Tuesday: after waking up around 9:30, I proceeded to snooze with Isabel in the office and then John and Mim in the living room. Once I was through napping with cats, I started cleaning up the apartment, gathering litter, and then took a trip to the gym just after Julie got home. I also walked to the store for cat treats, not remembering that our bimonthly order was scheduled to be delivered today as well. Once I cleaned up at home, we came back out for Latchkey trivia. Marc told us that, starting this week, the top-performing single-player or two-player teams would be winning a prize on top of the normal prize structure. This worked out in our favor, as there were no other two-player teams competing: we each won a black beanie for our participation. It was a nice consolation, as our performance otherwise was not very strong. While we had decent answers for the general 2002-era trivia, we struggled with both the music lyrics and movie rounds. Julie was able to identify the movie theme as "Vince Vaughn" movies, but we missed enough individual questions we placed somewhere in the top half to top third. We trudged home through a dark and frigid wind, after which I signed into WoW to do a few dungeons for the current timewalking event while watching Woolie's Mouthwashing video streams.
Sunday: another weird early morning, but as described in yesterday's update, I did a lot of work on my project, though I still have a long ways to go. My work shift was nice because it's another day in which I basically only spent time working on my projects and follow-ups and helping people in chat. The cold has been getting to me such that I wore socks and slippers, two layers of hooded jackets, and draped another jacket over my legs (in part just to discourage cats from clawing at me to get my attention). After work, Julie made beef and vegetable stew, but it was a little less thick than last time. She took a break from her rewatch of The Good Place so we could continue watching Carol & The End of the World, which I've been enjoying a lot. I took an early nap once we finished, but then I woke up early to continue working on projects, catching up on games, and finishing youtube videos.
Saturday: first working Saturday in more than six months. Call volume was pretty low until we started backing up other areas, at which point our own queues filled up as well. At one point near the end of my shift, I needed to talk to someone in another department, and after hours of holding we had to resort to sending an email for the update instead. Eventually I got out, in time for Julie and Phil to return from the store and their wanderings to begin an extensive cooking session as they prepared dinner. "Pick an Asian country," Phil told me, and I chose Taiwan. I can't tell that the dish they came up with was Taiwanese, necessarily, but it wasn't bad, despite some slightly discomforting shrimp. The cats are always a little spooked whenever Phil comes over, especially Orange Juice, but we had a good time.
Our storage unit caught on fire! Everything's filthy from the smoke, so anything with fabric's a lost cause. In many ways this was the worst possible outcome, as we can’t just shrug our shoulders and walk away, but we lost all the stuff we would have enjoyed using if we had more space (extra mattresses, comforters, pillows). We still have to figure out what to do with big items like an heirloom china hutch, headboards, and so on.
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Sunday: it's my day off. I covered for people who were out sick during the work week, and now I'm sick, myself!
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Monday: lately I'd been obsessed with this news out of UC Berkeley about the technique they'd developed to create visual recording of dream activity in the visual cortex. I really, really wanted to see this tech refined and released commercially. (Julie's response: "Why would you want to do that.")
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