APR 22

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Monday: after going to bed last night, I spent hours dwelling on the things I'm starting to forget and don't have a good way to recall. Stuff like my work routines at the bank and the hardware store, cat routines at old residences, the software installed on corrupted hard drives, etc. I did eventually fall asleep.

Work was predictably busy. I don't love how much call volume has picked up, since it means I spend a lot more time backing up the Reservations queue than handling actual Resolutions calls. Today, though, I got to spend most of my time helping out on chat support.

After work, I got out with just enough time to get ready for trivia. It was just the two of us, and we sat at the bar this time. Julie had hot wings for happy hour, while I did the pepperoni stromboli. In the question rounds, I should have been a better advocate for questions I thought I knew, though in the end we each had a couple of bad guesses, so we didn't do very well. The music round focused on 1994 pop music, and this is the first time I can remember every track being one I've listened to in a car while I was driving by myself. We didn't place very well.

After getting back home, I was getting pretty sleepy, but I treated the cats and got on the computer to catch up with Moondrop Isle latest developments. I also played Ryan's new game, The Little Match Girl at the Battle of the Gray Peaks, which delivers on his earlier promise to make a game borrowing inspiration from Unicorn Overlord.



Saturday: the weekend's a blur because I came down with a cold Friday night, and not wanting to put Julie at further risk, I've been splitting my time between the egg in the living room and the bed in the office. Actual hours of sleep have been all over the place. We played some Civ VI Friday night, but Pigs splashed water on Julie's laptop, and Saturday she was concerned it was causing a short, so we let it dry out all day Saturday and Sunday.

Julie had an eye appointment Saturday morning, and I was going to just wait in the car for her, but my illness was such that I stayed home, and she went to the store by herself. After she got back, I snacked on grapes while we started a rewatch of Leverage, and on Sunday we got tacos from some place Julie had been wanting to try, but I didn't catch the name. At some point in here, I spent a bunch of time using Twitter's search tool to read late 2009, early 2010 tweets from different accounts. By Sunday night her laptop seemed to be alright, so we played a bit of Civ before bed. My sleep schedule was all messed up, so I continued trying to level up DNC in FFXIV by randomly queuing for instances from Khloe's journal while I caught up on the Heavensward chapter of the Hildibrand questline.


Friday: yesterday, I spent a lot of time cuddling with the kittens, and as a result we had a few pictures to post to facebook so that the family could see what we've been up to. More importantly, though, my dad met up with us so we could load up the cars and drive the cats halfway across the country over the next few days. I ended the day at their house in Vienna, MO.


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Friday: per my post on tumblr, Julie had the morning off, and we just hung out killing time until the evening, when we met my parents at Freddie's for burgers around 4:30. We were expecting my sister Kelly and her boyfriend Joe to show up from Kansas City, but it took them longer than anticipated to arrive. We watched the house-hunting shows we've been missing since abandoning cable, and I started an install of Steam and Portal 2 on my parents' computer, but their internet was so slow that it wouldn't be completed until Sunday morning.


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