Jason Love

Release 3

Book 3 - Organization of Time

Part 1 - The Crises

A scene can be exigent or calm. A scene is usually calm. A scene has a number called the progression. The progression of a scene is usually 11.

A scene can be unresolved or resolved. A scene is usually unresolved.

A scene can be imminent or distant. A scene is usually distant.

White Blue is a recurring exigent scene. White Blue begins when White Blue is imminent. White Blue ends when the player carries a path.

The workshop is a vision. Understand "the" or "forbidden" or "workshop" or "secret" or "illegal" or "laboratory" or "shop" as the workshop.

The alchemists are a vision. Understand "the" or "chemists" or "alchemists" or "chemist" or "alchemist" or "cabal" as the alchemists.

When White Blue begins:

now the workshop is everywhere;

now the alchemists are everywhere;

now the crisis summary of the Present is "[the forbidden workshop][if the player is magical][azorius summary][end if]";

now the crisis term of the Present is "THE FORBIDDEN WORKSHOP[if White Blue has ended] REVISITED[end if][if the player is magical] [one of](white/blue)[or](blue/white)[purely at random][end if]".

To say the forbidden workshop:

say "[one of]Valdaran law forbids alchemical research into certain toxic or volatile substances. Despite this, a cabal of alchemists established a secret workshop in the heart of the city--until an accidental explosion destroyed the laboratory and the adjacent buildings. The alchemists hope to buy their way back into your good graces: though their formulas are lost, they can reproduce their explosive compound for you (and more besides).'[paragraph break]'[forbidden workshop choices][or]It's the one about the illegal explosive alchemists.[run paragraph on][WU explainer][forbidden workshop choices][stopping]"

To say forbidden workshop choices:

say "[one of]If you take [bold type]the path of justice[roman type], the law against illegal alchemy is enforced and the criminal alchemists are punished. If you take [bold type]the path of discovery[roman type], the alchemists['] crime is forgiven in the name of alchemical learning and progress.[no line break][or]If you take [bold type]the path of discovery[roman type], the alchemists['] crime is forgiven in the name of alchemical learning and progress. If you take [bold type]the path of justice[roman type], the law against illegal alchemy is enforced and the criminal alchemists are punished.[no line break][purely at random]"

To say azorius summary:

say " (Or to put it another way, which path will you take: [one of]white or blue[or]blue or white[at random]?)[no line break]"

To say WU explainer:

if the score is greater than a random number from 4 to 5:

say "[one of] I think this crisis is supposed to test whether you would favor the pursuit of knowledge over public safety, in sort of a forbidden fruit, Manhattan Project-type conundrum. The problem is, the way it's written kind of suggests you'll be able to use this knowledge for your own benefit, but the scoring doesn't reflect that: this crisis has no bearing on the security of your own position. It feels like that could have been clearer. Anyway.'[paragraph break]'[or] [stopping]";


say " ".

White Black is a recurring exigent scene. White Black begins when White Black is imminent. White Black ends when the player carries a path.

The poor are a vision. Understand "the" or "valdaran" or "poor" or "vagabonds" or "citizens" or "pauper" or "commoners" or "paupers" or "people" or "populace" or "population" as the poor.

The lesser nobles are a vision. Understand "the" or "lesser" or "nobles" or "rivals" as the lesser nobles.

The titles are a vision. Understand "noble" or "titles" or "title" or "regalia" or "office" or "judges" or "judge" as the titles.

The riots are a vision. Understand "riot" or "riots" or "trouble" or "frenzy" as the riots.

When White Black begins:

now the lesser nobles are everywhere;

now the titles are everywhere;

now the riots are everywhere;

now the poor are everywhere;

now the crisis term of the Present is "THE PAUPER RIOTS[if White Black has ended] REVISITED[end if][if the player is magical] [one of](white/black)[or](black/white)[purely at random][end if]";

now the crisis summary of the Present is "[the pauper riots][if the player is magical][orzhov summary][end if]".

To say the pauper riots:

say "[one of]The Valdaran poor are promoting a dangerous idea: that noble titles and judges['] regalia should be awarded at the whims of the masses. These vagabonds would have you survey the citizens before filling any public office, and the lesser nobles are rubbing their hands at the prospect. They would favor any measure to undermine their more powerful rivals, and so they've stirred up the paupers into a frenzy.'[paragraph break]'[pauper riots choices][or]Are you gonna undermine your control over the city by giving the people a chance at democracy?[run paragraph on][WB explainer][pauper riots choices][stopping]"

To say pauper riots choices:

say "[one of]If you take [bold type]the democratic path[roman type], much of the populace will celebrate the idea of representative government, but you diminish your own power by doing so. If you instead take [bold type]the autocratic path[roman type], you retain the power to appoint judges and nobles yourself, although civil unrest in Valdara will increase.[no line break][or]If you take [bold type]the autocratic path[roman type], you retain the power to appoint judges and nobles yourself, although civil unrest in Valdara will increase. If you instead take [bold type]the democratic path[roman type], much of the populace will celebrate the idea of representative government, but you diminish your own power by doing so.[no line break][purely at random]"

To say orzhov summary:

say " (Or to put it another way, which path will you take: [one of]white or black[or]black or white[at random]?)[no line break]"

To say WB explainer:

if the score is greater than a random number from 5 to 6:

say "[one of] This crisis asks whether you give up your own power to benefit the strength of the city's laws, or whether you weaken civil order to keep your own position secure. I'm guessing that over the long run, neither one of these approaches would represent a successful strategy, which is why it feels like this quiz should have been two or three times as long. Would you consistently pick one value over another? Or would you land somewhere in the middle, perhaps more organically than by just choosing neither path over and over again?'[paragraph break]'[or] [stopping]";


say " ".

Blue Black is a recurring exigent scene. Blue Black begins when Blue Black is imminent. Blue Black ends when the player carries a path.

The pamphleteers are a vision. Understand "the" or "pamphleteers" or "pamphleteer" or "anarchists" or "anarchist" or "cult" or "educators" or "teachers" or "teacher" as the pamphleteers.

The populace is a vision. Understand "citizens" or "converts" or "potential" or "uneducated" or "populace" or "people" or "fools" as the populace.

The pamphlets are a vision. Understand "the" or "pamphlets" or "pamphlet" as the pamphlets.

When Blue Black begins:

now the pamphleteers are everywhere;

now the populace is everywhere;

now the pamphlets are everywhere;

now the crisis term of the Present is "THE PAMPHLETEERS[if Blue Black has ended] REVISITED[end if][if the player is magical] [one of](blue/black)[or](black/blue)[purely at random][end if]";

now the crisis summary of the Present is "[the pamphleteers][if the player is magical][dimir summary][end if]".

To say the pamphleteers:

say "[one of]An anarchist cult has begun circulating pamphlets urging citizens to oppose your rule and shirk their civic responsibilities. To their credit, they've actually started giving literacy classes since so many of their potential converts don't know how to read. Which is the greater danger: an uneducated populace, or a populace critical of your rulership?'[paragraph break]'[pamphleteers choices][or]It's the anarchist teachers crisis![run paragraph on][UB explainer][pamphleteers choices][stopping]"

To say pamphleteers choices:

say "[one of]If you take [bold type]the path of literacy[roman type], your people will become more learned, but they will suspect and resist your rule. Or you could instead take [bold type]the path of ignorance[roman type], in which case you will easily control a city full of fools.[no line break][or]If you take [bold type]the path of ignorance[roman type], you will easily control a city full of fools. Or you could instead take [bold type]the path of literacy[roman type], in which case your people will become more learned, but they will suspect and resist your rule.[no line break][purely at random]"

To say dimir summary:

say " (Or to put it another way, which path will you take: [one of]blue or black[or]black or blue[at random]?)[no line break]"

To say UB explainer:

if the score is greater than a random number from 4 to 6:

say "[one of] This one's so ridiculous; I love it. Obviously, we're weighing your interest here in holding onto power versus educating your populace, but this cult of secret readers just has no subtlety whatsoever.'[paragraph break]'[or] [stopping]";


say " ".

Blue Red is a recurring exigent scene. Blue Red begins when Blue Red is imminent. Blue Red ends when the player carries a path.

The noble is a vision. Understand "the" or "wealthy" or "noble" or "decedent" or "patron" as the noble.

The estate is a vision. Understand "the" or "gold" or "coins" or "inheritance" or "treasure" or "funding" as the estate.

A vision called the Valdaran Conservatory of Learning and the Arts is nowhere. Understand "valdaran" or "conservatory" or "of" or "learning" or "the" or "arts" or "and" or "institution" or "school" or "college" or "academy" or "beneficiary" or "heir" as the Valdaran Conservatory of Learning and the Arts.

Art is a vision. Understand "cultural" or "enrichment" or "new" or "works" or "performances" or "art" as art.

Science is a vision. Understand "practical" or "matters" or "new" or "tools" or "techniques"as science.

When Blue Red begins:

now the noble is everywhere;

now the estate is everywhere;

now the Valdaran Conservatory of Learning and the Arts is everywhere;

now art is everywhere;

now science is everywhere;

now the crisis term of the Present is "THE DISPUTED PATRONAGE[if Blue Red has ended] REVISITED[end if][if the player is magical] [one of](blue/red)[or](red/blue)[purely at random][end if]";

now the crisis summary of the Present is "[the disputed patronage][if the player is magical][izzet summary][end if]".

To say the disputed patronage:

say "[one of]A wealthy noble has bequeathed all the gold coins in his estate to the Valdaran Conservatory of Learning and the Arts. Alas, the Conservatory is an institution divided, and the conservators cannot agree which half of the institution more deserves to be the principal beneficiary. The rising tone of their dispute has culminated in your involvement: you shall decide the matter on their behalf.'[paragraph break]'[disputed patronage choices][or]Who wins the inheritance in the battle of art versus science?[run paragraph on][UR explainer][disputed patronage choices][stopping]"

To say disputed patronage choices:

say "[one of]If you take [bold type]the path of truth[roman type], the gold shall go toward research into practical matters and the development of new tools and techniques for their employment. If you take [bold type]the path of beauty[roman type], the gold shall go toward funding cultural enrichment and the commission of new works and performances instead.[no line break][or]If you take [bold type]the path of beauty[roman type], the gold shall go toward funding cultural enrichment and the commission of new works and performances. If you take [bold type]the path of truth[roman type], the gold shall go toward research into practical matters and the development of new tools and techniques for their employment instead.[no line break][purely at random]"

To say izzet summary:

say " (Or to put it another way, which path will you take: [one of]blue or red[or]red or blue[at random]?)[no line break]"

To say UR explainer:

if the score is greater than a random number from 6 to 8:

say "[one of] Okay, this one took me a while. The [']path of truth['] is obviously going to benefit education, right? So what does the [']path of beauty['] get us?'[paragraph break]'It increases civic freedom, [italic type]obviously![roman type]' The way Trev says this makes you think it is not actually all that obvious. 'I guess art is standing in for freedom of expression, in this situation. Did I already mention how I feel like some of these dilemmas are poorly constructed?'[paragraph break]'[or] [stopping]";


say " ".

Black Red is a recurring exigent scene. Black Red begins when Black Red is imminent. Black Red ends when the player carries a path.

The Unblinking Eye is a vision. Understand "the" or "unblinking" or "eye" or "unofficial" or "group" or "reliable" or "informants" or "turncoats" or "tattletales" or "snitches" or "constables" or "constable" or "secret" or "police" as the Unblinking Eye.

The citizens are a vision. Understand "the" or "paranoid" or "citizens" as the citizens.

When Black Red begins:

now the Unblinking Eye is everywhere;

now the citizens are everywhere;

now the crisis term of the Present is "THE UNBLINKING EYE[if Black Red has ended] REVISITED[end if][if the player is magical] [one of](black/red)[or](red/black)[purely at random][end if]";

now the crisis summary of the Present is "[the unblinking eye][if the player is magical][rakdos summary][end if]".

To say the unblinking eye:

say "[one of]Your constables formed an unofficial group called the Unblinking Eye to recognize and compensate your city's more reliable informants and turncoats. The Eye has grown into an effective tool to solve the city's problems through--' and here Trev wiggles his fingers in scare-quotes, '--[']extra-legal['] processes. Rumors about these so-called secret police accuse them of assassinations and disappearances, and the day has arrived when paranoid citizens are calling for the group's dissolution.'[paragraph break]'[unblinking eye choices][or]How do you feel about secret police?[run paragraph on][BR explainer][unblinking eye choices][stopping]"

To say unblinking eye choices:

say "[one of]If you take [bold type]the path of vision[roman type], you empower the Unblinking Eye: your control over the city will grow, as will the city's paranoia. But if you instead take [bold type]the path of blindness[roman type], you can dissolve the Unblinking Eye, spreading happiness at the expense of your control over what's going on in the streets.[no line break][or]If you take [bold type]the path of blindness[roman type], you can dissolve the Unblinking Eye, spreading happiness at the expense of your control over what's going on in the streets. But if you instead take [bold type]the path of vision[roman type], you empower the Unblinking Eye: your control over the city will grow, as will the city's paranoia.[no line break][purely at random]"

To say rakdos summary:

say " (Or to put it another way, which path will you take: [one of]black or red[or]red or black[at random]?)[no line break]"

To say BR explainer:

if the score is greater than a random number from 5 to 6:

say "[one of] This crisis is purely a question of the peoples['] freedom versus your own power. Don't be fooled into thinking it has anything to do with public happiness, education, or maintaining law and order.'[paragraph break]'[or] [stopping]";


say " ".

Black Green is a recurring exigent scene. Black Green begins when Black Green is imminent. Black Green ends when the player carries a path.

The mutineers are a vision. Understand "the" or "mutineers" or "citizens" or "sailors" or "mutinous" as the mutineers.

The suzerain state is a vision. Understand "the" or "suzerain" or "state" or "suzerainty" or "navy" or "navies" or "overseers" or "empire" as the suzerain state.

The Valdaran docks are a vision. Understand "seas" or "high" or "ship" or "ships" or "harbor" or "Valdaran" or "docks" or "harbormaster" or "master" or "dockmaster" as the Valdaran docks.

Understand "Valdaran" or "Valdarans" or "the" or "people" or "citizens" or "sailors" as the citizens.

When Black Green begins:

now the mutineers are everywhere;

now the suzerain state is everywhere;

now the Valdaran docks are everywhere;

now the citizens are everywhere;

now the crisis term of the Present is "THE MUTINEERS[if Black Green has ended] REVISITED[end if][if the player is magical] [one of](black/green)[or](green/black)[purely at random][end if]";

now the crisis summary of the Present is "[the mutineers][if the player is magical][golgari summary][end if]".

To say the mutineers:

say "[one of]In truth, Valdara is a vassal state, and that means your citizens must sometimes serve in your suzerain's navies. Some of these citizens have apparently decided they'd rather not risk life and limb on the high seas, choosing instead to commandeer the ship they served on. These mutineers have just docked in your harbor, and [italic type]quite coincidentally[roman type], their overseers apparently did not survive the voyage. Your suzerain will not like this; the harbormaster awaits your command.'[paragraph break]'[mutineers choices][or]What are you going to do with the mutinous sailors?[run paragraph on][BG explainer][mutineers choices][stopping]"

To say mutineers choices:

say "[one of]If you take [bold type]the strict path[roman type], you’ll make an example of these mutineers. The people won’t like it, but it won’t hurt your relationship with your suzerain. If you take [bold type]the merciful path[roman type], you’ll let the sailors go. Your suzerain will be furious, but it will help your relationship with the people.[no line break][or]If you take [bold type]the merciful path[roman type], you’ll let the sailors go. Your suzerain will be furious, but it will help your relationship with the people. If you take [bold type]the strict path[roman type], you’ll make an example of these mutineers. The people won’t like it, but it won’t hurt your relationship with your suzerain.[no line break][purely at random]"

To say golgari summary:

say " (Or to put it another way, which path will you take: [one of]black or green[or]green or black[at random]?)[no line break]"

To say BG explainer:

if the score is greater than a random number from 6 to 7:

say "[one of] Letting the sailors go will increase public happiness, but surprisingly enough it has no impact either way on lawfulness or lawlessness. I guess the suzerain state put you in power over Valdara, because you'll hurt the security of your position by letting them go.'[paragraph break]'[or] [stopping]";


say " ".

Red Green is a recurring exigent scene. Red Green begins when Red Green is imminent. Red Green ends when the player carries a path.

Daggers are a vision. Understand "the" or "daggers" or "dagger" or "knife" or "knives" as daggers.

Moral leaders are a vision. Understand "moral" or "leaders" as moral leaders.

Knife-wounds are a vision. Understand "knife-wounds" or "knife-wound" or "knife wound" or "knife wounds" or "finger" or "fingers" as knife-wounds.

When Red Green begins:

now daggers are everywhere;

now moral leaders are everywhere;

now knife-wounds are everywhere;

now the citizens are everywhere;

now the crisis term of the Present is "DAGGERS[if Red Green has ended] REVISITED[end if][if the player is magical] [one of](red/green)[or](green/red)[purely at random][end if]";

now the crisis summary of the Present is "[daggers][if the player is magical][gruul summary][end if]".

To say daggers:

say "[one of]An alarming trend is spreading: citizens have started to settle their quarrels with knives. Surprisingly few people have died, but finger-loss is skyrocketing. Moral leaders call for an end to the bloodshed and beg you to intercede.'[paragraph break]'[daggers choices][or]Are you going to stop the people from cutting each other up to settle old grudges?[run paragraph on][RG explainer][daggers choices][stopping]"

To say daggers choices:

say “[one of]If you take [bold type]the path of safety[roman type], you’ll cut down on knife-wounds, but you’ll seem a little more draconian. If you take [bold type]the path of danger[roman type], you’ll seem like a permissive ruler, but Valdara becomes a scarier place to live.[no line break][or]If you take [bold type]the path of danger[roman type], you’ll seem like a permissive ruler, but Valdara becomes a scarier place to live. If you take [bold type]the path of safety[roman type], you’ll cut down on knife-wounds, but you’ll seem a little more draconian.[no line break][purely at random]

To say gruul summary:

say " (Or to put it another way, which path will you take: [one of]red or green[or]green or red[at random]?)[no line break]"

To say RG explainer:

if the score is greater than a random number from 5 to 8:

say "[one of] Or in other words, will you give people the freedom to make themselves unhappy? It looks like this is one case where you can increase or decrease [']freedom['] without affecting law and order within the city, and your own security is likewise unaffected.'[paragraph break]'[or] [stopping]";


say " ".

Red White is a recurring exigent scene. Red White begins when Red White is imminent. Red White ends when the player carries a path.

The squatters are a vision. Understand "the" or "squatters" or "squatter" or "poor" or "homeless" or "peasants" or "tenant" or "tenants" as the squatters.

The nobles are a vision. Understand "nobles" or "noble" or "landlords" or "landlord" or "lords" as the nobles.

The buildings are a vision. Understand "land" or "acreage" or "unoccupied" or "buildings" as the buildings.

When Red White begins:

now the squatters are everywhere;

now the nobles are everywhere;

now the buildings are everywhere;

now the crisis term of the Present is "THE SQUATTERS[if Red White has ended] REVISITED[end if][if the player is magical] [one of](red/white)[or](white/red)[purely at random][end if]";

now the crisis summary of the Present is "[the squatters][if the player is magical][boros summary][end if]".

To say the squatters:

say "[one of]You've let your nobles['] land acreage exceed their ability to manage it, and now they've got an infestation of squatters. Several dozen poor and homeless peasants have taken up residence in a number of unoccupied buildings. The nobles want your approval to drive out and/or murder the squatters; the squatters want your approval to live rent-free on land you provided to someone else.'[paragraph break]'[squatters choices][or]Where do you stand on landlord-tenant disagreements?[run paragraph on][RW explainer][squatters choices][stopping]"

To say squatters choices:

say "[one of]If you take [bold type]the path of nobility[roman type], your land-grants will not be undermined, but you will appear repressive. Taking [bold type]the path of peasantry[roman type] will support Valdaran freedom at the expense of your own laws.[no line break][or]If you take [bold type]the path of peasantry[roman type], you will support Valdaran freedom at the expense of your own laws. Taking [bold type]the path of nobility[roman type] will prevent your land-grants from being undermined, but you will appear repressive.[no line break][purely at random]"

To say boros summary:

say " (Or to put it another way, which path will you take: [one of]white or red[or]red or white[at random]?)[no line break]"

To say RW explainer:

if the score is greater than a random number from 6 to 8:

say "[one of] The landlords in this scenario represent law and order, while the tenants represent freedom. It doesn't really seem like it from the way this is written, but apparently the peoples['] happiness isn't changed by any choice in this situation.'[paragraph break]'[or] [stopping]";


say " ".

Green White is a recurring exigent scene. Green White begins when Green White is imminent. Green White ends when the player carries a path.

The famine is a vision. Understand "the" or "famine" or "starvation" or "hunger" as the famine.

Understand "house" or "houses" or "wealthy" or "wealth" as the nobles.

Food is a vision. Understand "food" or "supply" or "supplies" or "grains" or "meats" as food.

When Green White begins:

now the famine is everywhere;

now the nobles are everywhere;

now the citizens are everywhere;

now food is everywhere;

now the crisis term of the Present is "THE FAMINE[if Green White has ended] REVISITED[end if][if the player is magical] [one of](green/white)[or](white/green)[purely at random][end if]";

now the crisis summary of the Present is "[the famine][if the player is magical][selesnya summary][end if]".

To say the famine:

say "[one of]Was it a bad harvest, or bad storage? Whatever the case, the food supplies dwindled faster than expected this season, and the city is going hungry. Or it would be, except several noble houses anticipated the issue, and they now sell grains and meats at exorbitant prices. The people are desperate for relief, but the nobles insist they are acting within the law.'[paragraph break]'[famine choices][or]How do you feel about price-gouging food when people are starving?[run paragraph on][GW explainer][famine choices][stopping]"

To say famine choices:

say "[one of]If you take [bold type]the path of the coin purse[roman type], the people will go hungry and suffer, but Valdara will be a place friendly to those with great wealth. If you take [bold type]the path of the bread box[roman type], the people will eat and be healthy, but those with wealth will avoid your city.[no line break][or]If you take [bold type]the path of the bread box[roman type], the people will eat and be healthy, but those with wealth will avoid your city. If you take [bold type]the path of the coin purse[roman type], the people will go hungry and suffer, but Valdara will be a place friendly to those with great wealth.[no line break][purely at random]"

To say selesnya summary:

say " (Or to put it another way, which path will you take: [one of]white or green[or]green or white[at random]?)[no line break]"

To say GW explainer:

if the score is greater than a random number from 5 to 7:

say "[one of] You can increase public happiness and health by choosing food, while you can increase civic order by choosing coin.' He shrugs.[paragraph break]'[or] [stopping]";


say " ".

Green Blue is a recurring exigent scene. Green Blue begins when Green Blue is imminent. Green Blue ends when the player carries a path.

The pox is a vision. Understand "the" or "pox" or "illness" or "disease" or "plague" or "virus" or "epidemic" as the pox.

The healers are a vision. Understand "the" or "your" or "my" or "healer" or "healers" or "doctor" or "doctors" or "plague" as the healers.

The poxed bodies are a vision. Understand "the" or "body" or "bodies" or "corpse" or "corpses" or "citizens" as the poxed bodies.

When Green Blue begins:

now the pox is everywhere;

now the healers are everywhere;

now the poxed bodies are everywhere;

now the crisis summary of the Present is "[the pox][if the player is magical][simic summary][end if]";

now the crisis term of the Present is "THE POX[if Green Blue has ended] REVISITED[end if][if the player is magical] [one of](green/blue)[or](blue/green)[purely at random][end if]".

To say the pox:

say "[one of]An epidemic ravages the city; people are falling down dead in the streets. Your healers propose that the bodies be collected for study, although they warn that by doing so, more people will be exposed to the disease. It’s a calculated risk: will you allow this plague to worsen so that you can better survive those in the years to come?'[paragraph break]'[pox choices][or]Do you let the pox get worse so that you know how to fight it next time?[run paragraph on][GU explainer][pox choices][stopping]"

To say pox choices:

say "[one of]If you take [bold type]the path of the pyre[roman type], you burn the bodies without learning anything. Health improves. If you take [bold type]the path of the lab[roman type], more people die today, but more lives will be saved in the future.[no line break][or]If you take [bold type]the path of the lab[roman type], more people die today, but more lives will be saved in the future. If you take [bold type]the path of the pyre[roman type], you burn the bodies without learning anything. Health improves.[no line break][purely at random]"

To say simic summary:

say " (Or to put it another way, which path will you take: [one of]green or blue[or]blue or green[at random]?)[no line break]"

To say GU explainer:

if the score is greater than a random number from 4 to 8:

say "[one of] This is one of those crises where the impacts are a lot narrower than you'd think. People will be happier if you burn bodies, and education will increase if you study them. There are otherwise no impacts to lawfulness, freedom, or your own control of the city.'[paragraph break]'[or] [stopping]";


say " ".

When a scene (called the postlude) which is exigent ends:

now every path is nowhere;

now the postlude is resolved;

repeat through the Table of Seasonal Progression in reverse order:

if the Emergency entry is unresolved:

now every scene is distant;

now the Emergency entry is imminent;

if every scene is distant:

now the player is in the End of Exigencies.

When a scene (called the prelude) which is imminent begins:

now the prelude is distant;

choose row with Crisis of prelude in the Table of Critical Components;

now the option three entry is in the Present;

now the option one entry is in the Present;

now the option two entry is in the Present;

[try showing ranks; [$$$ This should be commented out before release.]]

now every path is undescribed.

Table of Seasonal Progression

1White Blue
2White Black
3Blue Black
4Blue Red
5Black Red
6Black Green
7Red Green
8Red White
9Green White
10Green Blue

Table of Critical Components

CrisisOption OneOption TwoOption Three
White BlackWHITEblackBLACKwhiteNEITHER
Black GreenBLACKgreenGREENblackNEITHER
Green WhiteGREENwhiteWHITEgreenNEITHER