This Old Haunted House — 13 of 21

Count Fibula

Release 2

Part 3 - Talking Time

[% In my heart, I knew I was making a monotonous game, but the only ideas I had to mitigate this issue were to add running commentary from your friend and procgen flavor text as a distraction. That's what's going on in this part of the source.]

Talking Time is a recurring scene. Talking Time begins when the player is in the Present. Talking Time ends when the player is not in the Present.

HanTemp is a number that varies. HanTemp is 0.

Every turn during Talking Time:

if HanTemp is 0:

now HanTemp is 1;

say "[Han sounds]";


say "[music sounds]".

[% Trev's dialogue fluctuates more than Han's does. If you wait around rather than taking a path, he may continue talking on subsequent turns. I kept forgetting to write his comments with this fact in mind, so when I did my retheme, I made Han's conversation much more consistent.]

Han's speaker is a device with description "A sound system in the studio.". Han's speaker is switched off. Check switching off Han's speaker: say "[first time]Han can be unusually stubborn. [only]If you try to turn his speaker off, [one of]he's[or]Han's[stopping] just going to turn it back on." instead.

To say music sounds:

say "[first time][initiator][only][if Han's speaker is switched on][one of][alt music][or][alt music][or][an ad][or][alt music][or][an ad][as decreasingly likely outcomes][else][nature sounds][end if]"

To say initiator:

now Han's speaker is switched on;

say "Han snaps his fingers. 'I almost forgot: we're not recording any final audio today. After all, none of you have any lines! So, I'll dub over this with the real narration later, and to make our job more fun, I rigged the studio sound system to play the local Halloween radio station.' He flips a switch on a speaker near the stage lights, and sound comes out of it. ".

Instead of listening while Han's speaker is switched on, say "[first time]You spend a little longer than usual listening to Han's speaker. [only][music sounds]"

[% The procgen advertising and band/song names were the most fun parts to write of either game.]

To say an ad:

say "[one of]On the radio, [or]The radio plays, and [or]From Han's speaker, [or]From the speaker, [or]From the radio, [or]During the break, [or]On the sound system [as decreasingly likely outcomes][one of]an advertiser[or]a spokesghoul[or]a creepy voice[or]a quiet voice[or]a spokesmonster[or]a monster impersonator[or]a voice you find unsettling[or]some zombie[or]a fast-talker[or]an upbeat goblin[or]a downbeat goblin[or]a sobbing voice[or]a droning child[or]a hollow voice[as decreasingly likely outcomes] [one of]suggests you should be[or]asks you to start[or]commands listeners to start[or]considers[or]talks about[or]lists the benefits of[or]exhorts you to start[or]endorses[as decreasingly likely outcomes] [one of]buying[or]investing in[or]shopping for[or]purchasing[or]purchasing[or]stocking up for Halloween on[or]buying[or]owning[or]ordering[or]sampling[or]taking out a lease on[or]promoting[or]researching[or]giving away[or]stealing[as decreasingly likely outcomes] [one of]dyed corn syrup[or]cast-iron gutter spikes[or]fresh pumpkins[or]pumpkin paint[or]Halloween flags[or]pumpkin spice[or]candles[or]treat bags[or]leafblowers[or]doorbell oil[or]novelty welcome mats[or]fake spiderwebs[or]genuine spiderwebs[or]subscription gravesoils[or]ghost supplements[or]Halloween lights[or]organic face paint[or]seasonal laundry detergent[or]candy corn futures[or]bat spray[or]spooky window treatments[or]canned fog[or]bat feed[or]Orange Zinfandel[or]yard accessories[or]werewolf bedding[or]sidewalk grommets[or]candy tongs[or]cedar chips[or]a giant novelty skeleton[or]orange-and-black pencils[or]a [']Spooky Sounds of the Holidays['] CD)[or]generic candy-coated chocolate treats[or]themed furniture[or]bone juice[or]ectoplasm insurance[or]mallow sauce[or]a costume-advisor consultation[or]neck bolts[or]special effects makeup[or]tricks[or]treats[or]quick-dissolving toilet paper[or]creepiness lessons[or]autumn outerwear[or]motion sensors[or]clearance-priced coffins[or]central draft oil lanterns[or]pumpkinbread house kits[or]fake centipedes[or]real centipedes[or]mummy wrappings[or]the Li'l Scientist reanimation kit[or]squash-based seasoning[or]cat beds[or]wax lips[or]zombie chow[or]radio advertising time slots[or]survival horror video games[or]chainsaw grease[or]fang prosthetics[or]non-lactose party dip[or]video-editing software[or]foam-tipped costume hangers[or]canned goods[or]waterproof face paint[or]flyer design services[or]wolf leashes[or]divination boards[or]clown gear[or]moor maps[or]grave dust[or]detangler spray[or]exorcism insurance[or]a dozen empty buckets[or]heat-resistant chocolate bars[or]gummy treefolk[or]stake sharpeners[purely at random]."

To say alt music:

say "[one of]The speaker plays [italic type][song names][roman type] by [band names].[or]A song by [band names] titled [italic type][song names][roman type] plays.[or]The radio is playing [italic type][song names][roman type] by [band names].[or]They're playing something by [band names], but you missed the name.[or]The song is [italic type][song names][roman type], but you didn't catch the artist.[as decreasingly likely outcomes]".

To say band names:

say "[one of]the [band noun]s[or]the [band adjective] [band noun]s[or][band first name] [band last name][or][band first name] and the [band noun]s[or]the [band adjective] [band noun]s[or][band first name] [band last name][or]the [band noun]s[or]The [band adjective] [band noun]s[or][band first name] [band last name][or][band adjective] [band first name][or][band last name] [band noun][or][band first name] the [band adjective][or][band first name] the [band adjective] [band noun][or][band specific][or][band adjective] [band first name] and the [band adjective] [band noun][or][band noun] of [band noun][as decreasingly likely outcomes]".

To say band noun:

say "[one of]Weight[or]Beast[or]Skull[or]Bat[or]Churchyard[or]Scythe[or]Dagger[or]Watcher[or]Statue[or]Voice[or]Gloom[or]Dancer[or]Zombie[or]Tower[or]Duke[or]Count[or]Storm[or]Moon[or]Victor[or]Villain[or]Wraith[or]Demon[or]Devil[or]Specter[or]Claw[or]Chain[or]Hook[or]Banshee[or]Wolf Pup[or]Limb[or]Flame[or]Well[or]Corpse[or]Hollow[or]Bone[or]Jaw[or]Pumpkin[or]Snake[or]Serpent[or]Jackal[or]Suspect[or]Vampire[or]Monster[or]Panther[or]Saw[or]Trident[or]Kraken[or]Rat[or]Mask[or]Gargoyle[or]Tomb[or]Precipice[or]Web[or]Owl[or]Dirge[or]Hymn[or]Plank[or]Pit[or]Hill[or]Silhouette[or]Stalker[or]Mountain[or]Figure[or]Nightmare[or]Haunting[or]Spirit[or]Hunter[or]Bolt[or]Hall[or]Abomination[or]Drone[or]Cloak[or]Crab[or]Killer[or]Client[or]Hand[or]Finger[or]Cave[or]Tunnel[or]Ant[or]Tree[or]Wrist[or]Cleaver[or]Sickle[or]Hood[or]Witchling[or]Warlock[or]God[or]Needle[or]Bear[or]Tiger[or]Wing[or]Lion[or]Laughter[or]Nozzle[or]Cauldron[or]Vision[or]Potion[or]Pumpkin[or]Star[or]Ooze[or]Mannequin[or]Barrow[or]Doll[or]Centipede[or]Insect[or]Mob[or]Youth[or]Contract[or]Experiment[or]Power[or]Etching[or]Blindfold[or]Ring[or]Shadow[or]Clone[or]Twin[or]Stake[or]Feast[or]Iron[or]Cat[or]Scalpel[or]Fire[or]Circle[or]Crime[or]Shard[or]Preacher[or]Grave[or]Steeple[or]Swamp[or]Shade[or]Goblin[or]Ghoul[or]Gourd[or]Pile[or]Limb[or]Symbol[or]Pursuer[or]Light[or]Glow[or]Prayer[or]Song[or]Vibration[or]Note[or]Sign[or]Arrow[or]Word[or]Strike[or]Piece[or]Lamp[or]Cup[or]Hybrid[or]Pentagram[or]Cord[or]Servant[or]Monitor[or]House[or]Home[or]Gesture[or]Crone[or]Hunt[or]Comet[or]Recipe[or]Nail[or]Drain[or]Pipe[or]Tail[or]Cutter[or]Torso[or]Confession[or]Trinket[or]Dozen[or]Hatchling[or]Hunger[or]Worm[or]Creature[or]Swarm[or]Vestige[or]Tentacle[or]Lobster[or]Shark[or]Oven[or]Mushroom[or]Signet[or]Slime[or]Hatchet[or]Puppet[or]String[or]Blade[or]Pet[or]Robe[or]Slip[or]Goblet[or]Chalice[or]Dance[or]Organ[or]Death[or]Pair[or]Trio[or]Quartet[or]Quintet[or]Opponent[or]Opposite[or]Rival[or]Talon[or]Beak[or]Shackle[or]Vein[or]Skin[or]Boot[or]Shovel[or]Wild[or]Howl[or]Sand[or]Lip[or]Slice[or]Brew[or]Smirk[or]Frown[or]Devastation[or]Marrow[or]Chill[or]Tremor[or]Kick[or]Leap[or]Swing[or]Slide[or]Street[or]Brick[or]Gutter[or]Wurm[or]Behemoth[or]Shiver[or]Fragment[or]Clamp[or]Tongue[or]Seed[or]Lock[or]Clasp[or]Pendant[or]Plaything[or]Illusion[or]Mirage[or]Picture[or]Painting[or]Image[or]Carving[purely at random]".

To say band adjective:

say "[one of]Red[or]Orange[or]Brown[or]Black[or]Green[or]Broken[or]Elder[or]Younger[or]Grey[or]Sisterly[or]Brotherly[or]Big[or]Worst[or]Creepy[or]Lost[or]Lonely[or]Fifth[or]Frozen[or]Frosted[or]Toasted[or]Bubbling[or]Wracked[or]Burnt[or]Electric[or]Disorderly[or]Salty[or]Beloved[or]Forspoken[or]Forsaken[or]Stricken[or]Marble[or]Living[or]Damned[or]Deep[or]Forbidden[or]Silent[or]Cold[or]Still[or]Dry[or]Rocky[or]Wrapped[or]Chocolate[or]Sweet[or]Limestone[or]Brass[or]Glass[or]Buckled[or]Variegated[or]Esoteric[or]Somber[or]Ochre[or]Inflamed[or]Icebound[or]Engulfed[or]Chaste[or]Dripping[or]Missing[or]Dirty[or]Windy[or]Broken[or]Unkind[or]Unsettling[or]Wrong[or]Sobbing[or]Sticky[or]Shaky[or]Sharp[or]Tall[or]Narrow[or]Shady[or]Stone[or]Stolen[or]Unchained[or]Were[or]Rabid[or]Vile[or]Evil[or]Suspended[or]Spoiled[or]Terrible[or]Chilled[or]Slinking[or]Blind[or]Towering[or]Ancient[or]Calamitous[or]Forgotten[or]Forbidden[or]Raucous[or]Webbed[or]Shaken[or]Brazen[or]Unwelcome[or]Enchanting[or]Changed[or]Unfolding[or]Warped[or]Twisted[or]Blurred[or]Prehensile[or]Throbbing[or]Surrendered[or]Loathsome[or]Damaged[or]Bronze[or]Hammered[or]Wounded[or]Chipped[or]Drained[or]Stretched[or]Spindled[or]Folded[or]Gilded[or]Maimed[or]Towering[or]Thunderous[or]Echoing[or]Doomed[or]Unholy[or]Marked[or]Sudden[or]Abrupt[or]Stained[or]Wilted[or]Engulfed[or]Slimy[or]Unhallowed[or]Razor-Thin[or]Murky[or]Heavy[or]Squat[or]Square[or]Opaque[or]Transparent[or]Translucent[or]Discredited[or]Hopeless[or]Classic[or]Duplicitous[or]Brazen[or]Teetering[or]Flimsy[or]Rich[or]Savory[or]Stunted[or]Wavering[or]Tidal[or]Gritty[or]Dusty[or]Rough[or]Smooth[or]Slick[or]Cherished[or]Spare[or]Stolen[or]Wet[or]Sodden[or]Wordy[or]Forlorn[or]Spider-Filled[or]Astral-Born[or]Fetid[or]Touched[or]Dyed[or]Ruptured[or]Filigree[or]Dire[or]Sinking[or]Eaten[or]Buried[purely at random]".

To say band sound:

say "[one of]boo[or]booo[or]hoo[or]hooo[or]voo[or]doo[or]roo[or]tunk[or]tonk[or]tink[or]haa[or]hoo[or]haa[or]hum[or]hee[or]bum[or]drum[or]doom[or]toom[or]sha[or]shoo[or]mizi[or]tizi[or]bang[or]clang[or]Boo[or]Hoo[or]Doo[or]Voo[or]Hum[or]Bum[or]Tunk[or]Tonk[or]Tink[or]Shoo[or]Hoo[or]Haa[or]Hum[or]Hee[or]Bum[or]Drum[or]sha[or]shoo[or]she[or]ka[or]koo[or]ke[purely at random]".

To say band first name:

say "[one of]Josephus[or]Alphonse[or]Jana[or]Jasper[or]Maria[or]Sybil[or]Davidson[or]Cassandra[or]Elise[or]Sam[or]Elizabeth[or]Derek[or]Kelly[or]Brian[or]Diane[or]Theodora[or]Angel[or]Frank[or]Philomena[or]Alice[or]Enid[or]Lillian[or]Silas[or]Colin[or]Cara[or]Elizabeth[or]Andrea[or]Jackie[or]Peyton[or]Edith[or]Halicarnassia[or]Jack[or]Leah[or]Amelia[or]Jen[or]Jenny[or]Benny[or]Smith[or]Henderson[or]Francis[or]Ezra[or]Eric[or]Sarah[or]Amber[or]Adam[or]Bethany[or]Bruce[or]Carla[or]Charles[or]Deb[or]Davis[or]Elliot[or]Erin[or]Fred[or]Freya[or]Gregor[or]Georgia[or]Houston[or]Harmony[or]Isabel[or]Isaac[or]Juan[or]Jocasta[or]Keith[or]Keira[or]Lisa[or]Louis[or]Madison[or]Malcolm[or]Neveah[or]Newton[or]Olivia[or]Orville[or]Priscilla[or]Patrick[or]Quincy[or]Rachael[or]Robert[or]Sean[or]Stephanie[or]Tim[or]Takako[or]Umberto[or]Victoria[or]Virgil[or]Wally[or]Wendy[or]Yolanda[or]York[or]Xochitl[or]Alice[or]Barry[or]Clara[or]Dan[or]Elle[or]Fenton[or]Grant[or]Hilde[or]Ira[or]June[or]Kevin[or]Leland[or]Mae[or]Nell[or]Olive[or]Paulette[or]Roger[or]Steve[or]Terry[or]William[or]Karl[or]Lukas[or]Be[or]Andrew[or]Bob[or]Christopher[or]Drew[or]Emmett[or]Finn[or]George[or]Hugh[or]Jim[or]Kim[or]Lonnie[or]Mitchell[or]Nathan[or]Otis[or]Phil[or]Quentin[or]Ricky[or]Steve[or]Truong[or]Van[or]Willy[or]Ann[or]Beatrix[or]Charlene[or]Danielle[or]Erica[or]Fiona[or]Gina[or]Jessica[or]Kendra[or]Louisa[or]Mary[or]Nina[or]Ophelia[or]Penelope[or]Renata[or]Sybil[or]Tenelle[or][band sound][purely at random]".

To say band last name:

say "[one of]Allison[or]Truant[or]Trimbal[or]Acres[or]MacArthur[or]Chamberlain[or]Standish[or]Lindsborg[or]Hutchinson[or]Davis[or]Green[or]Mims[or]Lane[or]Torres[or]Valence[or]Robertson[or]Miller[or]Painter[or]Potts[or]Wilcox[or]McCarthy[or]Ross[or]Russell[or]Smith[or]Atchison[or]C[or][band first name][or]Houck[or]Huey[or]Abilene[or]Bennett[or]Carlisle[or]Doherty[or]Epperson[or]Fitzgerald[or]Gant[or]Hoffman[or]Inez[or]Jackson[or]Kitchen[or]Lemaster[or]Murdock[or]Nunez[or]Ott[or]Pointner[or]Quarterman[or]Reyes[or]Sadowski[or]Takeda[or]Ulrich[or]Vaughn[or]Waters[or]Yellowstone[or]Ziegler[or]Nguyen[or]Alcott[or]Burgett[or]Carden[or]Etheridge[or]Ford[or]Grady[or]Haney[or]Immelmann[or]Jacobsen[or]King[or]Lee[or]Meyer[or]Naismith[or]O'Reilly[or]Pessinger[or]Ratzinger[or]Adams[or]Baker[or]Cortez[or]De Mayo[or]Ewing[or]Fitzpatrick[or]Gaddis[or]Humphrey[or]Ignacio[or]Jones[or]King[or]Glauberman[or]Lopez[or]Lindstrom[or]MacKinnon[or]Newport[or]Ogden[or]Petersen[or]Reese[or]Stearns[or]Thomas[or]Vicente[or]Williamson[or]Young[or]Ziegler[purely at random]".

To say band specific:

say "[one of]The New [band adjective] [band noun][or]The Halloween Sound Factory[or][band sound][band sound][or]a band whose name you cannot quite make out[or]The [band noun]s and the [band noun]s[or][band first name] [band last name]'s [band adjective] [band noun]s[or]Count Frankenstein[or][band noun] [band noun] [band noun] [band noun][or][band sound]ba[band sound][band sound][or]?!?!?![or]The [band adjective] [band noun]s[stopping]".

To say song names:

say "[one of][band adjective] [band noun][or][band verb] [band object][or][single titles][or][band adjective] [band noun][or][band noun] of [band adjective] [band noun]s[or][band adjective] [band noun][or][band noun] of [band adjective] [band noun]s[or]The [band noun] [song type][or]A [band noun] To [band verb][or][band noun] of the [band noun][or]The [song type] of the [band adjective][or][band noun] of [band adjective] [band noun]s[or]Be[band sound]ing [band noun]s[as decreasingly likely outcomes]".

To say band verb:

say "[one of]Kill[or]Forget[or]Lose[or]Hate[or]Follow[or]Instruct[or]Forbid[or]Banish[or]Abandon[or]Steal[or]Prepare[or]Haunt[or]Touch[or]Rebuke[or]Dance With[or]Encounter[or]Witness[or]Observe[or]Send[or]Remember[or]Forget[or]Sing About[or]Talk About[or]Think About[or]Beguile[or]Turn[or]Avoid[or]Embody[or]Charm[or]Convince[or]Hypnotize[or]Entrap[or]Kill[or]Forget[or]Lose[or]Hate[or]Follow[or]Instruct[or]Forbid[or]Banish[or]Abandon[or]Steal[or]Prepare[or]Haunt[or]Touch[purely at random]".

To say band object:

say "[one of]Me[or]You[or]Myself[or]Yourself[or][band noun]s[or]the [band noun][as decreasingly likely outcomes]".

To say single titles:

say "[one of]Be Your Own [band noun][or][band object], the [band adjective][or][band verb] [band first name][or][band verb] [band object] to the [band noun][or][band adjective] [band last name][or][band verb], [band verb], [band verb][or][band noun] Over [band noun]s[or][band noun]s Under the [band noun][or][band adjective] [band noun][or][band noun] and [band object][or]YOU HAVE NEVER TRUSTED ME[or]Don't [band verb] [band object][or][band verb] the [band noun]s[stopping]"

To say song type:

say "[one of]Shuffle[or]Tune[or]Dirge[or]Song[or]Ode[or]Chant[or]Lament[or]Hymn[or]Refrain[or]Cycle[or]Movement[or]Litany[purely at random]".

To say nature sounds:

say "[one of][house effects][or][vent effects][or][idle action][as decreasingly likely outcomes]"

To say house effects:

say "[one of]Outside, a truck drives past.[or]Han adjusts his position on the sofa.[or]The sound of an aircraft passes overhead.[or]Distant barking.[or]A car door slams outside somewhere.[or]The ceiling creaks.[or]A car honks somewhere.[or]The lights flicker for a moment.[or]A neighbor's car alarm chirps with the locking of its doors.[or]A fly buzzes somewhere in the room.[or]For a moment, there's a slight ringing in your ears.[or]You catch a glimpse of a fly in the stairwell.[or]Han taps his foot several times before catching himself and crossing his legs on the sofa.[or]The house shudders with the clamor of a passing train.[or]You can hear your heart beating.[as decreasingly likely outcomes]" [% Oh. These events were never updated...]

To say vent effects:

say "[first time]As ghosts, the Boo-thers have no legs: they bob gently in the air, and the rhythm of their oscillations is usually a little off. [only][one of]For just a moment, [HandT] bob in perfect sync.[or][HandT] bob in perfect alternation, just for a few seconds. [cycling]" [% ...yet these events were. Weird.]

To say HandT:

say "[one of]Hoary and Terry[or]Terry and Hoary[purely at random]".

To say idle action:

say "[one of]Han fiddles with the camera.[or]Han rolls his script up in his hands.[or]Han stretches.[or]Han pans, then zooms dramatically.[or]Han backs his scooter up while zooming in.[or]Han smooths out his script.[or]Han moves up while zooming out.[or]Han drums his fingers.[or]Han glances at the script before refocusing on the camera.[or]Han zooms in for an extreme close-up before thinking better of it and returning to his position.[as decreasingly likely outcomes]"

To say Han sounds:

choose the row with Achievement Level of score in Table of Han's Commentary;

say "[Comments entry]".

[% Finally, here's all of Han's commentary! I haven't done a side-by-side comparison, but I'm pretty sure Han usually has less to say at each achievement level than Trev has, but I think Trev has more achievement levels in which he's just giving random hints.]

Table of Han's Commentary

Achievement LevelComments
0"[one of]Han holds up a hand to signal your approaching cue. 'Bone has a difficult choice to make, and it's likely to be the first of many.' He gives you the finger-gun, camera trained on your thoughtful pose.[line break][or][music sounds][or]Han pauses for a moment. 'I would have liked to prepare more direction for you, but the opportunity to bring Hoary and Terry on was such a last-minute thing! I figured we could wing it.'[line break][or]'Oh, you might want to make a note of what choices you're making so that you can pick the opposite options next time.'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
1"[one of]'That's a good first attempt! We've still got a lot of footage to record. Bone, I need to get you picking each proposal at least once. I also want to record the three of you reacting to a bunch of different final house configurations: a Terry special, a Hoary special, and varying degrees of thematic complexity. Once we get enough footage, you can leave for the day.'[line break][or]'If you're having trouble figuring out how to obtain particular categories of house layout, feel free to ask me for a hint. I've got an entire demographic breakdown from Marketing in my script.'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
2"[one of]'I think you should take Terry's proposal first. Remember, though, it's up to you whether you go along with this.'[line break][or]Han thinks for a moment. 'I think I'd pick Hoary's proposal for this room.'[line break][or]'I've gotta go with Hoary, again.'[line break][or]'I prefer Terry's idea, personally.'[line break][or]'Hmm. I don't love either choice here, but I think I'm leaning towards Hoary on this one.'[line break][or]Han lifts his index fingers and touches the tips of his thumbs in a big H. 'Hoary's proposal! Hoary's proposal is best!'[line break][or]Han doesn't say anything further; he just points directly at Terry.[line break][or]Han's shoulders shake as though he were nodding with vigor. 'Again, I like Terry's choice more.'[line break][or]Han considers for another moment. 'I favor the proposal we've come up with for Terry in this situation.'[line break][or]'For this last room, I'd like you to take [bold type]neither proposal[roman type].'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
3"[one of]Han fiddles with his camera. 'I know we're getting good footage, but this is starting to get repetitive. Sorry for putting you all through it. You're being great sports!' The Boo-thers turn to regard one another, then turn toward you. It's unclear what response would be most appropriate, but you only have one expression, so the point is academic.[line break][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or]'Actually, hold on a moment.' Han holds up a hand, then makes a sound like a sneeze. A cloud of moist particles balloons outward from his severed neck.[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
4"[one of]Han repositions to restart the sequence. 'I know I mentioned this before, but you can skip a room altogether by taking [italic type]neither[roman type] path. It seems like some of these layouts are going to require you to apply that technique.'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
5"[one of]Han looks at his script. 'I have a note here that's reminding me to tell you tha tyou should feel free to ask me for hints if you'd like help getting new house layouts. That's pretty silly, but I'm just doing as the script says!'[line break][or][music sounds][or]'Some of these notes from Marketing are pretty odd. [hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
6"[one of]With another cycle filmed successfully, Han treats himself to a celebratory spin. 'I don't know whether this info will help you, but when categorizing these layouts, Marketing sorted them into groups. First there's a group of five types of layout, then a group of ten, then [italic type]another[roman type] group of ten, then another group of five, and finally there are three layouts sort of off by themselves. I'd love to record at least one layout from each group.'[line break][or]Apropos of nothing in particular, Han adds: 'Don't forget; you can ask me for a clue like this one. [hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][or]'I feel like we may have gone too general with the atmospherics and too specific with cosmic horror scenarios. Too late now, though.'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
7"[one of]'How are you all holding up? If you'd rather, we could try reading the layouts directly. Just tell me to cheat or summon a zombie, and I'll have one bring us a layout from Marketing to read.' He resumes filming with a shrug.[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
8"[one of]'Another one down, fellas!' he crows.[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
9"[one of][if the player is befouled]Han's voice sounds like he'd be frowning, were that possible. 'As long as we're cheating, I should be giving you more hints. [hint sounds]'[otherwise] 'I know I said you could cheat if you want, but there's something impressive about not resorting to such measures.'[end if][line break][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or]You catch Han looking at his script. 'Oh, I'm still going to read you hints whether you want them or not, sometimes. [hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
10"[one of]Han repositions his grip on his script. 'Oh, here's an idea. [hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or][music sounds][or]'Are you stuck? It seems like you're stuck. [hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
11"[one of]'[hint sounds]' Saying this, Han redoubles his grip on the camera.[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
12"[one of]Han folds his script over.[line break][or][music sounds][or]Han stops to look at his notes from Marketing. '[hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
13"[one of]Han seems lost in thought. 'Have you ever heard of a magazine called [italic type]Parapet[roman type]?' The question is obviously rhetorical.[line break][or]'They had a Halloween special last year; my kid brought it home. It's usually fantasy nonsense, but hey, I'm a dullahan working in reality TV, who am I to judge those dopes?'[line break][or]Han continues musing about the [italic type]Parapet[roman type] issue. 'Anyway, this stuff was all really trite. I've heard restrictions breed creativity, but the holiday theme came out completely predictable. Nothing like [bold type]your[roman type] work, Terry.'[line break][or]'Seeing that made me think, hey, these guys have a total blind spot where Halloween is concerned. They're so used to doing their thing that they overlook all the important aspects of making great Halloween content.'[line break][or]'Anyway, that got me wondering if we might be vulnerable to the same mistake. Sure, we're Halloween monsters, so we KNOW Halloween, but what if we're overlooking important aspects of reality TV? What if reality TV producers watch our show and see all the ways we're getting it wrong?'[line break][or]'I guess a lot of creatives have this kind of crisis, even when faced with obvious proof that they're no impostors. Like working with brilliant professionals like yourselves!' He gestures towards the three of you.[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
14"[one of]Han reviews your endings. 'Here's something we haven't done yet. [hint sounds]'[line break][or]'I know it's kind of late to mention this, but I haven't left myself that much time to edit this; the proofs have to be submitted to the network a lot sooner than I'd like.' He shrugs. 'So, apologies both before- and after-the-fact for any errors or other issues!'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
15"[one of]Han considers the footage you've recorded so far. '[hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
16"[one of]'That's half the layouts found! Good work!' He slaps his script, as if to show he isn't getting tired.[line break][or]'Again, I should point out that there's no shame in asking me to cheat by looking up configurations you haven't found yet. There's not really any glory, either, but there's definitely no shame.'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
17"[one of]'Time for another clue, I think! [hint sounds]' Saying this, he prepares to record your cycle of rooms once again.[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
18"[one of]Han hums for a bit before catching himself.[line break][or]'I'm surprised we haven't heard anything by [band noun] of [band adjective] [band noun] tonight. I must have heard their new single half a dozen times this morning.'[line break][or]'I'm pretty sure the lead singer for that band is actually [band first name] [band last name] from [band specific]. Have you heard their new single yet? [italic type][song names][roman type]?'[line break][or]'I've gotta say, it's no [italic type][single titles][roman type], but I think I like it a little better than [italic type][band verb] for [band object][roman type], despite their similar sound.'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
19"[one of]Han yawns for a moment tapping his hand over his neck stump politely. '[hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][or]'I'm not sure all of these layouts really follow from the choices that you've made. Like, these set-pieces are really specific! They should count toward themes whenever it would be appropriate! I feel like Marketing is wrong about this.'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
20"[one of]Han repositions the camera. 'I'm getting kinda tired, but don't let that stop you. [hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][or]'Have I mentioned how much I like the House of Viscera layouts? They're not the most professional houses; we probably wouldn't feature one on the show without presenting it as some sort of special feature. Still, they're the kind that I prefer.'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
21"[one of]Han pauses for a moment. 'Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. At one point, Marketing suggested I should ensure I get a certain quantity of footage, but it was an absurd suggestion. I think you should know that we've now recorded more footage than they were suggesting that I require of you. That's astonishing. Great work.'[line break][or]'Oh, I meant to give you another hint.' He consults the endings. '[hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
22"[one of]Han prepares for another loop. '[hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][or]'Before you came over, I had been planning to write up an alternative quiz that I could sort of slip in here after you'd tried it once or twice, and instead of making choices about a fantasy medieval kingdom, you'd be running your own bakery and dealing with labor interruptions from your employees. Wound up being too much work though, so I scrapped it.'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
23"[one of]Han yawns. 'Let's see if we can knock out a few in rapid succession; I'm going to focus on just giving you guidance for a bit. To that end... [hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
24"[one of]Han prepares for another loop. '[hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
25"[one of]Han prepares for another loop. '[hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
26"[one of]Han prepares for another loop. '[hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
27"[one of]Han prepares for another loop. '[hint sounds]'[line break][or]Han twirls his fingers in a [']hurry up['] gesture.[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
28"[one of]Han prepares for another loop. '[hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
29"[one of]Han prepares for another loop. '[hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
30"[one of]Han runs a hand over his nonexistent scalp as he marks down your ending. 'Feels like I'm going to get a headache soon, and I don't even have a head! We're close to having every possible layout, though! [hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
31"[one of]Han prepares for another loop. 'I think we're almost there. [hint sounds]'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
32"[one of]Han reviews his notes. 'There's only one layout we haven't found yet, and if you want to obtain that ending, well. [hint sounds][unless the player is befouled] If you want the greatest pride in your accomplishment, you should leave now.[otherwise] We may as well cheat again, unless you'd rather try to find this layout on your own...?'[end unless][line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"
33"[one of]'Holy smokes.' Han looks up at you. 'We've reviewed every layout Marketing said we could create!'[line break][or]Han looks at his filled notes. 'We should probably leave the studio now.'[line break][or][music sounds][stopping]"

[Bakery is a recurring scene.

Bakery begins when the score is 13.

Bakery ends when the score is 14.]

[% The bakery was a moment of deranged hubris in which I thought I'd mix things up by doing a total retheme within my retheme—rather than make a haunted house, Han would have you decorate a haunted bakery as a change of pace, and all the crisis events would be updated to match. Why a bakery? I don't remember. Once I started thinking about just how much text I'd need to rewrite, I realized I was making a terrible mistake.]

To say time passing sounds:

say "[one of]Han waits for you to accept a proposal[or]Han pans the camera a few degrees[or][HandT] stare without comment[or]The ghosts hover expectantly.[or]You catch yourself hitching up your toolbelt unconsciously.[or]You must have looked away for a moment, because when you see them again, [HandT] have changed places.[purely at random]."

To say hint sounds:

let M2 be the list of unwitnessed endings;

if the number of entries in M2 is 0:

say "Han drums on his camera controls idly for a moment. 'I think I'm satisfied with what we've recorded here, if you are? We can leave, if you're ready.'";


let M3 be the list of unhinted endings;

if the number of entries in M3 is greater than 0:

sort M3 in random order;

say "[relevant hint of entry 1 of M3]";

now entry 1 of M3 is hinted;


sort M2 in random order;

say "[relevant hint of entry 1 of M2]".