Jason Love

Release 3

Part 3 - The World

Chapter 1 - Engine Rooms

The Present is a room with printed name "PREGAMING IN TREV'S BASEMENT". "Trev isn't gone for more than a moment. He drops a notebook, a mechanical pencil, and his ten-sided die on the table between you before grabbing the magazine and collapsing back onto his sofa. He reads aloud, his voice taking on a more dramatic inflection: 'A difficult era approaches for Valdara, the city-state you govern on the coastal frontier. Fortunately, your advisors and ministers will not permit the destruction of your city. They have considered every possible calamity: even now, with the first crisis not yet upon you, they prepare two avenues by which the emergency might be circumvented.' He pauses to pick up his die." The Present has some text called the crisis summary. The crisis summary of the Present is "Something's about to happen." The Present has some text called the crisis term. The crisis term of the Present is "ONCOMING STORM". The Present has some text called the weather. The weather of the Present is "It's mild."

The Future is a room with printed name "THE FUTURE".

The reset button is a device in the Future. ["If this future is not satisfactory, a figurative reset button here will revert your decisions over the last two years. Events will play out in a different sequence, and if you make different choices, you will most likely bring about a different future."] It is fixed in place. The reset button is scenery.

Report switching on the reset button:

say "[one of]Trev starts a new column for your responses in his notebook. He turns back to the main chart and prepares to assault you with exigencies once more.[or]Trev marks another column and starts over again.[stopping]" instead.

Understand "press [something switched off]" as switching on. Understand "activate [something switched off]" as switching on. Understand "push [something switched off]" as switching on.

The End of Exigencies is a room with printed name "THE EXIGENCIES HAVE ENDED". "[one of]Trev flips a page. 'Through this crucible of crises, you have melted down your civilization and forged it anew in your own image. There is but one final path to take.' He rolls his eyes. 'I'm gonna tabulate these results while you take your [']final path['], I guess.'[or]Trev flips to the results page and starts adding up your answers. Nothing to do now but wait.[stopping]"

Instead of waiting in the End of Exigencies:

say "Trev finishes his math and looks up your ending.";

now the player is in the Future.

FINAL is a path in the End of Exigencies. Understand "the" and "final" and "path" as FINAL.

Instead of taking FINAL:

If the player is in the End of Exigencies:

try waiting.

Instead of pathing while the location of the player is the End of Exigencies: try waiting.

Every turn when FINAL is not in the End of Exigencies:

if the location of the player is not the Future:

now FINAL is in the End of Exigencies;


now FINAL is in the Future.

The Rest of the House is a room with description "You're never gonna get here. Sorry.". The Rest of the House is up from Present. The Rest of the House is up from Future. The Rest of the House is up from End of Exigencies.

Before going to the Rest of the House: try disembarking instead.