Friday: another day of Wave Season calls, though things were slow enough that I didn't stress out. We were going to go to the gym after my shift, but I wasn't sure when David would be calling me. I ended up asking him to wait until after we were back. I think Julie was making cabbage patch soup for dinner, though her approach leaves little in the way of broth. Still delicious. It was late enough in the day that we decided to do our own things, so I watched some videos of the start of an Outer Wilds playthrough, as well as Joseph Anderson starting his Persona 3 Reload playlist. I spent some time in FFXI, in which I leveled up to 19 as a warrior, made the trip from Mhaura to Selbina by way of the pirate ferry, and accidentally walked to San'doria instead of Bastok. (This is a bit like trying to drive to Mexico from the US and ending up in Canada instead.)
Wednesday: the end of my first workweek of the new year went pretty well. Steady call volume, but not too unmanageable. Had to gather litter and trash again since the trash was delayed this week. We had more of the curry over rice with spinach and carrots while continuing to watch Murder, She Wrote. I started to drift off a bit after I finished eating, and couldn't follow several of the episodes beyond the broadest outlines of their plot, but I started to rally as the evening wore on. Julie's puzzlemania has progressed, but not so far that she had the patience to solve the solid-blue sky of the New York puzzle, so she put that one away once everything else was done so she could switch to a Venice puzzle instead. We also put in an order for a new desktop surface to store our puzzles on as we're working on them. After Julie went to bed, I came into the office and posted this update.
Tuesday: after a long day at work, Phil was supposed to come by to pick up Cliff, so Julie skipped the gym to make sure she'd be able to meet him. I went by myself, but my usual machine was occupied, so I made use of another. By the time I got back, Julie and Phil had gone to a local bar, so I reheated goulash and put the first season of Archer on just to make some noise. They returned, Phil took Cliff home, and we retired for the evening.
Oh, I played some VRChat today, as well! I wouldn't play it again for at least nine months, minimum!
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I wanted to get into the Borderlands series enough that I've bought it both on consoles and on Steam. However, my Xbox 360 is long since fried, and at the time of the Steam sale, I didn't have a computer I could effectively play a shooter on. I think I was just using a Microsoft Surface for all my computing at this point. I loved the idea of getting a Steam machine console to play this on with the CHESM guys, but that hardware never materialized in a way I was comfortable purchasing. Now that I have a computer that can play it effectively (here in October of 2023), is there still any point? I'm probably just going to be playing solo, which feels like such a waste. It kind of breaks my heart.
(I did play Borderlands GOTY today for a while.
Borderlands GOTY - Paid in Fyrestone
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