Wednesday: my late night translated into being way too tired to get up at a reasonable time. I pulled myself together enough to put on my warm jacket and drive to the store. (I discovered something about myself while I was shopping today. When I can't find my preferred merchandise and its shelf is sufficiently disorganized, if I can face the merchandise properly within 20 minutes, I'll do so. At minute 21, though, I cut my losses and grabbed the Ice 12-pack rather than the bottles of black raspberry I'd been looking for.)
I brought our Taco Bell back home by 2:30, and we ate a late lunch. We'd thought we were going to go to the gym today, but Julie had too much of a headache. We then bundled back up to walk to Rite Aid for an immunization follow-up. (I think this was for hepatitis B? We spent some time talking with the pharmacist about the current recommended schedule for similar vaccines.) I should have worn an overcoat, because even with my hooded brown jacket and gloves, the wind was cutting right through me. It wasn't a long walk, though, and once we got back home, I vacuumed the bedroom and the office before making taco soup for dinner. While the chicken works fine as a replacement for beef, I neglected to pick up any tortilla chips, so once it was cooking, I ran back out to the corner store to buy a bag. The store on Broad was closed already, but at the other end of the block, the place by the gym had plenty of varieties to choose from. While I was wearing more now than I'd had on for our pharmacy trip, the sun had gone down, and I was wearing shoes without socks, so it was even more miserable.
Once I was home, we had dinner while watching the end of the fifth season of Buffy, though I was also unlocking some secrets in Vampire Survivors. (I was inspired because a video last night had reminded me of how triumphant the climax of the "Ode to Castlevania" expansion feels, and I realized I could use the associated character to overcome some challenges I had been struggling with.) Rather than move on to the next season, Julie was eager to rewatch and to introduce me to Star Trek: Prodigy, so we watched the first couple of episodes of that. Then, I treated the cats and came in here to post this update!
Monday: woke up super early to work on a project, though I did watch some streamer reactions to the FFXIV FanFest while I ate some breakfast cereal. My work shift went alright, as despite being in WAVE season, my department's call volume was pretty low, and we didn't have to back up the Reservations team. After work, we went to Quizzo with Meagan, Justin, and Phil, though we arrived an hour and a half too early, so we had some waffle fries at Lucky 13 to kill some time. The trivia itself celebrated major events in 2023, and perhaps because there were only seven or eight teams, we managed to come in first! I crashed in the egg chair right after we got home for a few hours before getting up to work on my IF project.
Sunday: A late start with eggs, sausage, and toast for lunch. At the gym, I did my favorited "mountains" cycling routine while rereading a random selection of Zarf's commercial game reviews from the last 5 years. Julie was the recipient of a spare ticket to the Flyers-Maple Leafs hockey game, so she headed out around 5 PM. I had a big salad for dinner while watching LPs on YouTube.
While I was in the bathroom, the sink drain seemed to be a little backed up, and while trying to check for a clog, I accidentally disconnected the metal plunger used to close or open the drain, so I had to reclamp it. Later, Julie returned with Phil, and we talked about cats and Civ and board games. I watched some Civ VI videos to see if we could figure out why we were struggling to adapt to the game's changes until we both crashed.
At one point in the day, I tried to help Koop with an itchy ear, but the itches were too much and she had to scratch with her leg as well. Like a fool, I didn't stop my own efforts, and in the process my hand got flayed. I have at least 17 separate scratches on the back of my right hand near my thumb.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI - Army of Cthulhu
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Friday: since Julie's friend Cakes came to visit from Michigan, we decided to drive up to Hutchinson to visit the salt mines, but we got a flat tire. We ate breakfast while waiting for AAA to arrive, and I took the opportunity to update twitter/facebook.
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