Saturday: since I had taken the day off, I got to basically repeat my schedule from yesterday, but I was in a little better state with regards to maintaining continuous consciousness. Julie went to the store and picked up Taco Bell for lunch, and for dinner, we had the rest of our pizza. By the time I stopped playing around 3:30 AM, I was almost finished with the main story quests in the third zone, Yak T'el. I had tried to do some viper and pictomancer leveling via Bozja and duty finder, but I decided I was more than content to bring machinist to max level first, and then level up the new jobs at a later date. I'm really enjoying the story, especially the parts I've just played through, but I'm even more excited to experience the second half in the days to come. I should go to bed, though; I have work tomorrow.
Over on cohost, user "@wisprabbit" wrote the following post, which I liked:
"I've spent all my leisure time this month playing a new interactive fiction game, Moondrop Isle, produced by Ryan Veeder and collaborators for the Third Quadrennial Ryan Veeder Exposition for Good Interactive Fiction (organised by Ryan Veeder).
"It's very good, a little like if Riven was about urban exploration. You're dropped on an abandoned island resort and left to your own devices. It's a slow starter - there's a lot to explore and it takes a while before you figure out what the main objective is - but there are a ton of fun surprises and cute puzzles along the way.
"What's really interesting about Moondrop Isle is that it's actually nine separate games. Each author has contributed their own part of the island as a separate game file. When you walk out of one area/game file, the website remembers your inventory and progression, loads the next area/game file, and sets your player character up with the same inventory. What's really interesting about that is that it lets Moondrop Isle mix and match separate game engines. You can take the same item from a Twine game to an Inform game to a TADS game, meaning that one puzzle or story can span across multiple game-areas to unify the meta-game. I don't know if it sounds that impressive, but speaking as someone who's written text adventures, on a technical level this is very cool. Moondrop Isle is full of guinea pigs and you can NAME THE GUINEA PIGS and all the games REMEMBER WHAT YOU NAMED THE GUINEA PIGS. No other meta-Frankenstein-game does this.
"Moondrop Isle is big and tough and it's mostly a text parser game and you'll need to make maps and the implementation is spotty here and there and a little inconsistent between game-areas, but if you're up for a text adventure it's worth a go. The puzzles are great (especially the strange kiosks and the mini-Obra-Dinn logic puzzle in the hotel) and the shreds of backstory are charming. I had a good time."
Thursday: the call volume is beyond unreasonable for the department I provide backup to, so I have to deal with back-to-back calls until their queues are empty. It's been a rough week for that. Really hoping I get Tuesday off. On my lunch break, the honey in my sandwich dripped all over my clothes and arms: while it could have been worse, I did not enjoy the experience. At least Julie was amused. She made vegetable stew in the pressure cooker for dinner, and I'm about to go do the dishes, now that I've posted my overdue updates.
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Wednesday: whatever it was we did yesterday, Julie said that we should go back. I agreed that it was a good time. Mom said that she watched them on the news and the traffic was horrible, that they had to sit up there in the heat for a long time. She said that if we want to go, we've got a place to stay. Based on these clues, I think it's likely that we went to the Oklahoma City amusement park, and one of the rides must have gotten stuck.
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Sunday: we had Metro Grill Kansas for lunch for the first time. (Richard likes their yucca fries.) I have no recollection of this.
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