MAR 25

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Monday: first day back at work after my week+ of time aboard Royal Caribbean's Wonder of the Seas. Caught up on all my emails, chat messages, and projects, and I only had to take a couple hours of calls. The cats were glad to resume our usual routine in which they can help me out by laying on top of me and my desk. I don't have all my usual lunch stuff since we just did minimal grocery trips before we left, but I did make a turkey sandwich for the first time in years (since I wanted a break from the chicken routine I've been doing) and brought breakfast bars back into the mix since they'd hold up better than fruit during our time away from the apartment.

Once my shift ended, I was planning to clean up a bit or start unpacking properly, but I wound up being so tired that I just napped in the bedroom with Mim and Koop until it was time for Quizzo. Nolan and Trish joined us for another difficult couple of rounds, and the bar was once again packed with people. Ultimately, we just sat at the bar the whole time, trading off who was standing since we only had three chairs available to us. Because of the awkward seating arrangements (and the amount of recent expense we've had), we just ordered the pizza this time. We didn't wind up placing, but it sounds like we might try doing something for my birthday this weekend. Had to catch up on some computer stuff, but I've been watching another recent Outer Wilds playthrough on my breaks and when I'm otherwise occupied. Hoping to get back into my programming and writing tomorrow.


Saturday: a sleepy, rainy morning made us decide to put off our store trip until Sunday, but we did still get into the basement to clean up some more. This time, our focus was on scraping all the dirt, old bricks, rocks, and other debris out from behind the hot water heaters for the second and third floor apartments. We've cleaned up about five construction buckets' volume of waste building material and other garbage, and of those, three buckets' worth have been successfully removed from the apartment. The last two buckets will have to wait until after next trash day.

I don't really remember what we had for lunch, but we ate pretty late. Afterwards, I dug out my old Surface tablet and made sure I could get back into it, since I was still concerned for my laptop's well being. It was running Windows 8.1 and hadn't been through any updates in about four years, but at one point I'd actually been running World of Warcraft using that thing. Long story short, I should be able to watch YouTube or play HearthStone, but unless I want to hook it up to a keyboard again, it's not going to be much of a replacement for my current setup.


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Saturday: had burgers and fries with Julie (and Courtney and Jess and the boys) at Dempsey's Burger Pub, followed by a trip to Milkfloat for dessert. Had to wait about 20 minutes in the cold to get in, but it was worth it.


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Tuesday: spent a while talking with Jason about his new job being next to an LA Burdick's, which was the hot chocolate place we first met up at when Julie and I took our trip through New England for our belated honeymoon. He recently put up the new fossil-focused dinosaur theme on the Brontoforum.


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