Jason Love

Release 3

Book 2 - The Raw Materials

Part 1 - Paths

[So the way the game works is that there are ten randomized scenes representing the various crises the player must confront. In each of these crises, the player is given two paths to choose between. By taking one of these paths, we modify the score of the various potential endings the player will encounter after the last crisis is resolved.

A note on scoring, because I'm pretty proud of how carefully I've balanced this: I got the numbers below by trying to decide how many questions are "meaningful" for any of the 32 possible outcomes. Since these are based on Magic color combinations, there are five single-color outcomes, ten two-color outcomes, ten three-color outcomes, five four-color outcomes, and one five-color outcome, as well as the colorless outcome. The ten questions are just a randomized presentation of each two-color pair (out of five colors total) and a request to confirm which the player prefers. As such, I determined the following:

Of the five one-color outcomes, each outcome cares about four questions. (That color vs each of the other four.)

Of the ten two-color outcomes, each outcome cares about six questions. (Color one vs the three colors not in the pair, and color two vs the same three colors.)

Of the ten three-color outcomes, each outcome cares about six questions. (Color one vs the two colors not in the triad, color two vs the same two, and color three vs the same two.)

Of the five four-color outcomes, each outcome cares about four questions. (Each of the four colors in the quad vs the one color not in the quad.)

The five-color and colorless outcomes are special cases to be addressed momentarily.

Based on those conclusions, I set the "target" for a perfect score at 24 points, which I then scaled up to 2400 to allow a little bit of probably-meaningless weighting; given a hypothetical tie, which a better mathematician could prove or disprove is even possible, I wanted the game to favor two-color outcomes over single-color outomes, which are themselves favored over three-color outcomes (arcs slightly over wedges, in Magic parlance), over four- and five-color outcomes. That's why the scoring isn't a uniform 400 or 600 points assigned to each ending.

7/25/21 UPDATE: I just gave the endings a default priority order so I could revert back to uniform scoring.

For the colorless ending, I created a special "neither" path to give players the option to just not engage with a particular crisis. Using this too many times will get you the colorless ending, How many times is too many times? That will vary based on how focused the player is; haphazard and inconsistent answers will "neither" responses more likely to result in a colorless ending.

The five-color ending, then, is somewhat the opposite. Using "neither" makes it nearly impossible to get the five-color ending, but you need to be deliberately balanced and avoid favoring one philosophy over another. I tried to adjust the scoring such that it's not necessary to be PERFECTLY balanced to get the ending, but it's still relatively rare unless you know what you're doing.]

A path is a kind of thing with description "One of several paths you might take.[first time] Consider it well.[only]".

Rule for deciding whether all includes a path: it does not.

WHITEblue is a path with printed name "the path of justice". Understand "the" and "path" and "white" and "justice" and "of" as WHITEblue.

Instead of whiting while the location of WHITEblue is the Present: try taking WHITEblue.

After taking WHITEblue:

increase the current rank of EW by 600; [590]

increase the current rank of EWB by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of ERW by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EGW by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EWBR by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EBGW by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of ERGW by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EBRGW by 560; [560]

increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170]

BLUEwhite is a path with printed name "the path of discovery". Understand "the" and "path" and "blue" and "of" and "discovery" as BLUEwhite.

Instead of bluing while the location of BLUEwhite is the Present: try taking BLUEwhite.

After taking BLUEwhite:

increase the current rank of EU by 600; [590]

increase the current rank of EUB by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EUR by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EGU by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EUBR by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EURG by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EGUB by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EUBRG by 560; [560]

increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170]

WHITEblack is a path with printed name "the democratic path". Understand "the" and "path" and "white" and "democratic" as WHITEblack.

Instead of whiting while the location of WHITEblack is the Present: try taking WHITEblack.

After taking WHITEblack:

increase the current rank of EW by 600; [590]

increase the current rank of EWU by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of ERW by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EGW by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of ERWU by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of ERGW by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EGWU by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of ERGWU by 560; [560]

increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170]

BLACKwhite is a path with printed name "the autocratic path". Understand "the" and "path" and "black" and "autocratic" as BLACKwhite.

Instead of blacking while the location of BLACKwhite is the Present: try taking BLACKwhite.

After taking BLACKwhite:

increase the current rank of EB by 600; [590]

increase the current rank of EUB by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EBR by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EBG by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EUBR by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EBRG by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EGUB by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EUBRG by 560; [560]

increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170]

BLUEblack is a path with printed name "the path of literacy". Understand "the" and "path" and "blue" and "of" and "literacy" as BLUEblack.

Instead of bluing while the location of BLUEblack is the Present: try taking BLUEblack.

After taking BLUEblack:

increase the current rank of EU by 600; [590]

increase the current rank of EWU by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EUR by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EGU by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of ERWU by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EURG by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EGWU by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of ERGWU by 560; [560]

increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170]

BLACKblue is a path with printed name "the path of ignorance". Understand "the" and "path" and "black" and "of" and "ignorance" as BLACKblue.

Instead of blacking while the location of BLACKblue is the Present: try taking BLACKblue.

After taking BLACKblue:

increase the current rank of EB by 600; [590]

increase the current rank of EWB by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EBR by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EBG by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EWBR by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EBRG by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EBGW by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EBRGW by 560; [560]

increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170]

BLUEred is a path with printed name "the path of truth". Understand "the" and "path" and "blue" and "of" and "truth" as BLUEred.

Instead of bluing while the location of BLUEred is the Present: try taking BLUEred.

After taking BLUEred:

increase the current rank of EU by 600; [590]

increase the current rank of EWU by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EUB by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EGU by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EWUB by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EGUB by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EGWU by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EGWUB by 560; [560]

increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170]

REDblue is a path with printed name "the path of beauty". Understand "the" and "path" and "red" and "of" and "beauty" as REDblue.

Instead of redding while the location of REDblue is the Present: try taking REDblue.

After taking REDblue:

increase the current rank of ER by 600; [590]

increase the current rank of ERW by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EBR by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of ERG by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of ERGW by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EWBR by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EBRG by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EBRGW by 560; [560]

increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170]

BLACKred is a path with printed name "the path of vision". Understand "the" and "path" and "black" and "of" and "vision" as BLACKred.

Instead of blacking while the location of BLACKred is the Present: try taking BLACKred.

After taking BLACKred:

increase the current rank of EB by 600; [590]

increase the current rank of EWB by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EUB by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EBG by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EBGW by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EWUB by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EGUB by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EGWUB by 560; [560]

increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170]

REDblack is a path with printed name "the path of blindness". Understand "the" and "path" and "red" and "of" and "blindness" as REDblack.

Instead of redding while the location of REDblack is the Present: try taking REDblack.

After taking REDblack:

increase the current rank of ER by 600; [590]

increase the current rank of ERW by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EUR by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of ERG by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of ERGW by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of ERWU by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EURG by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of ERGWU by 560; [560]

increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170]

BLACKgreen is a path with printed name "the strict path". Understand "the" and “strict” and "path" and "black" as BLACKgreen.

Instead of blacking while the location of BLACKgreen is the Present: try taking BLACKgreen.

After taking BLACKgreen:

increase the current rank of EB by 600; [590]

increase the current rank of EWB by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EUB by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EBR by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EWUB by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EUBR by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EWBR by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EWUBR by 560; [560]

increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170]

GREENblack is a path with printed name "the merciful path". Understand "the" and “merciful” and "path" and "green" as GREENblack.

Instead of greening while the location of GREENblack is the Present: try taking GREENblack.

After taking GREENblack:

increase the current rank of EG by 600; [590]

increase the current rank of EGW by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EGU by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of ERG by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of ERGW by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EGWU by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EURG by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of ERGWU by 560; [560]

increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170]

REDgreen is a path with printed name "the path of danger". Understand "the" and "path" and “of” and “danger” and "red" as REDgreen.

Instead of redding while the location of REDgreen is the Present: try taking REDgreen.

After taking REDgreen:

increase the current rank of ER by 600; [590]

increase the current rank of ERW by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EUR by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EBR by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of ERWU by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EWBR by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EUBR by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EWUBR by 560; [560]

increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170]

GREENred is a path with printed name "the path of safety". Understand "the" and "path" and “of” and “safety” and "green" as GREENred.

Instead of greening while the location of GREENred is the Present: try taking GREENred.

After taking GREENred:

increase the current rank of EG by 600; [590]

increase the current rank of EGW by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EGU by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EBG by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EGWU by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EGUB by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EBGW by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EGWUB by 560; [560]

increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170]

REDwhite is a path with printed name "the path of peasantry". Understand "the" and "path" and “of” and “peasantry” and "red" as REDwhite.

Instead of redding while the location of REDwhite is the Present: try taking REDwhite.

After taking REDwhite:

increase the current rank of ER by 600; [590]

increase the current rank of EUR by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EBR by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of ERG by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EBRG by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EUBR by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EURG by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EUBRG by 560; [560]

increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170]

WHITEred is a path with printed name "the path of nobility". Understand "the" and "path" and “of” and “nobility” and "white" as WHITEred.

Instead of whiting while the location of WHITEred is the Present: try taking WHITEred.

After taking WHITEred:

increase the current rank of EW by 600; [590]

increase the current rank of EWU by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EWB by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EGW by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EGWU by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EWUB by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EBGW by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EGWUB by 560; [560]

increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170]

GREENwhite is a path with printed name "the path of the bread box". Understand "the" and "path" and “of” and “bread” and “box” and "green" as GREENwhite.

Instead of greening while the location of GREENwhite is the Present: try taking GREENwhite.

After taking GREENwhite:

increase the current rank of EG by 600; [590]

increase the current rank of EGU by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EBG by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of ERG by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EBRG by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EGUB by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EURG by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EUBRG by 560; [560]

increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170]

WHITEgreen is a path with printed name "the path of the coin purse". Understand "the" and "path" and “of” and “coin” and “purse” and "white" as WHITEgreen.

Instead of whiting while the location of WHITEgreen is the Present: try taking WHITEgreen.

After taking WHITEgreen:

increase the current rank of EW by 600; [590]

increase the current rank of EWU by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EWB by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of ERW by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EWUB by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EWBR by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of ERWU by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EWUBR by 560; [560]

increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170]

GREENblue is a path with printed name "the path of the pyre". Understand "the" and "path" and “of” and “pyre” and "green" as GREENblue.

Instead of greening while the location of GREENblue is the Present: try taking GREENblue.

After taking GREENblue:

increase the current rank of EG by 600; [590]

increase the current rank of EGW by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EBG by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of ERG by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of ERGW by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EBRG by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EBGW by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EBRGW by 560; [560]

increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170]

BLUEgreen is a path with printed name "the path of the lab". Understand "the" and "path" and “of” and “lab” and "blue" as BLUEgreen.

Instead of bluing while the location of BLUEgreen is the Present: try taking BLUEgreen.

After taking BLUEgreen:

increase the current rank of EU by 600; [590]

increase the current rank of EWU by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EUB by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EUR by 400; [400]

increase the current rank of EWUB by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of EUBR by 400; [385]

increase the current rank of ERWU by 400; [380]

increase the current rank of EWUBR by 560; [560]

increase the current rank of EWUBRG by 170. [170]

NEITHER is a path with printed name "neither path". Understand "neither" and "path" and "both" and "all" as NEITHER. After taking NEITHER, increase the current rank of Enone by 250. [250]

Instead of neithering while the location of NEITHER is the Present: try taking NEITHER.

Carry out taking a path (called the route):

say "You [one of]say[or]tell Trev[or]confirm that[as decreasingly likely outcomes] you'll take [the route][one of]. He marks your choice on his notebook[or][or]. Trev notes your response[or][or][or]. He marks it down[or][or], and he nods[or][or]. He makes a tally[or][or], and he nods approvingly[or]. Check[or][or], which he marks with mock-disapproval[or], which he marks with one eyebrow raised[as decreasingly likely outcomes]."