APR 04

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Thursday: after my update last night, the cats have been pretty anxious, so I laid myself out on the sofa, where Orange Juice and Grey Goose promptly fell asleep on top of me, while John slept on the egg chair. I played a bit of Unicorn Overlord before I fell asleep there, myself.

In the morning, we brought Isabel and Cliff to the vet. The vets agreed with our concerns about Cliff and decided to keep him there for the day while they did bloodwork and rehydrated him and prescribed an antacid and a hunger stimulator, and we discussed considerations such as switching the cats away from chicken. It was expensive, but not as expensive as it could have been.

Once we returned from our initial trip to the vet, I went back out to have lunch at Subway, Where they've temporarily reinstated the availability of honey oat bread, though in the years of its absence, I find I have grown to prefer Italian herbs and cheese. I then tried to go shopping, but I did find it difficult to tear my attention away from Kill Six Billion Demons, which I have started reading in my idle moments. I picked up the ingredients for chili, which I plan to make tomorrow night, as well as more wet food and snack and tuna in oil for Cliff. I got back home right on time to turn around and go back to the vet to pick him up again.

Once we got home, we tried treating him, but he still pretty much only licks things up, whether it be tuna oil or the Delectables lickable cat treats we've started squeezing out for him. We fed ourselves with the leftover meatloaf, and I watched my weekly Twitch livestream. Undertale Yellow seems well-made, but it's not holding my interest very much, so I didn't feel very bad that I had to keep following John out to the living room. One of our comforters is sitting out there in its plastic packaging, and he seems to prefer that I lay on the floor next to it with my arm over the top so he can fall asleep there. I tried to give him as much time that way as I could, what with all the stress in the apartment lately, but Julie was rewatching Schitt's Creek and I find the secondhand embarrassment a little overwhelming.

Tomorrow, I get to take Cliff back to the vet in the morning just to double-check how he's handling the prescriptions and subsequent care, so I should go to bed.



Tuesday: I made the call to bring my laptop into a tech support guy tomorrow before work. While I was working, Mim started poking her head into the office, which is not a typical occurrence. John's been sleeping in the closet, and he's getting old enough that he usually won't chase her the way he used to, so she poked around in the office for a good while—but she did eventually draw his attention, so I had to shut him out of the room while she was hiding under the bed. I watched yet more of Joseph Anderson's 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim stream while trying Julie's new mushroom stroganoff recipe. Tonight, it's actually warm enough that I'm getting hot in the office! Gonna be able to break out the shorts again soon, which may be for the best as my main pair of jeans is showing some wear.


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Saturday: stayed up all night last night cooking deviled eggs that wound up so bad that we had to throw most of them away, and as a result, I got no sleep, yet had nothing to show for it. At least I got some good practice shelling hard-boiled eggs

At work, they're giving me Saturdays and Sundays off for the time being.

Something had been blocking me from making progress on Persona 3, but apparently I got past whatever that obstacle had been. I reported excitement to finish the game so I could move on to Persona 4, but fifteen years later, I can confirm that I never finished either game despite playing dozens of hours of each.


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