Part 2 - Endings
Chapter 1 - The List
An ending is a kind of thing with description "One of thirty-three possible outcomes Valdara might experience.". An ending has a number called the current rank. The current rank of an ending is usually 0. An ending has some text called the relevant hint.
An ending can be witnessed or unwitnessed. An ending is usually unwitnessed.
An ending can be hinted or unhinted. An ending is usually unhinted.
A person can be magical or mundane. A person is usually mundane.
EW is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]White: [end if]THE ORDERED SEASONS". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'When setting out to govern Valdara, you put the rule of law first, to the detriment of all other ideals. While there is something to be said for clarity of purpose, this otherwise-commendable dedication to civic order made your reign a bit one-dimensional. When your opponents sought your downfall, your predictable priorities made you easy to manipulate, and the Ordered Seasons of your rule did not survive much longer than the seasons of exigency they preceded. This was ending number one with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EW is "[one of]One ending requires you to put the rule of law first. Favor the status quo: you're trying to do right by the nobility. If the rule of law isn't in question, you can ignore the crisis.[or]Enforce Valdaran law over everything else, and take neither path if Valdaran law isn't in question.[stopping]".
EU is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Blue: [end if]THE LEARNED SEASONS". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'They called your reign the Learned Seasons, as you elevated education as the most important ideal. But to what end? Knowledge for its own sake and nothing beyond is self-gratifying purposelessness; the applause of scholars is not sufficient to maintain civilization. At least you knew enough to see the end approaching, and though your city was overthrown, perhaps you outlived its fall. The historians are uncertain. This was ending number two with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EU is "[one of]There's an ending in which you put knowledge and learning first. You can take neither path for any crises that don't have to do with education.[or]Put learning and education first, and ignore everything else.[stopping]".
EB is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Black: [end if]THE TYRANNICAL SEASONS". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'You held on to power at the expense of everything else. Your citizens cursed your name; your neighboring sovereigns found you worrisome. Even the suzerain state considered your ambition dangerous, and so they saw fit to separate you from your position. But your power was sufficient to guarantee your escape. As much as we'd like to give you a poetic comeuppance, you lived to a ripe old age in relative luxury far from the halls of power. This was ending number three with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EB is "[one of]To get a tyrannical ending, you have to put your personal power first. If there isn't an option to maintain or increase your own control over the city, you should ignore the crisis.[or]Always vote against any option that would lessen your personal power.[stopping]".
ER is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Red: [end if]THE SEASONS OF LAWLESSNESS". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'You gave the people freedom, and they thanked you with chaos. Although the Exigent Seasons had ended, Valdara slipped into a twilight of lawlessness and decline. Your own household plotted against you, and your reign was cut short by a poisoned blade. At least you'll live on in the history books as an example of how not to rule. This was ending number four with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of ER is "[one of]I guess anarchy and freedom are two sides of the same coin, in a way? You can get an ending if you maximize those characteristics.[or]Ignore any crisis that doesn't increase freedom for the masses.[stopping]".
EG is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Green: [end if]THE JOYFUL SEASONS". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'You were a kind leader, and merciful, and your people loved you for this. At what cost, though? The nobility who carried out your edicts chafed as your generosity came at their own expense, and they became all too eager to plot your downfall. When it finally came, the coup immortalized you as a true martyr of the common folk, but a martyr all the same. This was ending number five with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EG is "[one of]One ending requires you to give the people joy. How do you think you could best accomplish that?[or]Choose paths that will make the people happy, and take no position on any crisis which doesn't concern the populace at large.[stopping]".
EWU is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]White-Blue: [end if]THE ELOQUENT AGE". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'They called your reign the Eloquent Age. You studied the best way to build a society, and in that society you enshrined learning as the highest calling. Although your detractors would complain that the art and music of your era was mired in a formal rigidity that made it unexciting to study, none could deny the effectiveness of your leadership. This was ending number six with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EWU is "[one of]You haven't yet gotten the ending in which you balance learning with the law.[or]Favor the law and learning in equal measure, and ignore everything else.[stopping]".
EWB is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]White-Black: [end if]THE HUNGRY AGE". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'Your rule brought about the Hungry Age. Considered a kleptocracy, yours was a society divided between the [italic type]haves[roman type] and the [italic type]have-nots[roman type], and you yourself were always foremost among the haves. Was it hard to enjoy your riches when you had to constantly quash anarchist uprisings? Apparently not, as this state of affairs lasted for decades. This was ending number seven with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EWB is "[one of]You're still missing the kleptocracy ending, aren't you? You need to get more autocratic![or]You have to balance the power of the nobility with your own power.[stopping]".
EUB is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Blue-Black: [end if]THE FRIGHTFUL AGE". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'After the Exigent Seasons, your rule ushered in the long darkness of the Frightful Age. The bleak lives of the Valdaran commoners could only improve if they turned informant, reporting one another for treacheries real and imagined. Your guile and ruthlessness had served you well during the crises, and now your control over the city was absolute. This was ending number eight with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EUB is "[one of]Can you balance learning with oppression? There's an ending for that.[or]Favor paths which increase knowledge and paths which increase your personal power. Ignore the rest.[stopping]".
EUR is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Blue-Red: [end if]THE AGE OF INGENUITY". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'By giving everyday citizens the freedom to study and invent new ways of thinking, you brought about a Valdaran Renaissance. Artists and thinkers flocked to the city, and while you did have to deal with the occasional populist and moralist uprisings that castigated you for your apparent abandonment of Valdaran traditions, it was otherwise a rewarding time to be alive. This was ending number nine with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EUR is "[one of]The renaissance requires both learning and dynamism.[or]Ignore options which do not increase Valdaran freedom or intelligence.[stopping]".
EBR is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Black-Red: [end if]THE AGE OF VILLAINY". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'Which is the greater crime? The lesser indignities and greater horrors you inflicted on your people, or the simple fact that you could get away with such malice for so long? Your rule is overthrown in the end by careful coordination among your citizens, but your villainy is long and fruitful before that happens. This was ending number ten with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EBR is "[one of]There's still an ending to get in which you're basically a cartoonish monster. You need to be both power-hungry and cavalier for this one.[or]You need to increase both Valdaran freedom as well as your personal power.[stopping]".
EBG is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Black-Green: [end if]THE VENGEFUL AGE". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'You were ruthless, and you taught the people to be ruthless as well: no threat, no slight, no whispered insult was too minor to ignore, and escalation to violence and murder soon followed. Your reign was a time of feuding families and long-held grudges. Despite the grim atmosphere, it was an age of great civic pride, even if the only clear winners were the grave-diggers. This was ending number eleven with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EBG is "[one of]One of these endings involves being kind of an evil bastard, but also maximizing the people's happiness.[or]Increase your personal power while also increasing citizen satisfaction.[stopping]".
ERG is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Red-Green: [end if]THE AGE OF EMBERS". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'The Age of Embers is an era of mob-based rule. ([']Mob['] as in pitchforks and torches, rather than organized crime.) You empowered the people, gave political weight to their freedoms, and they in turn burned down those institutions that failed to support their populist goals. It was not an especially fair time, nor an enlightened time, nor a time of great Valdaran accomplishment, but most of the people loved you for it, and your hands-off rule lasted far longer than any of your critics would have guessed. This was ending number twelve with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of ERG is "[one of]See if you can get the people fired up. They need to be happy, but also a little wild and chaotic.[or]Maximize citizen satisfaction and freedom while ignoring everything else.[stopping]".
ERW is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Red-White: [end if]THE MILITANT ERA". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'Faced with the unprecedented crises of the Exigent Seasons, you ushered in the age of the citizen-soldier. You raised levies and enacted martial law. This may have started as self-defense, but before long your forces clashed with those of your like-minded neighbors, and the people found themselves caught in a constant quagmire of strike and counter-strike. The Militant Era continued in this way for the rest of your days. This was ending number thirteen with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of ERW is "[one of]You can cause martial law to spiral out of control by favoring the law as well as policies which encourage civil chaos.[or]Give power to the nobility, but encourage lawlessness among the people.[stopping]".
EGW is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Green-White: [end if]THE BOUNTIFUL AGE". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'Your administration followed the time of crisis with a plan to reorganize society. You put your peoples['] needs first, and you revised your laws to ensure those needs would be satisfied. The Bountiful Age that followed was one of growth and prosperity. That's not to say it was perfect; the occasional radical might try to spread dissent, but impassioned individuals couldn't do much to budge the prosperous majority you'd empowered. This was ending number fourteen with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EGW is "[one of]You can start a prosperous era by favoring both the nobility and the masses at the expense of everything else.[or]Support the enforcement of the law and the happiness of the people.[stopping]".
EGU is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Green-Blue: [end if]THE ENLIGHTENED AGE". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'Now here's an unusual strategy: make Valdara the smartest city in the world. During your Enlightened Age, free education is a right granted to all citizens, and the Valdaran Conservatory of Learning draws scholars from distant lands. These choices make Valdara look weak in the eyes of your more opportunistic neighbors, but your suzerain finds value in your dedication to the pursuit of knowledge, so your gamble pays off for many years. This was ending number fifteen with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EGU is "[one of]If you both educate the people and make them happy, you'll get a pretty good ending.[or]Favor the masses as well as education, and ignore everything else.[stopping]".
EWUB is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]White-Blue-Black: [end if]THE ERA OF THE WATCHFUL HAND". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'Why bother with public police when secret police can do the same job more effectively? It's true that your agents enjoy unprecedented autonomy with a relative lack of oversight; your critics would call this [']corruption['] if they weren't already jailed. Anarchist movements grow in response, but they are powerless to stop you from uprooting them before they do too much damage. This was ending number sixteen with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EWUB is "[one of]There are four events that have a path that contributes to law and order: the Pauper Riots, the Forbidden Workshop, the Famine, and the Squatters.[or]For one of these endings, you need to always vote against the people's happiness and the people's freedom, and your other objectives need to be balanced.[or]Choose the opposite path whenever you have the option to increase happiness or lawlessness in the population.[stopping]".
EUBR is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Blue-Black-Red: [end if]THE KNIFEBOUND ERA". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'The Knifebound Era that followed the time of crisis is a difficult one for the average Valdaran citizen. The law was not on their side, and sentiment against [']lowborn rabble['] was particularly harsh. If a commoner were to cross a soldier or surgeon who felt they'd be of more use as a corpse, their best chance to avoid such a transformation depended on having a hidden weapon to fend off such attackers. Though it would not come for many years, the citizens['] revolt was an obvious inevitability. This was ending number seventeen with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EUBR is "[one of]To increase education and learning, you have to make certain selections in four different crises: the Pamphleteers, the Pox, the Disputed Patronage, and the Forbidden Workshop.[or]Try choosing the opposite path when law-and-order or public satisfaction options appear.[or]Don't take paths that would benefit the nobility or the populace, and don't take either path when neither option is available.[stopping]".
EBRG is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Black-Red-Green: [end if]THE ERA OF SCORCHED MARBLE". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'You turned the common people against the institutions of learning, and you turned the law itself against those who might normally enforce it. The unruly masses may be fickle, but you were ever in their favor, and more than one erstwhile lieutenant found himself chased out of town for attempting to reestablish a more civil society. The mob would someday grow tired of your charismatic autocracy and the squalor it had resigned them to, but detailed records of what would transpire are notoriously scarce. This was ending number eighteen with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EBRG is "[one of]There are four chances to maximize your personal control and security. These chances are during the Unblinking Eye, the Pauper Riots, the Mutineers, and the Pamphleteers.[or]I think you need to avoid maintaing order while also avoiding learning and education options.[or]Always take the opposite path when you can either increase knowledge or maintain the law, and if neither or both is an option, take neither path.[stopping]".
ERGW is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Red-Green-White: [end if]THE BANNER-CROSSED ERA". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'Pour enough effort into [']bread and circus['] and your society will become one of bakers and entertainers. So it went with Valdara. Your changes brought the city into a state of continuous festival, in which it became a monument to competition and to cameraderie and to the feasts in celebration of both. Putting so much effort into the performance of prosperity left you poorly positioned against external plotting, and it's unclear just how much of your reign was genuine and how much was a performance at the behest of your puppetmasters. This was ending number nineteen with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of ERGW is "[one of]You can boost freedom and/or chaos in four ways: by choosing a certain path in the Daggers event, the Squatters event, the Unblinking Eye event, and the Disputed Patronage event. That last one's kind of oblique, so I'll just tell you: pick the path of beauty during that one.[or]You can get a certain ending by abandoning both personal power and learning initiatives.[or]Avoid taking paths that bolster intelligence or your own control over the city, and balance your use of options to increase happiness, freedom, and lawfulness.[stopping]".
EGWU is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Green-White-Blue: [end if]THE ERA OF THE GOLDEN SUN". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'Valdara under your rule became a place of equitable laws and joyful enlightenment. Your critics accused you of utopian idealism at the expense of individual liberty, but they couldn't dispute your fundamental success. Valdara's neighbors watched your prosperity with envious eyes, though, and bandits harassed your trade caravans with regularity. Still, you brought about a veritable golden age. Congratulations. This was ending number twenty with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EGWU is "[one of]If you want to get the Valdaran populace on your side, they appreciate certain options during the season of the Pox, the season of the Famine, the season of the Mutineers, and the season of the Daggers.[or]One of the better possible futures requires you to eschew both selfishness and permissiveness, but you must balance other priorities.[or]Focus on happiness, intelligence, and lawfulness at the expense of all else.[stopping]".
EWBR is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]White-Black-Red: [end if]THE AGE OF THE SHATTERED WHEEL". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'You established the primacy of the militant hero, and to exalt the skills of martial prowess, Valdara under your rule put the arena first. Valdaran seasons came to revolve around marches and demonstrations, contests of strength, the rise and fall of gladiators, but above all: the racing of chariots, whose wreckage defined the image of the era. The common people lived in ignorant squalor, but how better to whet their thirst for the greatness to lift themselves above their peers? This age of athletic triumph is only somewhat dimmed by the declining years of famine and plague that would eventually follow. This was ending number twenty-one with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EWBR is "[one of]Want to get into arena sports? You need to have low values in happiness and education.[or]Avoid taking options to increase happiness and education; balance the rest of your efforts.[stopping]".
EURG is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Blue-Red-Green: [end if]THE ERA OF THE DISTANT STARS". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'To escape the crises besetting your city, you lead your people to the nomadic life. Though scattered stragglers remained in the ravaged city, [']Valdara['] was no longer a singular place: it was a name invoked whenever your followers['] paths crossed, or when the fisherfolk lashed their raft-homes into a brief settlement upon the waves. Your leadership passed from terrestrial affairs to mysticism and myth, and while foreign powers would one day clear away your ruins and rebuild, your name would be whispered in distant lands for centuries to come. This was ending number twenty-two with a score of [current rank] points, and it happens to be my personal favorite!'" The relevant hint of EURG is "[one of]To get my favorite result, you have to give up both the strength of the law and your own control over the city, but otherwise try to max out civic happiness, intelligence, and freedom.[or]Choose the opposite path rather than increasing the power of yourself or your nobility.[stopping]".
EBGW is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Black-Green-White: [end if]THE ERA OF WALLS ASCENDING". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'The city has endured. You fortified it. You reinforced the gates; you bricked up the windows. Wherever you saw or imagined a threat, you stamped it out, and the city has achieved stability. It has even grown! It has not flourished, exactly: this would require vibrancy and creativity and inspiration. The Era of Walls Ascending is not an era of inspiration, for inspiration is not necessary for stability. The city is not inspired. Regardless: the city has endured. This was ending number twenty-three with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EBGW is "[one of]For one of the endings you're missing, you need to maximize stability; that means avoid paths that increase freedom and paths that increase education.[or]Take the opposite path when presented with the option to increase learning or increase chaos.[stopping]".
ERWU is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Red-White-Blue: [end if]THE ERA OF THE LAWBLADES". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'You played fast and loose with the edicts of the city, and Valdaran bureaucracy grew wild and tangled. Your rules contradicted one another. The magistrates who could best navigate this legal morass were those who bore both the signet (to barter favors in your name) and the sword (to cut through the obstacles of your justice, such as.... red tape). It wasn't the happiest of times, and your government was not the most effective, but after the Era of the Lawblades ends, few periods in history will be as heavily romanticized by those who came out on top. This was ending number twenty-four with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of ERWU is "[one of]One outcome requires you to drop both happiness and the security of your rule.[or]Avoid paths that would benefit either the populace at large or your own place at the top.[stopping]".
EGUB is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Green-Blue-Black: [end if]THE ERA OF EXCOMMUNICATION". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'You had no faith Valdaran nobility or military, so you turned instead to religion. The church you founded gave the people hope and happiness, but more importantly, it gave you the power to ostracize or banish those you suspected of plotting against you. Valdaran society was consumed by influence-peddling, intrigue, and outright extortion during this era. You ruled for decades, but your eventual capture and trial for heresy and blasphemy was essentially inevitable. This was ending number twenty-five with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EGUB is "[one of]Want to get into religious persecution? You'll have to have to reduce both the strength of Valdaran law and personal freedom to bring that about.[or]Maintain low values of lawfulness and chaos with higher values of happiness, learning, and your own security as ruler.[stopping]".
EWUBR is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]White-Blue-Black-Red: [end if]THE SLASH-AND-BURN SEASONS". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'Were you aiming to start an industrial revolution? It's an admirable goal, but prioritizing industry over the health and happiness of your city can backfire, as it did in this case. You had barely embarked on your journey of civic development at the expense of the outlying landscape when you were laid low by illness. It might seem unfair, but that's life. This was ending number twenty-six with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EWUBR is "[one of]You're missing an ending in which you always minimize the health and happiness of the people, but otherwise keep your efforts balanced.[or]When given the option to benefit the Valdaran people, take the opposite path; otherwise, take neither.[stopping]".
EUBRG is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Blue-Black-Red-Green: [end if]THE ANARCHIST SEASONS". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'When you make the law, it goes without saying that you can throw out laws that no longer suit your purposes. You took this line of thought to its logical conclusion: no laws other than your own whims. Anything goes, unless it doesn't! The Valdaran people may not have mustered any opposition to this, but your own court made the question moot. With no taste for your mercurial approach to governance, the Valdaran nobility had you summarily replaced. Your reign may have been a short one, but at least you avoided may worse outcomes. This was ending number twenty-seven with a score of [current rank] points.'" The relevant hint of EUBRG is "[one of]For this one, you need to always vote against maintaining order and the power of the nobility. If the crisis doesn't concern lawfulness, you should take neither path.[or]Always vote against maintaining law and order.[stopping]".
EBRGW is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Black-Red-Green-White: [end if]THE SEASONS OF FAITH". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'They say theocracy is an effective method of governing, but your fledgling church lacked the strength to prove this claim. While you established during the crises your ability to respond in the moment and take decisive action, your long-term planning was abysmal, so your apostles soon usurped your control over the city and left you as a powerless figurehead. This was ending number twenty-eight with a score of [current rank] points.'". The relevant hint of EBRGW is "[one of]Have you tried just minimizing learning yet and leaving everything else the same? It looks like you haven't.[or]Take the opposite path when you have the opportunity to increase learning. Otherwise, take neither path.[stopping]".
ERGWU is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Red-Green-White-Blue: [end if]THE SEASONS OF SELFLESSNESS". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'The people of Valdara had many demands: alms for the poor. Favors for the wealthy. Books for the learned. Celebrations for the bored. You gave at every opportunity, and in the end, you left nothing for yourself. You ultimately had to give your position to your successor after only a few seasons of prosperity, but you would spend years afterward as the best-fed and most-beloved pauper in the city. This was ending number twenty-nine with a score of [current rank] points.'". The relevant hint of ERGWU is "[one of]Try upsetting the suzerainty, blinding the eye, enacting democracy, and letting the people read, and take neither path for the rest of the crises.[or]You've got to minimize your personal power and security.[stopping]".
EGWUB is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Green-White-Blue-Black: [end if]THE SEASONS OF NEW GROWTH". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'You laid out a plan to grow the city. It was simple, logical, and effective; it would provide everything the city needed. Alas, then, that the impressionable masses fall victim to charismatic charlatans; one such individual whispered a few persuasive arguments in the right ears before stirring up the populace, and your simple, logical, and effective plans were forgotten in the face of exciting promises and fiery rhetoric. You were replaced by a worse ruler, and though this fact was obvious to many, this injustice would not be righted in your lifetime. This was ending number thirty with a score of [current rank] points.'". The relevant hint of EGWUB is "[one of]You need to get the lowest possible level of personal freedom, but otherwise keep all other factors in balance.[or]Always vote against personal freedom, chaos, etc. You can ignore any crisis in which it isn't a factor.[stopping]".
EWUBRG is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]White-Blue-Black-Red-Green: [end if]THE GOLDEN CENTURY OF VALDARAN AUTONOMY". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'Somehow, you found the perfect balance. You enforced the law, yet you were merciful; you held onto power, but you were unpredictable. You gave everyone a little bit of what they wanted. No one was completely satisfied, but neither could they justify too much complaint. With this kind of canny leadership, it should be no surprise that your administration retained control of the city for more than a hundred years, and you yourself were heralded as the most important leader of your era. Congratulations! This was ending number thirty-one with a score of [current rank] points.'". The relevant hint of EWUBRG is "[one of]There may be ten different crises, but each crisis is an opportunity to choose between two competing values, and there are five different values in total. To get the [']best['] outcome, you need to keep all five values in relative balance.[or]I think I should point out that your relationship with your suzerain is a matter of personal power, not law and order.[or]You should support Valdaran law and the nobility twice, increase knowledge and learning twice, maintain the security of your rule twice, increase freedom and lawlessness twice, and improve public health and happiness twice.[stopping]".
Enone is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Colorless: [end if]THE TIME OF THE EMPTY THRONE". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'During Valdara's times of crisis, you shrugged and turned away. Any philosophy you may have proclaimed was drowned out by the city's heedless cries for your attention: you were too distant for too long. In the end, the Valdaran people sneered at your neglectful rule, so it should come as little surprise that they would take matters into their own hands as soon as the opportunity presented itself. Congratulations! You brought about a Valdaran revolution and had to flee the city. It's possible you were murdered in secret: the history books do not say. This was ending number thirty-two with a score of [current rank] points.'". The relevant hint of Enone is "[one of]You should probably try taking neither path more often.[or]Just take neither path for every crisis.[stopping]".
Echeat is an ending with printed name "[if the player is magical]Cheater: [end if]THE TIME OF PARADOX". "Trev [one of]reads the ending[or]says aloud[or]says[or]reads[or]proclaims your outcome with dramatic flair[or]announces[or]exclaims dramatically[or]says[or]looks up the ending[as decreasingly likely outcomes]: 'You broke all the rules, including the rules about what constitutes a violation of the rules. Valdara is at once a flourishing metropolis and a devastated ruin; it is both a vassal state and an independent nation. Its people proclaim it utopia and dystopia in the same breath. Perhaps its future will settle into something a little more definite if you actually engage with the Exigent Seasons rather than just skipping straight to the end. This was ending number zero with a score of [current rank] points.'". The relevant hint of Echeat is "[one of]Since I'm presenting you the paths in a random order, you can get a bunch of endings just by taking the first path in each crisis and seeing what happens.[or]Hmm... It looks like there's actually one outcome that you can't get by solving the ten seasonal crisis events.[or]Did I already mention you can cheat? I can just look up an ending you haven't gotten yet.[or]There's one ending that you can only get by cheating.[or]You still need to cheat to get one ending.[stopping]".