernatural horror. No matter which route you go, you'll be playing to one of the brothers['] strengths... unless you take neither option and present a typical kitchen. That could be sort of scary, depending on what people just witnessed in the dining room.'[paragraph break]'[or] [stopping]"; else: say " ". Black Red is a recurring exigent scene. Black Red begins when Black Red is imminent. Black Red ends when the player carries a path. The dining room is a vision. Understand "the" or "dining" or "room" or "table" or "chairs" or "cannibal's" or "cannibal" or "feast" or "goblet" or "goblets" or "blood" or "organs" or "head" or "heads" or "piano" or "serving" or "dish" as the dining room. [The Unblinking Eye is a vision. Understand "the" or "unblinking" or "eye" or "unofficial" or "group" or "reliable" or "informants" or "turncoats" or "tattletales" or "snitches" or "constables" or "constable" or "secret" or "police" as the Unblinking Eye. The citizens are a vision. Understand "the" or "paranoid" or "citizens" as the citizens.] When Black Red begins: now HanTemp is 0; now the dining room is everywhere; [now the Unblinking Eye is everywhere; now the citizens are everywhere;] now the crisis term of the Present is "THE DINING ROOM[if Black Red has ended] REVISITED[end if][if the player is magical] [one of](black/red)[or](red/black)[purely at random][end if]"; now the crisis summary of the Present is "[the unblinking eye][if the player is magical][rakdos summary][end if]". To say the unblinking eye: say "[one of]Now that we're moving into the parts of the house that have to do with food, things are likely to get messy. First up, we've got the dining room, where Terry's predictable appetites are on display, but Hoary has an unconventional choice you might prefer. I'll be interested to see your preference here.'[paragraph break]'[unblinking eye choices][or]So: the dining room.[run paragraph on][BR explainer][unblinking eye choices][stopping]" To say unblinking eye choices: say "[one of][bold type]Hoary's proposal[roman type] skips the dining theme entirely in favor of installing a grand piano on one side of the room which will chomp its lid in a furious and memorable fashion. But if you instead accept [bold type]Terry's proposal[roman type], we'll lay out a cannibal's feast, goblets full of blood, and the occasional serving dish containing a talking head.[no line break][or]With [bold type]Terry's proposal[roman type], we'll lay out a cannibal's feast, goblets full of blood, and the occasional serving dish containing a talking head. But if you instead accept [bold type]Hoary's proposal[roman type] we'll skip the dining theme entirely in favor of installing a grand piano on one side of the room which will chomp its lid in a furious and memorable fashion.[no line break][purely at random]" To say rakdos summary: say " (Or to put it another way, which path will you take: [one of]black or red[or]red or black[at random]?)[no line break]" To say BR explainer: if the score is greater than a random number from 5 to 6: say "[one of] It's not as explicit as some of his other proposals, but what Terry's offering here is still on the gory side. Oh, and have we talked about how expensive it would be to build a grand piano that can angrily chomp at people?'[paragraph break]'[or] [stopping]"; else: say " ". Black Green is a recurring exigent scene. Black Green begins when Black Green is imminent. Black Green ends when the player carries a path. The child's bedroom is a vision. Understand "the" or "child" or "child's" or "childs" or "children" or "children's" or "childrens" or "doll" or "dolls" or "marionette" or "puppet" or "dollhouse" or "freddie" or "fazbear" or "animatronic" or "robot" or "killer" as the child's bedroom. [The mutineers are a vision. Understand "the" or "mutineers" or "citizens" or "sailors" or "mutinous" as the mutineers. The suzerain state is a vision. Understand "the" or "suzerain" or "state" or "suzerainty" or "navy" or "navies" or "overseers" or "empire" as the suzerain state. The Valdaran docks are a vision. Understand "seas" or "high" or "ship" or "ships" or "harbor" or "Valdaran" or "docks" or "harbormaster" or "master" or "dockmaster" as the Valdaran docks. Understand "Valdaran" or "Valdarans" or "the" or "people" or "citizens" or "sailors" as the citizens.] When Black Green begins: now HanTemp is 0; now the child's bedroom is everywhere; [now the mutineers are everywhere; now the suzerain state is everywhere; now the Valdaran docks are everywhere; now the citizens are everywhere;] now the crisis term of the Present is "THE CHILD'S BEDROOM[if Black Green has ended] REVISITED[end if][if the player is magical] [one of](black/green)[or](green/black)[purely at random][end if]"; now the crisis summary of the Present is "[the mutineers][if the player is magical][golgari summary][end if]". To say the mutineers: say "[one of]Our first stop in the progression of bedrooms is a child's room. We don't want to go too dark here, so we've asked our consultants to provide a lighter touch with their proposals this time. Terry has a very traditional idea with dolls that I think you'll find appealing, but Hoary's thinking bigger. Kids love those horror games with name-brand animatronics-gone-bad, and he suggests we could pay a little extra to bring one of those famous names on board with a crossover set-piece. '[paragraph break]'[mutineers choices][or]How shall we outfit the kid's room?[run paragraph on][BG explainer][mutineers choices][stopping]" To say mutineers choices: say "[one of]Pick [bold type]Hoary's proposal[roman type] to splurge on a brand-name killer animatronic robot for tween appeal. Pick [bold type]Terry's proposal[roman type] to fill the room with creepy dolls, haunted dollhouses, scary marionettes, and similar residents of the uncanny valley.[no line break][or]Pick [bold type]Terry's proposal[roman type] to fill the room with creepy dolls, haunted dollhouses, scary marionettes, and similar residents of the uncanny valley. Pick [bold type]Hoary's proposal[roman type] to splurge on a brand-name killer animatronic robot for tween appeal.[no line break][purely at random]" To say golgari summary: say " (Or to put it another way, which path will you take: [one of]black or green[or]green or black[at random]?)[no line break]" To say BG explainer: if the score is greater than a random number from 6 to 7: say "[one of] Going with the crossover animatronics is a pricy prospect, but it doesn't push you toward a particular theme the way that the doll stuff pushes you toward [']traditional['] Halloween aesthetics.'[paragraph break]'[or] [stopping]"; else: say " ". Red Green is a recurring exigent scene. Red Green begins when Red Green is imminent. Red Green ends when the player carries a path. The parlor is a vision. Understand "sitting" or "room" or "flailing" or "limbs" or "zombies" or "zombie" or "boards" or "windows" or "chainsaw" or "maniac" or "blood" or "shrieking" or "teenagers" as the parlor. [Daggers are a vision. Understand "the" or "daggers" or "dagger" or "knife" or "knives" as daggers. Moral leaders are a vision. Understand "moral" or "leaders" as moral leaders. Knife-wounds are a vision. Understand "knife-wounds" or "knife-wound" or "knife wound" or "knife wounds" or "finger" or "fingers" as knife-wounds.] When Red Green begins: now HanTemp is 0; now the parlor is everywhere; [now daggers are everywhere; now moral leaders are everywhere; now knife-wounds are everywhere; now the citizens are everywhere;] now the crisis term of the Present is "THE PARLOR[if Red Green has ended] REVISITED[end if][if the player is magical] [one of](red/green)[or](green/red)[purely at random][end if]"; now the crisis summary of the Present is "[daggers][if the player is magical][gruul summary][end if]". To say daggers: say "[one of]Our first stop after ticketing is the parlor, a sitting room for entertaining guests, so this is where we can demonstrate to our patrons just what they're paying for. Let's make it big!'[paragraph break]'[daggers choices][or]Let's revisit the parlor proposals.[run paragraph on][RG explainer][daggers choices][stopping]" To say daggers choices: say "[one of]In [bold type]Hoary's proposal[roman type], we board up the windows and set up your classic zombie siege scenario with flailing limbs, only to turn the tables with the surprise arrival of a chainsaw maniac inside the room, scaring the visitors into the zombies['] clammy grasp. In [bold type]Terry's proposal[roman type], we deck out the room for a slasher-movie sleep-over, heavy on the simulated blood-spray and shrieking teenagers.[no line break][or]In [bold type]Terry's proposal[roman type], we deck out the room for a slasher-movie sleep-over, heavy on the simulated blood-spray and shrieking teenagers. In [bold type]Hoary's proposal[roman type], we board up the windows and set up your classic zombie siege scenario with flailing limbs, only to turn the tables with the surprise arrival of a chainsaw maniac inside the room, scaring the visitors into the zombies['] clammy grasp.[no line break][purely at random]" To say gruul summary: say " (Or to put it another way, which path will you take: [one of]red or green[or]green or red[at random]?)[no line break]" To say RG explainer: if the score is greater than a random number from 5 to 8: say "[one of] We're committed to spending money on this, so don't worry about which one seems more expensive. Technically, both of these proposals are more Terry's style, but Hoary can roll with a classic trope like zombies when the alternative's so heavy on the blood effects.'[paragraph break]Hoary nods.[paragraph break]'[or] [stopping]"; else: say " ". Red White is a recurring exigent scene. Red White begins when Red White is imminent. Red White ends when the player carries a path. The guest room is a vision. Understand "the" or "guest" or "room" or "bed" or "cabinet" or "window" or "windows" or "weather" or "lighting" or "police" or "tape" or "shattered" or "windows" or "sirens" or "flashing" or "lights" or "crime" or "scene" as the guest room. [The squatters are a vision. Understand "the" or "squatters" or "squatter" or "poor" or "homeless" or "peasants" or "tenant" or "tenants" as the squatters. The nobles are a vision. Understand "nobles" or "noble" or "landlords" or "landlord" or "lords" as the nobles. The buildings are a vision. Understand "land" or "acreage" or "unoccupied" or "buildings" as the buildings.] When Red White begins: now HanTemp is 0; [now the squatters are everywhere; now the nobles are everywhere; now the buildings are everywhere;] now the crisis term of the Present is "THE GUEST ROOM[if Red White has ended] REVISITED[end if][if the player is magical] [one of](red/white)[or](white/red)[purely at random][end if]"; now the crisis summary of the Present is "[the squatters][if the player is magical][boros summary][end if]". To say the squatters: say "[one of]We've conceptualized the second bedroom as a guest room, and having already established the dangers that the house itself contains, it seems very unlikely that any houseguest is going to have a good time. But which is spookier: the anticipation of not knowing just what might happen here, or the grisly aftermath of a heinous act?'[paragraph break]'[squatters choices][or]Let's revisit the guest room.[run paragraph on][RW explainer][squatters choices][stopping]" To say squatters choices: say "[one of]To build up a dreadful atmosphere with stormy weather, ominous music, strange lighting, and the sounds of muffled cries and sinister laughter, accept [bold type]Hoary's proposal[roman type]. To instead build a horrific crime-scene tableau with police tape, shattered windows, sirens and flashing lights, and troubling body-shapes wrapped in bloodstained sheets, accept [bold type]Terry's proposal[roman type].[no line break][or]To build a horrific crime-scene tableau with police tape, shattered windows, sirens and flashing lights, and troubling body-shapes wrapped in bloodstained sheets, accept [bold type]Terry's proposal[roman type]. To instead build up a dreadful atmosphere with stormy weather, ominous music, strange lighting, and the sounds of muffled cries and sinister laughter, accept [bold type]Hoary's proposal[roman type].[no line break][purely at random]" To say boros summary: say " (Or to put it another way, which path will you take: [one of]white or red[or]red or white[at random]?)[no line break]" To say RW explainer: if the score is greater than a random number from 6 to 8: say "[one of] Going with pure atmospherics might seem strange the late in the tour, but that doesn't make it a bad idea. If you've made a lot of bloodthirsty selections in other parts of the house, you might go the opposite direction here if you want to balance things out.'[paragraph break]'[or] [stopping]"; else: say " ". Green White is a recurring exigent scene. Green White begins when Green White is imminent. Green White ends when the player carries a path. The yard is a vision. Understand "lawn" or "yard" or "grass" or "graves" or "pumpkins" or "spiders" or "spiderwebs" or "spiderweb" or "grave" or "gravestone" or "gravestones" or "front" or "the" or "windows" or "roof" or "recordings" or "outside" or "street" or "houses" or "line" or "lighting" or "effects" as the yard. [The famine is a vision. Understand "the" or "famine" or "starvation" or "hunger" as the famine. Understand "house" or "houses" or "wealthy" or "wealth" as the nobles. Food is a vision. Understand "food" or "supply" or "supplies" or "grains" or "meats" as food.] When Green White begins: now HanTemp is 0; now the yard is everywhere; [now the famine is everywhere; now the nobles are everywhere; now the citizens are everywhere; now food is everywhere;] now the crisis term of the Present is "THE FRONT LAWN[if Green White has ended] REVISITED[end if][if the player is magical] [one of](green/white)[or](white/green)[purely at random][end if]"; now the crisis summary of the Present is "[the famine][if the player is magical][selesnya summary][end if]". To say the famine: say "[one of]Terry insists that outdoor spaces need to overwhelm the senses and demand the viewer make sense of the layers of visual complexity. Hoary by contrast, prefers not to overcommit at this early stage. He favors using oblique elements to establish a spooky mood and prime our visitors for the frights to come. Let's see how Bone feels about their proposals.'[paragraph break]'[famine choices][or]Let's run the front yard proposals again.[run paragraph on][GW explainer][famine choices][stopping]" To say famine choices: say "[one of][bold type]Hoary's proposal[roman type] uses fog machines, recordings of crows and wolves, and subtle lighting effects to set guests['] expectations. [bold type]Terry's proposal[roman type] would transform the lawn into an overwrought graveyard with plenty of pumpkins and spiderwebs to go around.[no line break][or][bold type]Terry's proposal[roman type] would transform the lawn into an overwrought graveyard with plenty of pumpkins and spiderwebs to go around. [bold type]Hoary's proposal[roman type] uses fog machines, recordings of crows and wolves, and subtle lighting effects to set guests['] expectations.[no line break][purely at random]" To say selesnya summary: say " (Or to put it another way, which path will you take: [one of]white or green[or]green or white[at random]?)[no line break]" To say GW explainer: if the score is greater than a random number from 5 to 7: say "[one of] If it's not already obvious, Terry's proposal is a big draw for the classic nostalgia crowd, while Hoary is trying to maximize atmospherics.' The Boo-thers bob in agreement.[paragraph break]'[or] [stopping]"; else: say " ". Green Blue is a recurring exigent scene. Green Blue begins when Green Blue is imminent. Green Blue ends when the player carries a path. [The pox is a vision. Understand "the" or "pox" or "illness" or "disease" or "plague" or "virus" or "epidemic" as the pox. The healers are a vision. Understand "the" or "your" or "my" or "healer" or "healers" or "doctor" or "doctors" or "plague" as the healers. The poxed bodies are a vision. Understand "the" or "body" or "bodies" or "corpse" or "corpses" or "citizens" as the poxed bodies.] When Green Blue begins: now HanTemp is 0; [now the pox is everywhere; now the healers are everywhere; now the poxed bodies are everywhere;] now the crisis summary of the Present is "[the pox][if the player is magical][simic summary][end if]"; now the crisis term of the Present is "THE MASTER BEDROOM[if Green Blue has ended] REVISITED[end if][if the player is magical] [one of](green/blue)[or](blue/green)[purely at random][end if]". To say the pox: say "[one of]Our final bedroom should be the climax of the tour. It's time to pay off those tropes you've been building up so far. This will be one of the historic showdowns: the sympathetic villain versus the tragic hero.'[paragraph break]'[pox choices][or]The master bedroom! What are we thinking?[run paragraph on][GU explainer][pox choices][stopping]" To say pox choices: say "[one of][bold type]Hoary's proposal[roman type] showcases the descent into madness of your supernatural horror protagonist with conspiracy corkboards, musty tomes, ritual weapons, and the fanatical conviction of our doomed [']hero['] actor. Or perhaps you'd prefer [bold type]Terry's proposal[roman type], which converts the bedroom into the lair of the master vampire, complete with coffin, goblets, gothic accoutrements, and the alluring monster himself.[no line break][or][bold type]Terry's proposal[roman type] converts the bedroom into the lair of the master vampire, complete with coffin, goblets, gothic accoutrements, and the alluring monster himself. Or perhaps you'd prefer [bold type]Hoary's proposal[roman type], which showcases the descent into madness of your supernatural horror protagonist with conspiracy corkboards, musty tomes, ritual weapons, and the fanatical conviction of our doomed [']hero['] actor.[no line break][purely at random]" To say simic summary: say " (Or to put it another way, which path will you take: [one of]green or blue[or]blue or green[at random]?)[no line break]" To say GU explainer: if the score is greater than a random number from 4 to 8: say "[one of] Despite the thematic relation to blood, Terry's vampire scenario won't make the house seem gorier than it already is. It's too familiar for that.'[paragraph break]'[or] [stopping]"; else: say " ". When a scene (called the postlude) which is exigent ends: now every path is nowhere; now the postlude is resolved; repeat through the Table of Seasonal Progression in reverse order: if the Emergency entry is unresolved: now every scene is distant; now the Emergency entry is imminent; if every scene is distant: now the player is in the End of Exigencies. When a scene (called the prelude) which is imminent begins: now the prelude is distant; choose row with Crisis of prelude in the Table of Critical Components; now the option three entry is in the Present; now the option one entry is in the Present; now the option two entry is in the Present; [try showing ranks; [$$$ This should be commented out before release.]] now every path is undescribed. To Check the Seasons: [$$$ This should be commented out before release.] say "The Table of Seasonal Progression is as follows..."; repeat through the Table of Seasonal Progression: say "[Sequence entry]: [Emergency entry]." [% Hey, why didn't I just put this in a Not For Release section?? And more importantly, why didn't I comment it out before release?!] Table of Seasonal Progression Sequence Emergency 1 Green White 2 Blue Black 3 Red Green 4 White Blue 5 Black Red 6 Blue Red 7 Black Green 8 Red White 9 Green Blue 10 White Black To Check the Components: [$$$ This should be commented out before release.] say "[line break]The Table of Critical Components is as follows..."; repeat through the Table of Critical Components: say "[Sequentializer entry]: [Crisis entry]." [% I think these were testing tools I had to add when the order of rooms wasn't occurring consistently. Not sure if it's actually a problem that I didn't remove them, though.] Table of Critical Components Crisis Option One Option Two Option Three Sequentializer White Blue WHITEblue BLUEwhite NEITHER 4 White Black WHITEblack BLACKwhite NEITHER 10 Blue Black BLUEblack BLACKblue NEITHER 2 Blue Red BLUEred REDblue NEITHER 6 Black Red BLACKred REDblack NEITHER 5 Black Green BLACKgreen GREENblack NEITHER 7 Red Green REDgreen GREENred NEITHER 3 Red White REDwhite WHITEred NEITHER 8 Green White GREENwhite WHITEgreen NEITHER 1 Green Blue GREENblue BLUEgreen NEITHER 9 Part 2 - The Seasons [% Establishing a sense of progression through the year was important to me in "THE EXIGENT SEASONS", which is why it's part of the title of the game. Seasons weren't appropriate for "This Old Haunted House", but the seasonal machinery was doing useful substitution work in updating the printed name of the room and framing the circumstances of each decision, so I didn't try to remove the scenes.] A scene can be atmospheric or nonatmospheric. A scene is usually nonatmospheric. HanRecap is a number that varies. HanRecap is 0. Hibernal is a recurring scene. Hibernal begins when Hibernal is atmospheric. Hibernal ends when Hibernal is nonatmospheric. After taking a path during Hibernal: now Hibernal is nonatmospheric; now Vernal is atmospheric; continue the action. When Hibernal begins: if HanRecap is 0: now HanRecap is 1; say "With everybody in position, Han recaps the plans for the day. 'Our haunted house project is a 3 bedroom, 1 bath ranch-style residence. We've divided the space into ten rooms that we'll be focusing on for the extravaganza, and like I said before, we've got two proposals for each room that Hoary and Terry will present with their brilliant deadpan delivery. Bone!' He addresses you directly. 'Your job is to consider these proposals and pick the options that will best contribute to your vision for the perfect haunted house.'[paragraph break]He lowers his voice as if sharing a secret: 'Because this is SUCH a special episode, I pulled some chains and secured us unlimited use of the studio[Unicode 8212]for today only. We can run through the scenes as many times as we need, get several versions, and then I can stitch together the best final version in editing!'[paragraph break]He lifts the script up in his off-hand while holding on to the camera scooter. 'I'll be reading the voiceover to cue you, same as usual. Everybody ready?? ACTION!!'[paragraph break][italic type]"; say "[roman type]"; now the printed name of the Present is "A CHOICE OF PROPOSALS FOR [crisis term of the Present]"; now the description of the Present is "[one of]Han holds the script up in front of where his face would be. His voice takes on the hollow tone he uses for narration.[paragraph break]'[hibernal weather]'[or]Han considers the script. '[hibernal weather]'[or]'Let's go again,' says Han. '[hibernal weather]'[or]'[hibernal weather]'[stopping]"; if the player is in the Present, try looking. To say hibernal weather: say "[one of]In the cut-throat haunted house industry, first and last impressions can be critical, so Bone and the Property Boo-thers agree to start with the house's front yard. It's already overgrown in just the right ways, but run-of-the-mill decorations won't be enough to stand out: the lawn needs something special to attract visitors, and the Boo-thers disagree about what that special something should be[or]Half-done with plans for the house, Bone needs to refocus[or]First proposals[or]We're doing good here[stopping]. [crisis summary]". Vernal is a recurring scene. Vernal begins when Vernal is atmospheric. Vernal ends when Vernal is nonatmospheric. After taking a path during Vernal: now Vernal is nonatmospheric; now Estival is atmospheric; continue the action. When Vernal begins: now the printed name of the Present is "A CHOICE OF PROPOSALS FOR [crisis term of the Present]"; now the description of the Present is "[one of]Han makes a spinning motion with his hand, indicating his intent to keep rolling. '[vernal weather]'[or]'[vernal weather]'[or]'[vernal weather]'[or]Han seems lost in the script for a moment. Just when you're about to say something, he speaks up. '[vernal weather]'[or]'[vernal weather]'[stopping]"; if the player is in the Present, try looking. To say vernal weather: say "[one of]Bone has made his choice for the house's yard[or]We move to the most emotionally fraught section of the house: the rooms... of [italic type]beds[roman type][or]Still rolling[stopping]. [crisis summary]". Estival is a recurring scene. Estival begins when Estival is atmospheric. Estival ends when Estival is nonatmospheric. After taking a path during Estival: now Estival is nonatmospheric; now Autumnal is atmospheric; continue the action. When Estival begins: now the printed name of the Present is "A CHOICE OF PROPOSALS FOR [crisis term of the Present]"; now the description of the Present is "[one of]'[estival weather]'[or]Han looks at the script. '[estival weather]'[then at random]"; if the player is in the Present, try looking. To say estival weather: say "[one of]Plans for the entryway secured, Bone considers the path visitors will take after paying for a tour of the haunted house[or]Bone has his work cut out for him this time[or]Where were we..[no line break][stopping]. [crisis summary]". Autumnal is a recurring scene. Autumnal begins when Autumnal is atmospheric. Autumnal ends when Autumnal is nonatmospheric. After taking a path during Autumnal: now Autumnal is nonatmospheric; now Festal is atmospheric; continue the action. When Autumnal begins: now the printed name of the Present is "A CHOICE OF PROPOSALS FOR [crisis term of the Present]"; now the description of the Present is "[one of]Han considers his script. '[autumnal weather]'[or]'[autumnal weather]'[or]'[autumnal weather]'[or]'[autumnal weather]'[or]'[autumnal weather]'[or]'You three are doing great so far! Keep it up. [autumnal weather]'[or]'[autumnal weather]'[stopping]"; if the player is in the Present, try looking. To say autumnal weather: say "[one of]Bone's attention turns to the center of the house, where a vital thoroughfare controls visitors['] flow through the building. [crisis summary][or][crisis summary] How will you present the master bedroom, arguably the climax of the haunted house?[no line break][or][crisis summary][stopping]". Festal is a recurring scene. Festal begins when Festal is atmospheric. Festal ends when Festal is nonatmospheric. After taking a path during Festal: now Festal is nonatmospheric; now Hibernal is atmospheric; continue the action. When Festal begins: now the printed name of the Present is "A CHOICE OF PROPOSALS FOR [crisis term of the Present]"; now the description of the Present is "[one of]Bone checks the script. '[festal weather]'[or]Han presents the final room. '[festal weather]'[cycling]"; if the player is in the Present, try looking. To say festal weather: say "[one of]We continue[or]If guests think they're getting out of here without one last fright, they've got another think coming[or]We've got another room to consider, folks[or]Next[stopping]. [crisis summary]" Part 3 - Talking Time [% In my heart, I knew I was making a monotonous game, but the only ideas I had to mitigate this issue were to add running commentary from your friend and procgen flavor text as a distraction. That's what's going on in this part of the source.] Talking Time is a recurring scene. Talking Time begins when the player is in the Present. Talking Time ends when the player is not in the Present. HanTemp is a number that varies. HanTemp is 0. Every turn during Talking Time: if HanTemp is 0: now HanTemp is 1; say "[Han sounds]"; else: say "[music sounds]". [% Trev's dialogue fluctuates more than Han's does. If you wait around rather than taking a path, he may continue talking on subsequent turns. I kept forgetting to write his comments with this fact in mind, so when I did my retheme, I made Han's conversation much more consistent.] Han's speaker is a device with description "A sound system in the studio.". Han's speaker is switched off. Check switching off Han's speaker: say "[first time]Han can be unusually stubborn. [only]If you try to turn his speaker off, [one of]he's[or]Han's[stopping] just going to turn it back on." instead. To say music sounds: say "[first time][initiator][only][if Han's speaker is switched on][one of][alt music][or][alt music][or][an ad][or][alt music][or][an ad][as decreasingly likely outcomes][else][nature sounds][end if]" To say initiator: now Han's speaker is switched on; say "Han snaps his fingers. 'I almost forgot: we're not recording any final audio today. After all, none of you have any lines! So, I'll dub over this with the real narration later, and to make our job more fun, I rigged the studio sound system to play the local Halloween radio station.' He flips a switch on a speaker near the stage lights, and sound comes out of it. ". Instead of listening while Han's speaker is switched on, say "[first time]You spend a little longer than usual listening to Han's speaker. [only][music sounds]" [% The procgen advertising and band/song names were the most fun parts to write of either game.] To say an ad: say "[one of]On the radio, [or]The radio plays, and [or]From Han's speaker, [or]From the speaker, [or]From the radio, [or]During the break, [or]On the sound system [as decreasingly likely outcomes][one of]an advertiser[or]a spokesghoul[or]a creepy voice[or]a quiet voice[or]a spokesmonster[or]a monster impersonator[or]a voice you find unsettling[or]some zombie[or]a fast-talker[or]an upbeat goblin[or]a downbeat goblin[or]a sobbing voice[or]a droning child[or]a hollow voice[as decreasingly likely outcomes] [one of]suggests you should be[or]asks you to start[or]commands listeners to start[or]considers[or]talks about[or]lists the benefits of[or]exhorts you to start[or]endorses[as decreasingly likely outcomes] [one of]buying[or]investing in[or]shopping for[or]purchasing[or]purchasing[or]stocking up for Halloween on[or]buying[or]owning[or]ordering[or]sampling[or]taking out a lease on[or]promoting[or]researching[or]giving away[or]stealing[as decreasingly likely outcomes] [one of]dyed corn syrup[or]cast-iron gutter spikes[or]fresh pumpkins[or]pumpkin paint[or]Halloween flags[or]pumpkin spice[or]candles[or]treat bags[or]leafblowers[or]doorbell oil[or]novelty welcome mats[or]fake spiderwebs[or]genuine spiderwebs[or]subscription gravesoils[or]ghost supplements[or]Halloween lights[or]organic face paint[or]seasonal laundry detergent[or]candy corn futures[or]bat spray[or]spooky window treatments[or]canned fog[or]bat feed[or]Orange Zinfandel[or]yard accessories[or]werewolf bedding[or]sidewalk grommets[or]candy tongs[or]cedar chips[or]a giant novelty skeleton[or]orange-and-black pencils[or]a [']Spooky Sounds of the Holidays['] CD)[or]generic candy-coated chocolate treats[or]themed furniture[or]bone juice[or]ectoplasm insurance[or]mallow sauce[or]a costume-advisor consultation[or]neck bolts[or]special effects makeup[or]tricks[or]treats[or]quick-dissolving toilet paper[or]creepiness lessons[or]autumn outerwear[or]motion sensors[or]clearance-priced coffins[or]central draft oil lanterns[or]pumpkinbread house kits[or]fake centipedes[or]real centipedes[or]mummy wrappings[or]the Li'l Scientist reanimation kit[or]squash-based seasoning[or]cat beds[or]wax lips[or]zombie chow[or]radio advertising time slots[or]survival horror video games[or]chainsaw grease[or]fang prosthetics[or]non-lactose party dip[or]video-editing software[or]foam-tipped costume hangers[or]canned goods[or]waterproof face paint[or]flyer design services[or]wolf leashes[or]divination boards[or]clown gear[or]moor maps[or]grave dust[or]detangler spray[or]exorcism insurance[or]a dozen empty buckets[or]heat-resistant chocolate bars[or]gummy treefolk[or]stake sharpeners[purely at random]." To say alt music: say "[one of]The speaker plays [italic type][song names][roman type] by [band names].[or]A song by [band names] titled [italic type][song names][roman type] plays.[or]The radio is playing [italic type][song names][roman type] by [band names].[or]They're playing something by [band names], but you missed the name.[or]The song is [italic type][song names][roman type], but you didn't catch the artist.[as decreasingly likely outcomes]". To say band names: say "[one of]the [band noun]s[or]the [band adjective] [band noun]s[or][band first name] [band last name][or][band first name] and the [band noun]s[or]the [band adjective] [band noun]s[or][band first name] [band last name][or]the [band noun]s[or]The [band adjective] [band noun]s[or][band first name] [band last name][or][band adjective] [band first name][or][band last name] [band noun][or][band first name] the [band adjective][or][band first name] the [band adjective] [band noun][or][band specific][or][band adjective] [band first name] and the [band adjective] [band noun][or][band noun] of [band noun][as decreasingly likely outcomes]". To say band noun: say "[one of]Weight[or]Beast[or]Skull[or]Bat[or]Churchyard[or]Scythe[or]Dagger[or]Watcher[or]Statue[or]Voice[or]Gloom[or]Dancer[or]Zombie[or]Tower[or]Duke[or]Count[or]Storm[or]Moon[or]Victor[or]Villain[or]Wraith[or]Demon[or]Devil[or]Specter[or]Claw[or]Chain[or]Hook[or]Banshee[or]Wolf Pup[or]Limb[or]Flame[or]Well[or]Corpse[or]Hollow[or]Bone[or]Jaw[or]Pumpkin[or]Snake[or]Serpent[or]Jackal[or]Suspect[or]Vampire[or]Monster[or]Panther[or]Saw[or]Trident[or]Kraken[or]Rat[or]Mask[or]Gargoyle[or]Tomb[or]Precipice[or]Web[or]Owl[or]Dirge[or]Hymn[or]Plank[or]Pit[or]Hill[or]Silhouette[or]Stalker[or]Mountain[or]Figure[or]Nightmare[or]Haunting[or]Spirit[or]Hunter[or]Bolt[or]Hall[or]Abomination[or]Drone[or]Cloak[or]Crab[or]Killer[or]Client[or]Hand[or]Finger[or]Cave[or]Tunnel[or]Ant[or]Tree[or]Wrist[or]Cleaver[or]Sickle[or]Hood[or]Witchling[or]Warlock[or]God[or]Needle[or]Bear[or]Tiger[or]Wing[or]Lion[or]Laughter[or]Nozzle[or]Cauldron[or]Vision[or]Potion[or]Pumpkin[or]Star[or]Ooze[or]Mannequin[or]Barrow[or]Doll[or]Centipede[or]Insect[or]Mob[or]Youth[or]Contract[or]Experiment[or]Power[or]Etching[or]Blindfold[or]Ring[or]Shadow[or]Clone[or]Twin[or]Stake[or]Feast[or]Iron[or]Cat[or]Scalpel[or]Fire[or]Circle[or]Crime[or]Shard[or]Preacher[or]Grave[or]Steeple[or]Swamp[or]Shade[or]Goblin[or]Ghoul[or]Gourd[or]Pile[or]Limb[or]Symbol[or]Pursuer[or]Light[or]Glow[or]Prayer[or]Song[or]Vibration[or]Note[or]Sign[or]Arrow[or]Word[or]Strike[or]Piece[or]Lamp[or]Cup[or]Hybrid[or]Pentagram[or]Cord[or]Servant[or]Monitor[or]House[or]Home[or]Gesture[or]Crone[or]Hunt[or]Comet[or]Recipe[or]Nail[or]Drain[or]Pipe[or]Tail[or]Cutter[or]Torso[or]Confession[or]Trinket[or]Dozen[or]Hatchling[or]Hunger[or]Worm[or]Creature[or]Swarm[or]Vestige[or]Tentacle[or]Lobster[or]Shark[or]Oven[or]Mushroom[or]Signet[or]Slime[or]Hatchet[or]Puppet[or]String[or]Blade[or]Pet[or]Robe[or]Slip[or]Goblet[or]Chalice[or]Dance[or]Organ[or]Death[or]Pair[or]Trio[or]Quartet[or]Quintet[or]Opponent[or]Opposite[or]Rival[or]Talon[or]Beak[or]Shackle[or]Vein[or]Skin[or]Boot[or]Shovel[or]Wild[or]Howl[or]Sand[or]Lip[or]Slice[or]Brew[or]Smirk[or]Frown[or]Devastation[or]Marrow[or]Chill[or]Tremor[or]Kick[or]Leap[or]Swing[or]Slide[or]Street[or]Brick[or]Gutter[or]Wurm[or]Behemoth[or]Shiver[or]Fragment[or]Clamp[or]Tongue[or]Seed[or]Lock[or]Clasp[or]Pendant[or]Plaything[or]Illusion[or]Mirage[or]Picture[or]Painting[or]Image[or]Carving[purely at random]". To say band adjective: say "[one of]Red[or]Orange[or]Brown[or]Black[or]Green[or]Broken[or]Elder[or]Younger[or]Grey[or]Sisterly[or]Brotherly[or]Big[or]Worst[or]Creepy[or]Lost[or]Lonely[or]Fifth[or]Frozen[or]Frosted[or]Toasted[or]Bubbling[or]Wracked[or]Burnt[or]Electric[or]Disorderly[or]Salty[or]Beloved[or]Forspoken[or]Forsaken[or]Stricken[or]Marble[or]Living[or]Damned[or]Deep[or]Forbidden[or]Silent[or]Cold[or]Still[or]Dry[or]Rocky[or]Wrapped[or]Chocolate[or]Sweet[or]Limestone[or]Brass[or]Glass[or]Buckled[or]Variegated[or]Esoteric[or]Somber[or]Ochre[or]Inflamed[or]Icebound[or]Engulfed[or]Chaste[or]Dripping[or]Missing[or]Dirty[or]Windy[or]Broken[or]Unkind[or]Unsettling[or]Wrong[or]Sobbing[or]Sticky[or]Shaky[or]Sharp[or]Tall[or]Narrow[or]Shady[or]Stone[or]Stolen[or]Unchained[or]Were[or]Rabid[or]Vile[or]Evil[or]Suspended[or]Spoiled[or]Terrible[or]Chilled[or]Slinking[or]Blind[or]Towering[or]Ancient[or]Calamitous[or]Forgotten[or]Forbidden[or]Raucous[or]Webbed[or]Shaken[or]Brazen[or]Unwelcome[or]Enchanting[or]Changed[or]Unfolding[or]Warped[or]Twisted[or]Blurred[or]Prehensile[or]Throbbing[or]Surrendered[or]Loathsome[or]Damaged[or]Bronze[or]Hammered[or]Wounded[or]Chipped[or]Drained[or]Stretched[or]Spindled[or]Folded[or]Gilded[or]Maimed[or]Towering[or]Thunderous[or]Echoing[or]Doomed[or]Unholy[or]Marked[or]Sudden[or]Abrupt[or]Stained[or]Wilted[or]Engulfed[or]Slimy[or]Unhallowed[or]Razor-Thin[or]Murky[or]Heavy[or]Squat[or]Square[or]Opaque[or]Transparent[or]Translucent[or]Discredited[or]Hopeless[or]Classic[or]Duplicitous[or]Brazen[or]Teetering[or]Flimsy[or]Rich[or]Savory[or]Stunted[or]Wavering[or]Tidal[or]Gritty[or]Dusty[or]Rough[or]Smooth[or]Slick[or]Cherished[or]Spare[or]Stolen[or]Wet[or]Sodden[or]Wordy[or]Forlorn[or]Spider-Filled[or]Astral-Born[or]Fetid[or]Touched[or]Dyed[or]Ruptured[or]Filigree[or]Dire[or]Sinking[or]Eaten[or]Buried[purely at random]". To say band sound: say "[one of]boo[or]booo[or]hoo[or]hooo[or]voo[or]doo[or]roo[or]tunk[or]tonk[or]tink[or]haa[or]hoo[or]haa[or]hum[or]hee[or]bum[or]drum[or]doom[or]toom[or]sha[or]shoo[or]mizi[or]tizi[or]bang[or]clang[or]Boo[or]Hoo[or]Doo[or]Voo[or]Hum[or]Bum[or]Tunk[or]Tonk[or]Tink[or]Shoo[or]Hoo[or]Haa[or]Hum[or]Hee[or]Bum[or]Drum[or]sha[or]shoo[or]she[or]ka[or]koo[or]ke[purely at random]". To say band first name: say "[one of]Josephus[or]Alphonse[or]Jana[or]Jasper[or]Maria[or]Sybil[or]Davidson[or]Cassandra[or]Elise[or]Sam[or]Elizabeth[or]Derek[or]Kelly[or]Brian[or]Diane[or]Theodora[or]Angel[or]Frank[or]Philomena[or]Alice[or]Enid[or]Lillian[or]Silas[or]Colin[or]Cara[or]Elizabeth[or]Andrea[or]Jackie[or]Peyton[or]Edith[or]Halicarnassia[or]Jack[or]Leah[or]Amelia[or]Jen[or]Jenny[or]Benny[or]Smith[or]Henderson[or]Francis[or]Ezra[or]Eric[or]Sarah[or]Amber[or]Adam[or]Bethany[or]Bruce[or]Carla[or]Charles[or]Deb[or]Davis[or]Elliot[or]Erin[or]Fred[or]Freya[or]Gregor[or]Georgia[or]Houston[or]Harmony[or]Isabel[or]Isaac[or]Juan[or]Jocasta[or]Keith[or]Keira[or]Lisa[or]Louis[or]Madison[or]Malcolm[or]Neveah[or]Newton[or]Olivia[or]Orville[or]Priscilla[or]Patrick[or]Quincy[or]Rachael[or]Robert[or]Sean[or]Stephanie[or]Tim[or]Takako[or]Umberto[or]Victoria[or]Virgil[or]Wally[or]Wendy[or]Yolanda[or]York[or]Xochitl[or]Alice[or]Barry[or]Clara[or]Dan[or]Elle[or]Fenton[or]Grant[or]Hilde[or]Ira[or]June[or]Kevin[or]Leland[or]Mae[or]Nell[or]Olive[or]Paulette[or]Roger[or]Steve[or]Terry[or]William[or]Karl[or]Lukas[or]Be[or]Andrew[or]Bob[or]Christopher[or]Drew[or]Emmett[or]Finn[or]George[or]Hugh[or]Jim[or]Kim[or]Lonnie[or]Mitchell[or]Nathan[or]Otis[or]Phil[or]Quentin[or]Ricky[or]Steve[or]Truong[or]Van[or]Willy[or]Ann[or]Beatrix[or]Charlene[or]Danielle[or]Erica[or]Fiona[or]Gina[or]Jessica[or]Kendra[or]Louisa[or]Mary[or]Nina[or]Ophelia[or]Penelope[or]Renata[or]Sybil[or]Tenelle[or][band sound][purely at random]". To say band last name: say "[one of]Allison[or]Truant[or]Trimbal[or]Acres[or]MacArthur[or]Chamberlain[or]Standish[or]Lindsborg[or]Hutchinson[or]Davis[or]Green[or]Mims[or]Lane[or]Torres[or]Valence[or]Robertson[or]Miller[or]Painter[or]Potts[or]Wilcox[or]McCarthy[or]Ross[or]Russell[or]Smith[or]Atchison[or]C[or][band first name][or]Houck[or]Huey[or]Abilene[or]Bennett[or]Carlisle[or]Doherty[or]Epperson[or]Fitzgerald[or]Gant[or]Hoffman[or]Inez[or]Jackson[or]Kitchen[or]Lemaster[or]Murdock[or]Nunez[or]Ott[or]Pointner[or]Quarterman[or]Reyes[or]Sadowski[or]Takeda[or]Ulrich[or]Vaughn[or]Waters[or]Yellowstone[or]Ziegler[or]Nguyen[or]Alcott[or]Burgett[or]Carden[or]Etheridge[or]Ford[or]Grady[or]Haney[or]Immelmann[or]Jacobsen[or]King[or]Lee[or]Meyer[or]Naismith[or]O'Reilly[or]Pessinger[or]Ratzinger[or]Adams[or]Baker[or]Cortez[or]De Mayo[or]Ewing[or]Fitzpatrick[or]Gaddis[or]Humphrey[or]Ignacio[or]Jones[or]King[or]Glauberman[or]Lopez[or]Lindstrom[or]MacKinnon[or]Newport[or]Ogden[or]Petersen[or]Reese[or]Stearns[or]Thomas[or]Vicente[or]Williamson[or]Young[or]Ziegler[purely at random]". To say band specific: say "[one of]The New [band adjective] [band noun][or]The Halloween Sound Factory[or][band sound][band sound][or]a band whose name you cannot quite make out[or]The [band noun]s and the [band noun]s[or][band first name] [band last name]'s [band adjective] [band noun]s[or]Count Frankenstein[or][band noun] [band noun] [band noun] [band noun][or][band sound]ba[band sound][band sound][or]?!?!?![or]The [band adjective] [band noun]s[stopping]". To say song names: say "[one of][band adjective] [band noun][or][band verb] [band object][or][single titles][or][band adjective] [band noun][or][band noun] of [band adjective] [band noun]s[or][band adjective] [band noun][or][band noun] of [band adjective] [band noun]s[or]The [band noun] [song type][or]A [band noun] To [band verb][or][band noun] of the [band noun][or]The [song type] of the [band adjective][or][band noun] of [band adjective] [band noun]s[or]Be[band sound]ing [band noun]s[as decreasingly likely outcomes]". To say band verb: say "[one of]Kill[or]Forget[or]Lose[or]Hate[or]Follow[or]Instruct[or]Forbid[or]Banish[or]Abandon[or]Steal[or]Prepare[or]Haunt[or]Touch[or]Rebuke[or]Dance With[or]Encounter[or]Witness[or]Observe[or]Send[or]Remember[or]Forget[or]Sing About[or]Talk About[or]Think About[or]Beguile[or]Turn[or]Avoid[or]Embody[or]Charm[or]Convince[or]Hypnotize[or]Entrap[or]Kill[or]Forget[or]Lose[or]Hate[or]Follow[or]Instruct[or]Forbid[or]Banish[or]Abandon[or]Steal[or]Prepare[or]Haunt[or]Touch[purely at random]". To say band object: say "[one of]Me[or]You[or]Myself[or]Yourself[or][band noun]s[or]the [band noun][as decreasingly likely outcomes]". To say single titles: say "[one of]Be Your Own [band noun][or][band object], the [band adjective][or][band verb] [band first name][or][band verb] [band object] to the [band noun][or][band adjective] [band last name][or][band verb], [band verb], [band verb][or][band noun] Over [band noun]s[or][band noun]s Under the [band noun][or][band adjective] [band noun][or][band noun] and [band object][or]YOU HAVE NEVER TRUSTED ME[or]Don't [band verb] [band object][or][band verb] the [band noun]s[stopping]" To say song type: say "[one of]Shuffle[or]Tune[or]Dirge[or]Song[or]Ode[or]Chant[or]Lament[or]Hymn[or]Refrain[or]Cycle[or]Movement[or]Litany[purely at random]". To say nature sounds: say "[one of][house effects][or][vent effects][or][idle action][as decreasingly likely outcomes]" To say house effects: say "[one of]Outside, a truck drives past.[or]Han adjusts his position on the sofa.[or]The sound of an aircraft passes overhead.[or]Distant barking.[or]A car door slams outside somewhere.[or]The ceiling creaks.[or]A car honks somewhere.[or]The lights flicker for a moment.[or]A neighbor's car alarm chirps with the locking of its doors.[or]A fly buzzes somewhere in the room.[or]For a moment, there's a slight ringing in your ears.[or]You catch a glimpse of a fly in the stairwell.[or]Han taps his foot several times before catching himself and crossing his legs on the sofa.[or]The house shudders with the clamor of a passing train.[or]You can hear your heart beating.[as decreasingly likely outcomes]" [% Oh. These events were never updated...] To say vent effects: say "[first time]As ghosts, the Boo-thers have no legs: they bob gently in the air, and the rhythm of their oscillations is usually a little off. [only][one of]For just a moment, [HandT] bob in perfect sync.[or][HandT] bob in perfect alternation, just for a few seconds. [cycling]" [% ...yet these events were. Weird.] To say HandT: say "[one of]Hoary and Terry[or]Terry and Hoary[purely at random]". To say idle action: say "[one of]Han fiddles with the camera.[or]Han rolls his script up in his hands.[or]Han stretches.[or]Han pans, then zooms dramatically.[or]Han backs his scooter up while zooming in.[or]Han smooths out his script.[or]Han moves up while zooming out.[or]Han drums his fingers.[or]Han glances at the script before refocusing on the camera.[or]Han zooms in for an extreme close-up before thinking better of it and returning to his position.[as decreasingly likely outcomes]" To say Han sounds: choose the row with Achievement Level of score in Table of Han's Commentary; say "[Comments entry]". [% Finally, here's all of Han's commentary! I haven't done a side-by-side comparison, but I'm pretty sure Han usually has less to say at each achievement level than Trev has, but I think Trev has more achievement levels in which he's just giving random hints.] Table of Han's Commentary Achievement Level Comments 0 "[one of]Han holds up a hand to signal your approaching cue. 'Bone has a difficult choice to make, and it's likely to be the first of many.' He gives you the finger-gun, camera trained on your thoughtful pose.[line break][or][music sounds][or]Han pauses for a moment. 'I would have liked to prepare more direction for you, but the opportunity to bring Hoary and Terry on was such a last-minute thing! I figured we could wing it.'[line break][or]'Oh, you might want to make a note of what choices you're making so that you can pick the opposite options next time.'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 1 "[one of]'That's a good first attempt! We've still got a lot of footage to record. Bone, I need to get you picking each proposal at least once. I also want to record the three of you reacting to a bunch of different final house configurations: a Terry special, a Hoary special, and varying degrees of thematic complexity. Once we get enough footage, you can leave for the day.'[line break][or]'If you're having trouble figuring out how to obtain particular categories of house layout, feel free to ask me for a hint. I've got an entire demographic breakdown from Marketing in my script.'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 2 "[one of]'I think you should take Terry's proposal first. Remember, though, it's up to you whether you go along with this.'[line break][or]Han thinks for a moment. 'I think I'd pick Hoary's proposal for this room.'[line break][or]'I've gotta go with Hoary, again.'[line break][or]'I prefer Terry's idea, personally.'[line break][or]'Hmm. I don't love either choice here, but I think I'm leaning towards Hoary on this one.'[line break][or]Han lifts his index fingers and touches the tips of his thumbs in a big H. 'Hoary's proposal! Hoary's proposal is best!'[line break][or]Han doesn't say anything further; he just points directly at Terry.[line break][or]Han's shoulders shake as though he were nodding with vigor. 'Again, I like Terry's choice more.'[line break][or]Han considers for another moment. 'I favor the proposal we've come up with for Terry in this situation.'[line break][or]'For this last room, I'd like you to take [bold type]neither proposal[roman type].'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 3 "[one of]Han fiddles with his camera. 'I know we're getting good footage, but this is starting to get repetitive. Sorry for putting you all through it. You're being great sports!' The Boo-thers turn to regard one another, then turn toward you. It's unclear what response would be most appropriate, but you only have one expression, so the point is academic.[line break][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or]'Actually, hold on a moment.' Han holds up a hand, then makes a sound like a sneeze. A cloud of moist particles balloons outward from his severed neck.[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 4 "[one of]Han repositions to restart the sequence. 'I know I mentioned this before, but you can skip a room altogether by taking [italic type]neither[roman type] path. It seems like some of these layouts are going to require you to apply that technique.'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 5 "[one of]Han looks at his script. 'I have a note here that's reminding me to tell you tha tyou should feel free to ask me for hints if you'd like help getting new house layouts. That's pretty silly, but I'm just doing as the script says!'[line break][or][music sounds][or]'Some of these notes from Marketing are pretty odd. [hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 6 "[one of]With another cycle filmed successfully, Han treats himself to a celebratory spin. 'I don't know whether this info will help you, but when categorizing these layouts, Marketing sorted them into groups. First there's a group of five types of layout, then a group of ten, then [italic type]another[roman type] group of ten, then another group of five, and finally there are three layouts sort of off by themselves. I'd love to record at least one layout from each group.'[line break][or]Apropos of nothing in particular, Han adds: 'Don't forget; you can ask me for a clue like this one. [hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][or]'I feel like we may have gone too general with the atmospherics and too specific with cosmic horror scenarios. Too late now, though.'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 7 "[one of]'How are you all holding up? If you'd rather, we could try reading the layouts directly. Just tell me to cheat or summon a zombie, and I'll have one bring us a layout from Marketing to read.' He resumes filming with a shrug.[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 8 "[one of]'Another one down, fellas!' he crows.[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 9 "[one of][if the player is befouled]Han's voice sounds like he'd be frowning, were that possible. 'As long as we're cheating, I should be giving you more hints. [hint sounds]'[otherwise] 'I know I said you could cheat if you want, but there's something impressive about not resorting to such measures.'[end if][line break][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or]You catch Han looking at his script. 'Oh, I'm still going to read you hints whether you want them or not, sometimes. [hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 10 "[one of]Han repositions his grip on his script. 'Oh, here's an idea. [hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or]'Are you stuck? It seems like you're stuck. [hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 11 "[one of]'[hint sounds]' Saying this, Han redoubles his grip on the camera.[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 12 "[one of]Han folds his script over.[line break][or][music sounds][or]Han stops to look at his notes from Marketing. '[hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 13 "[one of]Han seems lost in thought. 'Have you ever heard of a magazine called [italic type]Parapet[roman type]?' The question is obviously rhetorical.[line break][or]'They had a Halloween special last year; my kid brought it home. It's usually fantasy nonsense, but hey, I'm a dullahan working in reality TV, who am I to judge those dopes?'[line break][or]Han continues musing about the [italic type]Parapet[roman type] issue. 'Anyway, this stuff was all really trite. I've heard restrictions breed creativity, but the holiday theme came out completely predictable. Nothing like [bold type]your[roman type] work, Terry.'[line break][or]'Seeing that made me think, hey, these guys have a total blind spot where Halloween is concerned. They're so used to doing their thing that they overlook all the important aspects of making great Halloween content.'[line break][or]'Anyway, that got me wondering if we might be vulnerable to the same mistake. Sure, we're Halloween monsters, so we KNOW Halloween, but what if we're overlooking important aspects of reality TV? What if reality TV producers watch our show and see all the ways we're getting it wrong?'[line break][or]'I guess a lot of creatives have this kind of crisis, even when faced with obvious proof that they're no impostors. Like working with brilliant professionals like yourselves!' He gestures towards the three of you.[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 14 "[one of]Han reviews your endings. 'Here's something we haven't done yet. [hint sounds]'[line break][or]'I know it's kind of late to mention this, but I haven't left myself that much time to edit this; the proofs have to be submitted to the network a lot sooner than I'd like.' He shrugs. 'So, apologies both before- and after-the-fact for any errors or other issues!'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 15 "[one of]Han considers the footage you've recorded so far. '[hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 16 "[one of]'That's half the layouts found! Good work!' He slaps his script, as if to show he isn't getting tired.[line break][or]'Again, I should point out that there's no shame in asking me to cheat by looking up configurations you haven't found yet. There's not really any glory, either, but there's definitely no shame.'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 17 "[one of]'Time for another clue, I think! [hint sounds]' Saying this, he prepares to record your cycle of rooms once again.[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 18 "[one of]Han hums for a bit before catching himself.[line break][or]'I'm surprised we haven't heard anything by [band noun] of [band adjective] [band noun] tonight. I must have heard their new single half a dozen times this morning.'[line break][or]'I'm pretty sure the lead singer for that band is actually [band first name] [band last name] from [band specific]. Have you heard their new single yet? [italic type][song names][roman type]?'[line break][or]'I've gotta say, it's no [italic type][single titles][roman type], but I think I like it a little better than [italic type][band verb] for [band object][roman type], despite their similar sound.'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 19 "[one of]Han yawns for a moment tapping his hand over his neck stump politely. '[hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][or]'I'm not sure all of these layouts really follow from the choices that you've made. Like, these set-pieces are really specific! They should count toward themes whenever it would be appropriate! I feel like Marketing is wrong about this.'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 20 "[one of]Han repositions the camera. 'I'm getting kinda tired, but don't let that stop you. [hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][or]'Have I mentioned how much I like the House of Viscera layouts? They're not the most professional houses; we probably wouldn't feature one on the show without presenting it as some sort of special feature. Still, they're the kind that I prefer.'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 21 "[one of]Han pauses for a moment. 'Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. At one point, Marketing suggested I should ensure I get a certain quantity of footage, but it was an absurd suggestion. I think you should know that we've now recorded more footage than they were suggesting that I require of you. That's astonishing. Great work.'[line break][or]'Oh, I meant to give you another hint.' He consults the endings. '[hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 22 "[one of]Han prepares for another loop. '[hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][or]'Before you came over, I had been planning to write up an alternative quiz that I could sort of slip in here after you'd tried it once or twice, and instead of making choices about a fantasy medieval kingdom, you'd be running your own bakery and dealing with labor interruptions from your employees. Wound up being too much work though, so I scrapped it.'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 23 "[one of]Han yawns. 'Let's see if we can knock out a few in rapid succession; I'm going to focus on just giving you guidance for a bit. To that end... [hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 24 "[one of]Han prepares for another loop. '[hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 25 "[one of]Han prepares for another loop. '[hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 26 "[one of]Han prepares for another loop. '[hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 27 "[one of]Han prepares for another loop. '[hint sounds]'[line break][or]Han twirls his fingers in a [']hurry up['] gesture.[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 28 "[one of]Han prepares for another loop. '[hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 29 "[one of]Han prepares for another loop. '[hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 30 "[one of]Han runs a hand over his nonexistent scalp as he marks down your ending. 'Feels like I'm going to get a headache soon, and I don't even have a head! We're close to having every possible layout, though! [hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 31 "[one of]Han prepares for another loop. 'I think we're almost there. [hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 32 "[one of]Han reviews his notes. 'There's only one layout we haven't found yet, and if you want to obtain that ending, well. [hint sounds][unless the player is befouled] If you want the greatest pride in your accomplishment, you should leave now.[otherwise] We may as well cheat again, unless you'd rather try to find this layout on your own...?'[end unless][line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" 33 "[one of]'Holy smokes.' Han looks up at you. 'We've reviewed every layout Marketing said we could create!'[line break][or]Han looks at his filled notes. 'We should probably leave the studio now.'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]" [Bakery is a recurring scene. Bakery begins when the score is 13. Bakery ends when the score is 14.] [% The bakery was a moment of deranged hubris in which I thought I'd mix things up by doing a total retheme within my retheme—rather than make a haunted house, Han would have you decorate a haunted bakery as a change of pace, and all the crisis events would be updated to match. Why a bakery? I don't remember. Once I started thinking about just how much text I'd need to rewrite, I realized I was making a terrible mistake.] To say time passing sounds: say "[one of]Han waits for you to accept a proposal[or]Han pans the camera a few degrees[or][HandT] stare without comment[or]The ghosts hover expectantly.[or]You catch yourself hitching up your toolbelt unconsciously.[or]You must have looked away for a moment, because when you see them again, [HandT] have changed places.[purely at random]." To say hint sounds: let M2 be the list of unwitnessed endings; if the number of entries in M2 is 0: say "Han drums on his camera controls idly for a moment. 'I think I'm satisfied with what we've recorded here, if you are? We can leave, if you're ready.'"; else: let M3 be the list of unhinted endings; if the number of entries in M3 is greater than 0: sort M3 in random order; say "[relevant hint of entry 1 of M3]"; now entry 1 of M3 is hinted; else: sort M2 in random order; say "[relevant hint of entry 1 of M2]". Part 4 - Launching Chapter 1 - Begin of Play [Before I added Han's basement as the framing device, the game opened with the text, "Historians will have much to say about this period of your rule. Be warned that their interest springs mainly from the number and the frequency of the difficult decisions you must imminently make."] When play begins: now the reset button is switched on; say "[italic type]A content warning: this game describes or alludes to common elements of haunted houses, slasher movies, supernatural horror, body horror, crime scenes, and similar settings and genres, including the use of mental illness tropes like paranoia and disconnection from reality as a source of monstrous or self-destructive behavior. If the inclusion of these elements may cause you distress, please exit the game rather than playing. Thank you."; pause the game; [% I think this comes from an extension and provides the "press a key to continue" prompt. and behavior.] say "[paragraph break]A placard with accompanying voiceover reads:[roman type][paragraph break]This program is made possible in part by generous grants from The Boston Consolidated Blood Bank and from the New England Cemetary Workers Local 387.[paragraph break][italic type]The opening video and theme song play next, culminating in the title card:[roman type][paragraph break]"; now the current rank of Enone is 32; now the current rank of EUBRG is 31; now the current rank of EBRGW is 30; now the current rank of ERGWU is 29; now the current rank of EWUBR is 28; now the current rank of EGWUB is 27; now the current rank of ERG is 26; now the current rank of EBR is 25; now the current rank of EUR is 24; now the current rank of ERW is 23; now the current rank of EBG is 22; now the current rank of EGU is 21; now the current rank of EGW is 20; now the current rank of EUB is 19; now the current rank of EWB is 18; now the current rank of EWU is 17; now the current rank of ER is 16; now the current rank of EG is 15; now the current rank of EB is 14; now the current rank of EU is 13; now the current rank of EW is 12; now the current rank of EBRG is 11; now the current rank of EURG is 10; now the current rank of ERGW is 9; now the current rank of EUBR is 8; now the current rank of EWBR is 7; now the current rank of ERWU is 6; now the current rank of EGUB is 5; now the current rank of EBGW is 4; now the current rank of EGWU is 3; now the current rank of EWUB is 2; now the current rank of EWUBRG is 1; now the current rank of Echeat is 33. A person can be educated or uneducated. A person is usually uneducated. After printing the banner text: if the player is uneducated: now the player is educated. Chapter 2 - The Ending Wiper & Crisis Resetter Events Ending Wiper is a recurring scene. Ending Wiper begins when the reset button is switched on. Ending Wiper ends when Vernal begins. When Ending Wiper begins: if score is greater than 0: if score is not 2, say "[Han sounds]"; if score is 2, say "'Let's try something different this time. Bone, I'm going to tell you which proposal I think you should take. You're still the actor, so you can take my recommendation or leave it, but it's been a while since I stretched my design muscles and I'd like to make sure they're not too atrophied.'[line break]"; now the reset button is switched off; if the player is not in the Present: now the player is in the Present; now the current rank of Enone is 32; now the current rank of EUBRG is 31; now the current rank of EBRGW is 30; now the current rank of ERGWU is 29; now the current rank of EWUBR is 28; now the current rank of EGWUB is 27; now the current rank of ERG is 26; now the current rank of EBR is 25; now the current rank of EUR is 24; now the current rank of ERW is 23; now the current rank of EBG is 22; now the current rank of EGU is 21; now the current rank of EGW is 20; now the current rank of EUB is 19; now the current rank of EWB is 18; now the current rank of EWU is 17; now the current rank of ER is 16; now the current rank of EG is 15; now the current rank of EB is 14; now the current rank of EU is 13; now the current rank of EW is 12; now the current rank of EBRG is 11; now the current rank of EURG is 10; now the current rank of ERGW is 9; now the current rank of EUBR is 8; now the current rank of EWBR is 7; now the current rank of ERWU is 6; now the current rank of EGUB is 5; now the current rank of EBGW is 4; now the current rank of EGWU is 3; now the current rank of EWUB is 2; now the current rank of EWUBRG is 1; now the current rank of Echeat is 33. Crisis Resetter is a recurring scene. Crisis Resetter begins when play begins. Crisis Resetter begins when the player is in the Future. Crisis Resetter ends when the player is in the Present. [The comments below were some debug reporting I included to figure out why the rooms weren't progressing in a predictable sequence. It turned out that the game was evaluating the randomness setting and shuffling components prior to the execution of the "when play begins, the player is unchaotic" rule.] When Crisis Resetter begins: now the crisis summary of the Present is "Whoops, that's a bug! Send your transcript to count.fibula@gmail.com for a tester credit!"; if the player is indeterminate: now the player is ordered; [Check the Seasons; Check the Components;] now every scene is unresolved; if the player is chaotic: sort the Table of Critical Components in random order; [say "Chaotic!";] else: sort the Table of Critical Components in sequentializer order; [say "Not chaotic!";] repeat with N running from 1 to 10: choose row with sequence of N in the Table of Seasonal Progression; now the emergency entry is the crisis in row N of the Table of Critical Components; now the progression of the emergency entry is N; choose row 1 in the Table of Seasonal Progression; now the emergency entry is imminent; now Hibernal is atmospheric. [Check the Seasons; Check the Components.] After doing something while the player is in the Future during Crisis Resetter: now the reset button is switched on. Part 5 - Ending Management via Cleanup Scene Cleanup is a recurring scene. Cleanup begins when White Blue ends. Cleanup begins when White Black ends. Cleanup begins when Blue Black ends. Cleanup begins when Blue Red ends. Cleanup begins when Black Red ends. Cleanup begins when Black Green ends. Cleanup begins when Red Green ends. Cleanup begins when Red White ends. Cleanup begins when Green White ends. Cleanup begins when Green Blue ends. Cleanup ends when White Blue begins. Cleanup ends when White Black begins. Cleanup ends when Blue Black begins. Cleanup ends when Blue Red begins. Cleanup ends when Black Red begins. Cleanup ends when Black Green begins. Cleanup ends when Red Green begins. Cleanup ends when Red White begins. Cleanup ends when Green White begins. Cleanup ends when Green Blue begins. When Cleanup begins: now every ending is nowhere; let L be the list of endings; sort L in reverse current rank order; [say L;] now entry 1 of L is in the Future; now the printed name of the Future is "[entry 1 of L]". Part 6 - Final Resolution Instead of pathing while the location of the player is the Future: end the story finally saying "Whoops, that's a bug! Send your transcript to count.fibula@gmail.com for a tester credit!" The chatty final score rule is listed instead of the print final score rule in for printing the player's obituary. This is the chatty final score rule: say "You've considered [score in words] total house configuration[s] out of a possible [maximum score in words] before finishing the episode."; carry out the Reciting Endings activity. When play begins: choose row with a final response activity of amusing a victorious player in the Table of Final Question Options; now the final question wording entry is "read some debatably AMUSING details about the game". Rule for amusing a victorious player: clear the screen; say "[paragraph break][paragraph break]Thank you for playing so much of [italic type]This Old Haunted House[roman type]! Let me peel off my fake mustache and remove my false fangs: the real author of this game is Jason Love. The game you've just played is little more than a retheme of my earlier title [italic type]The Exigent Seasons[roman type]. Aside from replacing the entire narrative, dialogue, theming, endings, etc., I made two structural changes. First, the exigencies of Valdara were always presented in a random order: this made less sense in the bounded space of a haunted house, so this time around the rooms are always presented in the same order, unless you enter the XYZZY command. Second, the original game wanted you to obtain all thirty-three outcomes to obtain the 'good' ending, which was ridiculous, so here you're just trying to get the perfect-balance outcome. You can once again use the YZZYX command to color-code your options and outcomes." Book 4 - Testing Flags - Not for release Part 1 - Validation When play begins (this is the run property checks at the start of play rule): repeat with item running through things: if description of the item is "": say "[item] has no description." Showing ranks is an action out of world applying to nothing. Understand "show ranks" as showing ranks. Carry out showing ranks: say "The current ending ranks are as follows: [line break]"; repeat with item running through endings: say "[item] - [current rank of item][line break]"; Playing music is an action applying to nothing. Understand "play" as playing music. Carry out playing music: say "[music sounds]". Part 2 - Testing Tricks [Borrowed from user aschultz on the intfiction forums] scling is an action out of world. understand the command "scl" as something new. understand "scl" as scling. carry out scling: say "List of scenery:[line break]"; repeat with QQ running through visible scenery: say "–[QQ][line break]"; the rule succeeds; [Every turn: try scling.] [This one's from Hanon:] Rule for printing a parser error: say "The [latest parser error] happened."; continue the activity. Book 5 - Missed Descriptions The description of the reset button is "Whoops, that's a bug! Send your transcript to count.fibula@gmail.com for a tester credit!" Volume II - Miscellaneous Notes [ Preliminary notes before commencing on the project itself (i.e. 12/24/18): This game is essentially my "what color combination are you" quiz, rendered into playable form: ten primary questions contributing points toward a total of 32 possible endings. (Because we're using the framing story of a ruler's decisions during moments of crisis to present these alternatives, we can finally dodge the problem I'd been having in which folks of some color combinations are less likely to even respond to the quiz in the first place.) The ten questions are presented as a series of rooms named for the seasons in which they take place; the room descriptions will explain the scenario, and present two "paths" for the player to choose between. A secret third option will permit the player to take NEITHER path; choosing this option too much will land the player with the "Colorless" ending. The 32 endings are objects which the player can actually see in the prototype version of the game. We should be able to set "amusing" or "deluxe" flags to permit players to switch this sort of feature and descriptive text on or off. I want to use scenes to control the flow of questions, probably? What are the seasons? VERNAL - Spring ESTIVAL - Summer AUTUMNAL - Fall FESTAL - Early Winter HIBERNAL - Late Winter It's a little awkward to throw a distinctly calendrical season in the middle of a bunch of terms primarily used for ecological seasons, but it's my game and I'll make it as awkward as I feel like. A NOTE FROM THE HALF-WAY POINT (probably around 01/01/19): This section was literally the first thing I wrote when I started this project on Christmas Eve, 2018. I then hammered out the engines governing the selection of paths and the resulting endings over the subsequent hours, and now that the game is playable and works the way I envisioned (a mere two days later!), I've added some post hoc organization and additional notes wherever I could be bothered to, and the notes below are now a little redundant and unnecessary. Ah well! ADDENDUM FROM 1/5/19: I can't believe it took me this long to come up with the frame story with Han administering the quiz. The tone up to this point had been super generic vague alt-history fantastic environment. That makes so much more sense when that flavor is coming from the Oubliette magazine rather than being the tone of the game you yourself the player are playing. ADDENDUM FROM 12/16/20: I stalled out half-way through writing up the different crises. I think I was planning on finishing this game in the mid-2019 game-making event at Select Button, but I never got around to it then. Eventually I realized I’d rather use the structure of making these choices for a ten-protagonist encounterless RPG in Valdara itself, but after bouncing off GameMaker, RPGMaker XP, and Ren’Py in rapid succession, I realized I could come back to the original project and just finish it first instead. ADDENDUM FROM 12/20/20: What is it about the holiday season that makes me want to make progress on this game? Still working on endings. I've been adding polish to as much of the text as I can, fixing awkward line-breaks and making Han's conversation feel a bit more natural. I haven't added any of the physical scenery yet, and I seem to have added some endgame rules at some point despite not yet having any way of causing the game to end. I guess I should get that done. ADDENDUM FROM 01/11/21: Of COURSE there was an actual Oubliette Magazine. I'm renaming the periodical to "Parapet Monthly". A CHANGE OF FOCUS FROM 1/17/21: This is the point when I'm finally getting serious about changing this from a "toy" into a "game" by further developing the frame story. The plan was that Han would be "bored" until you get around 20 endings witnessed, but the text variations I've included so far would settle into predictable repetition by the time you're working on ending # 3. In order to make playthroughs # 3 through 33 less repetitive, I'm adding a "talking time" scene in which Han comments on the article, on Valdara, on roleplaying, etc. To space this out, I'm adding a dynamic music generator and other environmental background activity. The is also a good moment to clean up and relabel the source so it's more descriptive. ADDENDUM FROM 07/21/21: Polishing the text, finishing the last couple of endings, and then actually implementing Han are the three aspects I'm still working on before this will be finished. I'm hoping to complete this before August so that I can have people test it before the competition cut-off date at the beginning of September. Progress is slow yet steady. Earlier in the year I was really focused on adding a lot of flavor text the basement environment—randomized songs on the radio, sounds from outside the house, etc. I think that was mostly finished in January, but writing up all the endings was so monotonous that I lost all my inertia. It's good to be moving again. ADDENDUM FROM 08/10/21: Looks like the way I distributed the game to Select Button folks in February technically qualifies as "releasing" such that this would be disqualified from the competition, so I'm not pursuing that any more. In the interim, I figured out how to better intersperse crisis-specific comments further through the game, so I can put that in, now! ADDENDUM FROM 02/19/22: The game has been "officially" released for about six months, and while the SB folks and Zaratrustra were very gracious, it hasn't gotten much other attention. I played it at work yesterday and there were some clear opportunities for improvement: removal of most of the adverbs, additional transitional text after each outcome, some extra scenery, etc. Should have release 2 ready this weekend. ADDENDUM FROM 03/17/23: Late last year (September and October 2022) I replaced all the game text of "THE EXIGENT SEASONS" to make an ECTOCOMP game, "This Old Haunted House". I refrained from making any new remarks when I did so. I did a find-and-replace operation to change Trev's name to Han's, so even the other remarks make no mention of Trev. To improve the game flow, I standardized the order of the crises (now recast as rooms of the house to be renovated), and I changed the "winning" ending from one in which you get all possible outcomes to a much lower completion ratio. Now I'm going to release this with a website for Source Code Amnesty Day on 4/1/23. ADDENDUM FROM 03/18/23: I think I should make SOME attempt to explain the parts of the game that I still remember, so I've been going through and adding comments with % signs at the front for that purpose. ADDENDUM FROM 04/02/23: Whoops, I missed the Source Code Amnesty date because I was futzing with my laptop's failing fans! At least I got the code off, so I can upload it now... ADDENDUM FROM 04/08/23: Computer's fixed, so I am replacing the interim files with the correctly formatted version of the source code. ]