This Old Haunted House — 17 of 21

Count Fibula

Release 2

Part 6 - Final Resolution

Instead of pathing while the location of the player is the Future:

end the story finally saying "Whoops, that's a bug! Send your transcript to for a tester credit!"

The chatty final score rule is listed instead of the print final score rule in for printing the player's obituary.

This is the chatty final score rule:

say "You've considered [score in words] total house configuration[s] out of a possible [maximum score in words] before finishing the episode.";

carry out the Reciting Endings activity.

When play begins:

choose row with a final response activity of amusing a victorious player in the Table of Final Question Options;

now the final question wording entry is "read some debatably AMUSING details about the game".

Rule for amusing a victorious player:

clear the screen;

say "[paragraph break][paragraph break]Thank you for playing so much of [italic type]This Old Haunted House[roman type]! Let me peel off my fake mustache and remove my false fangs: the real author of this game is Jason Love. The game you've just played is little more than a retheme of my earlier title [italic type]The Exigent Seasons[roman type]. Aside from replacing the entire narrative, dialogue, theming, endings, etc., I made two structural changes. First, the exigencies of Valdara were always presented in a random order: this made less sense in the bounded space of a haunted house, so this time around the rooms are always presented in the same order, unless you enter the XYZZY command. Second, the original game wanted you to obtain all thirty-three outcomes to obtain the 'good' ending, which was ridiculous, so here you're just trying to get the perfect-balance outcome. You can once again use the YZZYX command to color-code your options and outcomes."