DEC 26

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THURSDAY (Wichita trip for Peter's wedding)
2202: we slept pretty late, despite going to bed early. After showers, we drove to Tanya's Soup Kitchen for lunch with Scott, Jenny, and Tara. Scott told us about his new job, we ate Ecuadorian cheesy potato soup, and I added colorful observations and anecdotes. We took a photo together before we left.

Once we were on the road again, we stopped in at our old Braums to buy a couple new shopping bags. The girl asked if we're going to get ice cream, but we didn't need much convincing; I stuck with my usual mint chocolate chip. We continued to the local Dillons for plastic bags and to potentially shop for the nieces, though we had to move to Target to buy the recommended gifts. We also got wrapping materials, and I took advantage of the lower prices to restock on socks and underwear. We stopped by Sonic for drinks before we came back to the house.

Back at the residence, Julie wrapped the gifts, while I cut out initials so the girls would know whose gift was whose. We had a little bit of a spill in the kitchen, but the guys have gotten so used to their own family members causing messes that we were able to rally and clean up with a minimum of effort. I put on a nicer shirt and some of my new socks, and Glen drove us to Sabor for our evening meal.

At Sabor, we had white sangria while snacking on guacamole and queso with chips and tortilla. My dinner was my usual sirloin caribe with cheddar potatoes and various vegetables and pineapple. It was the best meal I've eaten in years.

Once we paid, Glen drove us to J's Lounge for further drinks and pool. The place surpassed expectations in its popularity—we were guessing that there'd be fewer than ten patrons, but it was easily twice that. It seemed like another group might be using the pool table, but they made room for us after we got our drinks. Kind of surprising to see that the dartboard disappeared, but it meant we didn't have to feel bad about monopolizing the back corner near the "skill based" gambling machines. Julie and Richard won both games on technicalities. Another group had expressed interest in playing, so we settled up our tab after that and came home.


Tuesday: back to work and still under the weather. As soon as my shift ended, I went out to the egg chair in the living room and crashed for another 4+ hours. We just finished the leftover udon for dinner. I thought I needed to bring the trash out, but it's a holiday weekend, so trash isn't until tomorrow. Kinda messed my sleep schedule up.


Monday: we're awash in foodstuffs from the holiday cooking. Too many cookies, in particular. Last night and tonight weren't great for my snacking habit.

It was a slow Monday, but technically today was a holiday so I'm expecting things to pick up a lot tomorrow. They're offering overtime for people who want to sign up. Doesn't make sense for me, though, since I've got Thursday and Friday off this week: any extra time I take will be at my regular rate. Besides, I'd like to go to the gym tomorrow, and I don't want to be out super late.

After Julie got Sid Meier's Civilization VI plus expansions over the weekend, we tried playing again today, but the DLC caused me a series of crashes. It kept happening even after updating drivers, verifying installation, etc., but it stopped when I switched back to the base game. Unfortunate. I may need to try reinstalling overnight.


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Saturday: had a Boxing Day zoom meet-up with friends, hosted by Scott. Jennie Graves, Wes, and Chuck were also there.


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Tuesday: we returned from Detroit successfully, though we were both a little under the weather. Stomach pains.


This was my last time playing Monaco before I uninstalled it. I loved the idea of it more than I liked the game itself. That level editor is one of the coolest of all time, though.


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Sunday: seems like John had roundworm and pinkeye. Pretty sure it was John; my status update didn't specify.


Saturday: my status update from today said "getting drunk and playing trivia." The only trivia I can remember doing back then would have been using the playmakers at Buffalo Wild Wings.


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