JAN 18

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Saturday: after my update last night, I played as predicted while watching the Woolie VS stream vods for Indivisible. Today was a steady work day for chat support. After my shift, we walked to the gym, where I read Kayin's article on Quality of Life along with several of her earlier articles. After we got back home, we got cleaned up and reheated the cabbage along with some chicken that Julie had prepared. Tonight's entertainment was our (likely penultimate) episodes for Star Trek Prodigy; we've got around four left in the series. After we stopped, Julie switched over to more 30 Rock, and I alternated between solving picross puzzles and drowsing on the floor. Julie eventually went to bed, and I came in here to post this update while watching more Indivisible.


Thursday: woke up around 4:45 AM and spent the next two hours just lying in bed with cats on top of me. I did eventually get up for cereal. Since the car was still covered in snow, I had to leave early so I could scrape the ice off; fortunately, Julie's plan to cover the windshield to prevent ice build-up paid off. While a bit of snow had melted and refrozen, the ice just formed a hard top layer on top of the snow packed underneath, so it was trivial to brush it off, particularly from the covered portion of the windshield. Once the car was clean, I did my shopping at Acme (where the asphalt of the parking lot looked frosted thanks to snowmelt and salt) before picking up sandwiches from Rocco's for our late lunch. I played a couple of rounds of Hearthstone since the Delve into Deepholm miniset released, but eventually we had to get dressed up to meet up with Julie's friend and her husband at Juana Tamale. Now that we're home, the cats are demanding attention, so I'd better cut this short.


Wednesday: Continued the last bit of laundry from the night before, and afterward I ran some errands. By which I mean, I went to the pet store to pick up a new powered water fountain. John has no interest in regular water bowls, but he loves to drink from the sink or from the water that pools on the ledges in the shower, so we're clearly past due to replace the powered fountain we used to have. After that, I had lunch at Chipotle and picked up some groceries. I did the dishes, continuing my FFXIV video-watching, and in the evening we watched Archer while we had dinner. Julie's dish was an unfamiliar one, but it combined a number of vegetables (such as spinach, chickpeas, onion) over rice, plus (I think) curry? It was spicier than she intended, so we agreed to swap leftovers⃞I'll have the remaining meatball past, and she'll finish the rest of this. After she went to bed, I resumed actually playing Final Fantasy XIV, and I finished the first of the two opening chapters of the Endwalker expansion. (The Radz-at-Han chapter, not the Sharlayan chapter.) Oh, and also! I was very excited to join a new secret Discord server to replace a secret Twitter account I'm subscribed to that's shutting down because Twitter stopped supporting third-party Twitter clients! I say "secret," but really, all it takes is supporting Ryan's Patreon.


I ran RPG Maker XP for like 40 minutes.


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Friday: seems like we actually did the Truck Stop dinner tonight rather than last night? I'm getting the itinerary mixed up.


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Sunday: we're at that wedding where they had the photo booth with props. (Jason, go review and update this with more details when you can.)


Sid Meier's Civilization V - Access Denied
Sid Meier's Civilization V - Baby Steps
Sid Meier's Civilization V - Exterminate! Exterminate!
Sid Meier's Civilization V - Go Boldly Where No Man Has Gone Before
Sid Meier's Civilization V - I Can Has Nukes?
Sid Meier's Civilization V - I Need More Elbow Room
Sid Meier's Civilization V - King of the Wisent
Sid Meier's Civilization V - Master of the House
Sid Meier's Civilization V - Money Doesn't Grow on Trees
Sid Meier's Civilization V - One Small Step
Sid Meier's Civilization V - Poland Can into Space
Sid Meier's Civilization V - To Stand the Test of Time
Sid Meier's Civilization V - Two Men Enter, One Man Leave
Sid Meier's Civilization V - We Have the Technology
Sid Meier's Civilization V - Whack a Mole


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Sunday: went by Trappers' Rendezvous for old times' sake. Trappers' Rendezvous is an annual campout/meetup for in Kansas with an emphasis on historical crafts and skills. I went as part of the Boy Scouts of America at the time, but I think this event is not limited to that organization. This year seemed a lot milder than years past.


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